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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick-Plunk!
A pillow sailed over from a bed and collided with the clock on the wall, sending the noisy contraption into silence.
For the moment in which the pillow found it’s mark, Jace grinned. Perfect aim. When his second of glory ended though, the grin slipped from his face and he pushed his dark brown hair out of his eyes.
I can’t believe that I can’t sleep again. Mom’s going to freak, think that I’ve got some condition.
Rolling over on his side, Jace propped himself up on one elbow and looked outside his window, fully awake. Then, he noticed his basketball.
As an experienced and intelligent basketball player, Jace Evermell was one of the jocks in his school. Not that he was full of it. He had some good friends that he hung out with from time to time, guys like him that played with the same heart as he did. Usually, he was talkative if someone struck up a conversation, but otherwise he kept to himself, always wanting to move, always thinking. Jace was very close to jumping out of bed and heading outside, but then thought otherwise.
If I go outside, mom will hear and I’ll be in big trouble.
Suddenly, in the quiet household, Jace heard a tap on his window. Looking up, he noticed that in the house next to his had a small light on in the window across from his. Jace grinned. Cory. As quietly as possible, Jace pried open his window and sat on the ledge as Cory, his neighbor and good friend, pulled his window up and sat down as well.
“Hey man, what’s up?” Jace smiled, keeping his voice low.
“I should be asking that,” Cory replied. “Can’t sleep again?”
“Yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong,” Jace shrugged. “Why are you up Cory? It’s two!”
“I knew you’d be up Jace, simply put. So I just thought since we were both up, may as well talk.”
“About what?”
“Seriously, I have no idea,” Cory snorted. “I wonder if Caitlyn’s up. Should we wake her?”
Caitlyn was also one of Jace’s close friends and neighbor. Cory’s and Caitlyn’s families shared a house, so Cory had the top floor while Caitlyn had the bottom floor.
“Nah, let her sleep. She’ll be p.o.ed if we wake her up,” Jace grinned, shaking his head.
“Too late, you two. Geez, do you guys ever shut up?” a voice whispered. Then, Caitlyn’s window slid open and her head popped out with her light brown hair, glaring up at Cory, and then across at Jace. She sighed. “You guys are so loud.”
“Well, no one’s awake yet, are they?” Cory protested.
“True, I guess,” Caitlyn smiled a bit. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Nothing,” Cory and Jace told her in unison.
“Right. Right, I believe you,” she sighed again. “Okay, I’m going back to sleep,” she announced. “Go to bed you guys.” She closed her window shut.
“You know, I was thinking about playing some basketball tonight,” Jace informed Cory. “What do you think?”
“My mom would kill me!” Cory replied, putting up his hands. “You’re on your own, man. I would, but then I’d get grounded for a month. I was thinking about how funny Caitlyn looked in her pj’s.”
“You’re on your own Cory,” Jace laughed lightly. “Night.”
“See ya,” Cory told him, and closed his window.
After closing his window, Jace sat on the edge of his bed.
Good, it’s Friday tomorrow. Or… today? Then we can just-
Tap! Jace moved to his window again and saw that Cory was motioning for him to open the window.
“Dude, you’re going to the party tomorrow night, right?” Cory asked.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure!” Jace smiled at his friend. “We can carpool.”
“Carpool is good. You taking anyone?”
“Other than myself, no. You?”
“Do you think I should ask Caitlyn?” Cory asked tentatively.
“Sure man. Go for it,” Jace supported.
“Really?” Caitlyn’s voice hissed through her window.
“Hey!” Cory protested, looking down at her. “You were listening.”
“Your voices are so loud, it’s hard not to,” Caitlyn reasoned. “And yes, I’ll go to the party with you. Incoming!” She popped her head back into the house and closed her window just as the door opened in Cory’s room from where Jace could see.
“Cory!” a voice hollered. “You’re supposed to be in bed, it’s a school night! Close that window now!”
Jace laughed silently as he watched Cory shutting the window and receiving a lecture from his mother. Then, for the night he closed his window and lay back on his bed once more.
So I guess I’m going to that party after all tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be fun. I know some of the guys are going too. Everyone’s going. Unless something happens and mom doesn’t let me go…
Jace’s mother, Tina, loved her son without a doubt. However, it was unconditional that she loved her work as much as Jace himself. Tina Evermell was in politics, which meant she had little time to spend with her son. She did spend money for presents on Jace though.
Unfortunately, Tina never really realized that Jace wasn’t entirely happy. Sure, he enjoyed and appreciated the presents and freedoms he received. Nevertheless, presents weren’t enough for him to fully appreciate his mom. She was there for all the important events, but never for minor ones.
So, Jace was left with his dad, Marcus Evermell. Marcus was a good father to Jace; he rarely lost his temper, he was a patient man, and he knew how to support his son. Jace and his father regularly spent time together riding in Jace’s father’s truck.
Maybe I’ll just go for a ride in the truck…
Making the decision, Jace pulled on jeans and a green t-shirt, crept upstairs from his bedroom in the basement, and snatched the keys to his dad’s truck, which were hanging on a nail next to the door. Keeping extra quiet with the door, Jace jogged down the driveway, started the truck, and backed out of the driveway, keeping the headlights off until he was on the road where the lights wouldn’t attract attention.
Jace heaved a sigh as he drove carefully down the empty road. He checked the time ---- quarter to three o’clock already. Jace didn’t know where he was going, but he made turns every now and then, as if he were trying to shake off a person following him. He remained quiet.
So much was running through Jace’s mind in that moment.
Then ----
A small figure darted across the road in front of Jace so quickly; he slammed on the brakes, resulting in his body being thrown forward and him hitting his head on the wheel.
“What the-,” Jace rubbed his head and looked up just in time to glimpse the back legs of a rabbit disappear into the brush.
“Stupid animal,” he muttered, clearly over the shock. He checked the clock after another few minutes. 3:25.
Carefully checking in his rear-view mirror, Jace turned around in the road and made his way back to his house without any more encounters. When he snuck into his bedroom though, the light turned on and Jace’s parents stood there, waiting and frowning.
“Honey, where were you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? And a big thank you to MissSexxiiBunnii for giving me my first comment!!! =)