Status: Updates might be slow... but please still read!!! =)


Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“And one-two-three, one-two-three, jump-two-three, one-two-three. Spin and then leap! Grace-two-three, one-two-three, jump and then lift! Turn and then--- NO!” The ballet teacher’s voice rang out clear as she disappointedly pressed ‘Pause’ on the cassette. “You cannot falter on the lift Damien,” she scolded, her French accent heavy, as it always was when she lectured. “Larissica must be able to have the grace and safety in the dance, but cannot if you falter on keeping her elevated! What if you dropped her? Disaster. Again!”
Larissica Jarent grinned at her partner, Damien.
“Don’t drop me,” she teased, as she twirled into his arms and then leaped with him holding her by the waist.
“Wouldn’t dare,” he grinned back.
“Jump and then lift!” Madame Carolette instructed.
Larissica jumped, and then Damien caught her by the waist and lifted her high up, this time keeping a strong hold as he turned around and set her down.
Ballet was Larissica’s life, heart, and soul. The momentum and grace in dancing invigorated her, and the dances and music spoke to her. Her whole life she’d been dancing, and when she became an adult, her dreams would come true when she received a dance scholarship to become a professional and love her career. Larissa’s confidence came from her dancing, so with anything, she was rarely afraid.
“Yes! Perfecto! Magnificent.” Madame Carolette clapped her hands as the music ended and the pair bowed. “Good work, Damien. Larissa, darling. Beautiful. You are a natural my dear. Just lovely.” She then raised her voice to address the studio. “All right everyone! Now, the ending ballet exercises. Place your right hand on one of the bars surrounding the room.”
Damien and Larissa chose a spot along with the other dancers.
“Reach out your left arm, stand on your toes, and reach, reach, reach! High up, as far up as you can stretch,” Madame Carolette instructed.
Larissa easily stretched high and tall and gracefully extended her left arm high in the air. Emma, one of her closer friends in the class, turned her head slightly to face Larissa.
“Do we have class next week?” she whispered.
“No, Madame Carolette is going away because a relative is sick, so not until two weeks,” Larissa informed her.
“Three,” Damien muttered behind her.
“Oh! Three,” Larissa corrected herself.
“Thanks Larissa!” Emma smiled gratefully and turned back to face outward.
“Now, left leg up! And bend your upper body and stretch your arms to touch your ankles,” Madame Colette continued.
Stretching in the position, Larissa bent easily in the direction, having practiced this hundreds of times.
“And we finish with fifth position and a bow,” the instructor smiled and bowed herself. And that concludes our class. Thank you!” Clapping, she then walked away to pack up.
“Just lovely, Larissica darling!” Damien mimicked, emphasizing his friend’s whole name.
“Shut up Damien, you know I prefer Larissa,” she glared kicking him in the leg.
“Hey, only kidding, only kidding,” he snickered as they walked to the bathrooms to change out of their leotards.
A few minutes later, Damien emerged from the boy’s bathroom in a graphic T-shirt and jeans. He waited for Larissa to emerge from the girl’s bathroom, dressed in a green dress shirt that hugged her waist, beige pants, her dirty-blond hair tumbling over her shoulders, and make-up freshly applied. Then, they began walking together down the stairs from the studio and out into the street, which was calm and peaceful for early evening.
After a moment of silence between the two, Larissa spoke.
“You going to that big party Friday night at the Warehouse?” she asked.
“Of course. You want to go together?” he asked in return.
Larissa smiled a dazzling smile, no trace of blush on her face. “Sure.”
“Great,” he replied. “Pick you up at 8?”
“Okay. Hey, did you hear about what happened to the football team?”
“What?” Damien asked.
“Someone totally trashed the locker rooms. No one knows who did it,” Larissa informed him. “I hope they don’t trash the baseball ones too at that field.”
“Oh geez, they’d better not,” he hoped, worry on his face since he was on the baseball team.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll catch the person!” She patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Oh! We’re at my place already. Well, see you tomorrow,” she smiled at Damien before stepping through the door of the large apartment building.
“Later,” he waved, and then walked down the street.
Larissa watched him leave, sighing with happiness. Then, she texted her friends Rachel and Nellie.
“Guess what? Going 2 go with Damien to the party!!!” she sent as she walked up the red-carpeted stairs and down a hallway.
“Aw, that’s so sweet!” Rachel replied with.
“Nice! This party’s going 2 b mega-sweet.” Nellie sent.
“Ttyl guys,” Larissa sent, and slid her phone into her back pocket before opening the door to her family’s apartment. “I’m home!” When no one answered, Larissa grew impatient. “Anyone home?” she yelled, walking the whole floor.
Larissa’s family lived in an expensive apartment building, which meant they occupied a whole floor to themselves, which included a sizable kitchen, living room, three large rooms, a guest room, and two bathrooms. Thus, at times, Larissa was a bit snooty, but was occasionally grounded from being taught that having money didn’t mean you were better than others.
A light thudding on the floor caused Larissa to turn around and watch as her four-year-old little sister, Jenny, came running out from her bedroom dressed in a tutu with a wand and crown.
“Issa!” she squealed, jumping up and down. “Pick me up, pick me up!” she whined.
“All right, all right!” Larissa groaned, picking her sister up and holding her on her hip. “Try La-ri-ssa Jenny, can you do that?” instructed, smiling at her little sister as she waved her wand around.
“Rissa!” Jenny replied.
“That’s a start!” Larissa laughed as her mom entered the living room.
Her dirty-blond hair tied back in a barrette, Amy Jarent stood in front of her daughters wearing a crisp black suit that fit her figure well.
“Hi honey,” she smiled. “I’m off to a meeting for about an hour. You can handle Jenny right? Your father will be home late from work, so don’t wait up for him. I should be back in time to cook.”
“Sure. We’ll be here,” Larissa nodded. “Bye mom!”
“Bye you two!” Amy kissed Larissa and Jenny on their cheeks, hugged them, grabbed her briefcase, and left the apartment.
“Wanna play with me?” Jenny asked her sister hopefully.
“Maybe later, kiddo,” Larissa replied, ruffling her sister’s dark brown hair, which she had inherited from her father. Then, she set Jenny down.
“Please?” Jenny made a pouting face and stuck out her lower lip.
With a sigh, Larissa relented. “Okay Jenny, what do you want to do?”
“Play!” Jenny squealed.
“Play what Jenny?” Larissa asked.
“Play!” she giggled.
“Play what?”
“Uh!” Larissa moaned, sensing that this was going to be a long hour.
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