My Teddy Bear


“Brother Jordy!” dodging people in the air port running towards the tall blonde standing by a pillar, hearing a groan as I call out again I smirk and tackle him into a hug.

“I hate when you call me that.” Catching us from both falling he sighs, “It makes me sound like a monk with horrible parents who don’t know how to name their child.”

Giggling I let him go and grab my carry on. “You are the only one that complains about the names that I gave out. Brother Eric, Brother Marc and Jare Bear all enjoy their names very much.”

Mumbling something along the lines of, that’s not what they told me, he rolls his eyes and starts walking out.

“You stupid aren’t you going to help me!” dragging my three suitcases behind me I chase him.

“Nah you got it.” Opening the trunk for me he smirks and then jumps up to the front of his car starting it up.

“This is why you are the stupid ass.” Mumbling I throw my stuff in the back and jump in the passenger side. “Mom would kill you for not helping me.” Mumbling a few not so nice names at him, I hear him chuckle and glance over at him.

“And those words coming out of your mouth would kill mom. She would lock you up and you be allowed near you amazing brothers again. Well that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

“You ass.” Smacking his arm I glare, “ just stop here and ill get my stuff out and I will go stay with Max while I am here.”

“Hell no, you are not staying with him you are staying with me and that’s final.” Mumbling to himself I smirk lean over and kiss his cheek.

“You know I wouldn’t do that.” Smiling at him we sit in peace, with the music in the background, for a while till we pull up to his apartment complex.

“You moved?” glancing at the build I raise my eyebrow.

“Yup closer to the rink, and its bigger.” Jumping out of the car he heads towards the door.

“hey what about helping me!!?!” going to the trunk I start pulling my bags out just to watch him smirk, wave, turn back around and walk in the doors and out of my site.

“What an ass hole!” slamming the door I start to drag my suitcases with my towards the door. Just as I reach it swings open and hits me in the head.

“Are you okay! I am so sorry”

Rubbing my head I notice a hand appear in front of me, I follow it back to to find a man about Jordan age. Taking his hand I give him a small smile blushing lightly. “its fine my brothers have hit me harder.” Picking up my bags I notice one is missing And find it in my hand of the man.

“Here just wait here ill help you with your bags it’s the least I can do since I hit you.” Giving me a smile I blush a bit more, “let’s get going shall we?”

Following him through the open door we head to the elevator.

“Oh shit,” whispering to myself, “I am going to kill him.”

“Something wrong?”

Glancing up at him I nod my head, “my brother never told me his room number, he just moved here so I have no clue where his place is anymore. I am going to kick his fucking ass so he wont be able to have kids.”

Hearing a chuckle I blush again and glance up at him. “Well we could go to my friends place and just chill there and see if we can find your brother.”

“Well let me just call him first okay. Maybe he will pick up and stop being a dick.” Turning away from him I pull out my phone and hit speed dial 1. While it rings I take time to really look at the mystery man. His brown hair is covered by a black beanie, his amazing brown eyes shine in the light as he waits for the elevator, his large luscious lips look great for kissing, he is about 3 inches taller then me, his tone arms look great for protecting and his ass its just mhmm.

Hearing yelling from the phone drawls my attention back to looking for Jordan.

“Hello?” saying it about 5 times I finally hear a dial tone from the other end. “shit.” Feeling him glance over I shove my phone back in my pocket.

“No luck?”

“No the shit picked up was yelling at someone who wasn’t speaking English, then hung up.”

Hearing the ding I see him nod his head saying lets go. Picking up my bags I hang my head really upset about how Jordan is treating me that I don’t realize till its too late the man had stopped and I ran into him. Blushing I glance up at him, “sorry.”

“It’s okay. Soo what’s your name?”

“Well ill tell you if you give me yours first.”

Laughing a bit I notice his cheeks flush slightly. “My names Sidney.” Sticking his hand out I take it smiling.

“Nicole, it’s nice to meet you Sidney. Hopefully you will be my first friend here in Pittsburgh. Since my brother probably wont take me out anywhere.”

“I would enjoy that, but what brought you to Pittsburgh. Well besides your brother? Are you moving in?”

Watching his cheeks flush some more I smile. “well I don’t see my brother often since he seems to always be annoying since he is like a year and a half older then me, so I usually go with one of my other three brothers. One lives in North Carolina another in New York and the other one is in Florida right now.”

“Oooh cool that kinda reminds me of someone’s family I know.” Shrugging we walks out into a hallway on the 11th floor.

“So since you said your visiting where are you living right now?,” rubbing the back of his neck he coughs and gives me a loop sided grin, “You don’t have to say anything I feel like I’m prying.”

“Its cool, well I am studying over sees for my nursing degree and I’ve decided to come visit, and well I was planning on moving in but if he is going to be an ass I might go somewhere else.”

“Well you could always just come and chill with us I mean we are pretty cool.”

Giggling at his nervousness I smile, “ill keep that in mind.”

Once the doors open I notice that we are on the 11th floor and snicker to myself.

“Well here we are.” Pushing open a door he steps in and sets my bags at the door.

“Dude finally your back, we all thought you got lost. Did you grab the movie?”

Looking around Sidney I notice three heads sitting on the sofa with a hockey game on.

“I would never get lost shit heads. I ran into someone who needs help.” shrugging off his jacket he rolls his eyes.

“Well that’s not a reason to forget the movie!!”

Looking around I hear more voices coming from another room and the smell of pizza, popcorn and beer sitting in the air. I continue to hide behind Sidney when a voice rings out through the air.

“Who did you find-?”

Smirking as a blonde haired man appears in front of us I walk straight up to him clenching my fist. I walk up to Jordan and punch him square in the jaw. “You fucker.” Turning and ignoring the stairs from everyone in the room I walk out the door and sit against the wall in the hall. Smiling to myself as the last thing I hear is the guys laughing and one speak up, “Damn she has good punch.”

Pulling out my phone I dial the familiar number and wait for him to pick up.

“Hello young one.”

Rolling my eyes I laugh, “Hello yourself, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What would that be? I might be able to do it, if I get the who, what and why.”

“Okay so it’s Brother Jordy-“

“Oh I’m in what do I need to do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so hear is the beging the rest will be up tomorrow and Geno will show up in the next chapter. :D enjoy!

ps. comments please!