Status: Updates might be slow... but please still read!!! =)


Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Larissa shouldered her backpack and smiled as Rachel and Nellie sidled up next to her near the end of AP History.
“Hey guys!”
“Hi,” they both replied in unison.
“So what’s the deal with Damien?” Nellie propped her chin up on the palm of her hand.
“Nothing Nellie, we’re just going to the party together!” Larissa gently pushed her best friend’s arm.
“Uh-uh, it’s more than that. It’s weird how you two have been together, yet you’re not together,” Rachel mused.
“Yeahh, the way you put it, it sounds weird,” Nellie agreed.
“Okay, maybe something’ll happen tonight,” Larissa told them, waving her hand. “See you Rach,” she added as the buzzer rang and her and Nellie headed off to the same class.
As they walked the halls, Larissa and Nellie passed by Damien and his friends. He hadn’t spotted her yet, when she saw that his group had purposely knocked into one student into a locker as he walked past them. Hot-faced, the student recollected himself and walked on as the group laughed. Then, Damien spotted Larissica with Nellie, and he walked over grinning as if nothing had just occurred.
“Hey Larissa.”
“…Hi. Uh, got to get to class.” As she made a weak attempt to maneuver around him, he took a step to his left and blocked her.
“Hey, everything’s cool, right? We still going to the dance tonight?” he asked, although she could see a faint coldness in his eyes as he sweetly brushed his hand over her cheek.
“Yeah, of course we’re going together!” Larissa managed, forcing an overenthusiastic smile. “But seriously Damien, I’ve got to get to class. See you later, ’kay?”
“You bet,” he smiled, and headed off with his friends.
“Okayyy…” Nellie stated once Damien and his buddies were out of earshot. “Either some kind of weird, evil force has now inhabited Damien’s body, or he’s just turned into a complete jerk.” She glanced back quickly, frowning. “I certainly wouldn’t go with him tonight, but your choice. Maybe it’s just a guy thing?”
“I don’t know. I guess maybe he’s just nervous or something,” Larissa muttered as they walked into Biology.
“You’re late Miss Jarent, Miss Anderson,” the teacher, Mrs. Quenton, scolded. “I’ll let it slide, but next time it’s lunch detention for both of you.”
“Thanks, sorry,” Larissa and Nellie murmured before slipping into their seats in the front. Then, they snuck small smiles at each other, knowing that Mrs. Quenton never went so far as scolding.
“Okay, so who can tell Larissa and Nellie what we were discussing?” the teacher in mind asked. “Josie?”
“We’re talking about Punett squares and genetics,” she replied promptly.
“Right. So we know you’ve done Punett squares before, but as you know now, we’re going deeper and deeper into the true meaning and complications of comparing and configuring the possible outcomes of genetic crossings. So I want you to just take out the homework from last night and we’ll go over the answers and I’ll take any questions that you have.”
“Darn it,” Larissa muttered, and Nellie shot her a questioning look.
“I was kinda up all night with Jenny. She kept me up and I forgot all about it!”
“Here, copy mine,” Nellie offered.
“Thank you Nellie! Gosh, but look. Jenny bit me!” And as Larissa turned her arm to show her friend, Nellie fought to burst out in giggles.
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Finally got another chapter out! If you think it's short, it's intentional ^.^ Comments? =) This chapter is dedicated to MidnightMask for commenting!!! Thank you!