Status: Active :)

What a Catch, Donnie!

Chapter 2: What Makes You So Special?

I volunteered to help the others out of the small boat, leaving me as the last one. His glass-covered eyes peered over the edge at me, blinking twice then holding out both hands. I took it, gratefully, standing and allowing myself to be pulled into the larger boat.

"Anyone else?" Patrick (That was his name) questioned, looking off into the horizon, only seeing the boat going down.

"That's it," I exclaimed, strolling to Brendon, hugging him lightly. No one spoke as we stared at the man; Patrick. He wore glasses, slightly too big for his face. He wore all white, with a black tie and shoes, and he was heavy set; pudgy, maybe, but certainly not fat. And he looked like he had been working hard before he found us. In all, he seemed like a nice person, even if that statement was just off of his appearance.

"You saved us!" Mrs. Ancho cheered, safely beck in the arms of her beloved husband. Everyone shouted in agreement, including me and Brendon. No one was as happy as I was that we got out of this alive. No one. Patrick grinned, cheeks now rosy.

"No need to be embarrassed, Patrick. We are completely in your debt," His eyes grew wide.

"How-How did you know my name?" he stuttered, clearly confused, trying to figure if he knew me from anywhere.

"She's psychic!" Brendon exclaimed before my mouth could even open. I hit him in the stomach, glaring.

"Brendon Boyd Urie!"

"What?! It's true!"

"Yes, but that is not a very good ice breaker-" I was interrupted by Patrick's laughter.

"Psychic? Riiiight," Everyone went silent.

"Patrick," I said, quietly, stepping forward. "I can see the future," Again, he chuckled.

"Sure you can. Look, future lady-"

"Donnie," I cut in. "My name is Donnie. Now, sir, I suggest you listen and have a little faith because, from what I have seen, you do not have much fun and you are quite lonely. I have visions of the future when needed. I saw the ship go down, I saw you coming, I saw you tell us your name. Patrick Stump, I am a psychic."

He was stunned as I stepped back to Brendon's side, putting an arm around his waist. No one has ever talked to him like that, I was guessing. He may have been an important person who everyone feared, not respected.

"I-I don't-"

"You do not have to say anything, Mr. Stump. We are all very grateful you decided to diverge from your path and, instead, cross ours." His eyebrow furrowed at my words.

"I see..." he trailed off, clearing his throat. "Well, I'm out here for another few weeks. There's not enough room downstairs for everyone, so, if you would be so kind: the men will sleep up here, and the women and children will sleep downstairs." Without another word, he walked through a wooden door and down a flight of stairs.

"I want to talk to him," I exclaimed quickly up to Brendon, blinking.

"I can't stop you, darlin'," he said, pushing me forward. I smiled, walking silently down the steps. The heavy door kept the beautiful sound of black and white keys from reaching the others ears. His voice echoed through the cabin, burying my ears in perfect song. I lingered on the last step, sealing my eyes, just listening.

"Don't you know it's not polite to eavesdrop?" My eyes flew open at the sound of his voice. I smiled, timidly.

"I apologize. But please do keep playing. You are very talented." he scoffed, turning back to his old, wooden piano and playing a few keys before mumbling a "Thanks" under his breath. I walked slowly to him, hearing his voice sent tingles down my spine.

"What is the title?" I questioned, stopping beside him. He glanced at me, moving slightly over. I sat down on the matching bench.

"'What A Catch,'"
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They say the captain goes down with the ship. So when the world ends, will God go down with it?~What A Catch, Donnie- Fall Out Boy.