My Teddy Bear


“Who was that?” Max walks in to the room noticing the bunch of boys on the sofa laughing and holding their sides, and Sid standing near the door and looking back and forth between the door and Jordan.

“Max, the it has come. The it has come.”Picking up his ringing phone Jordan goes to the kitchen to get some ice for his face.

Blinking a few times Max’s face lights up and he starts to laugh to himself. “How did I not remember she was going to be here?”


Pausing at the door Max shrugs his shoulders smirking and walks out into the hallway.

“Okay who the hell was that?”

“Maybe some pissed off girl from a bar or something.” Marc shrugs looking around at everyone else’s confused faces.

“Well, know for one thing Jordan look like he umm, see ghost.”

“Yea Geno is right Jordan looked-“

Hearing a phone drop and not so pleasant words coming from the kitchen the confused bunched watches as Jordan runs past them and out the door.”

“Okay for real what is going on, Max had that lok in his eye and Jordan runs out of here like a bat out of hell.”

Glancing around they all run for the door to see what is going on.


A few moments I hear the door open and close I look up expecting to find a piss of Jordan yet I finds the rather amused face of Max Talbot. “MAX!” tackling him he falls back into the wall catching us both like out an aggravated grunt.

“Why is it that every time I see you or get near you I get some type of bruise?”

Giggling I kiss his cheek and smile, “Only because I love you so much that I don’t want you to forget about me when I leave!”

Grunting and rolling his eyes he pushes me away from his body and cracks his back. “I could never forget about you ma belle amie.”

“Well you never know since you never answer my messages any more.” Pouting slightly I punch his shoulder.

“Hey now I’ve been busy.” Wiggling his eye brows at me he smirks.

“Ewe I didn’t need to hear that!! I am guessing this is why Jordan said I couldn’t stay over with you?”

Barking out a laugh he shakes his head. “I am guessing this is the reason for you hitting him, petit monster?”

“Well kind of but not really. He was being an ass and not helping me carry my things for me to the car or when we got here he left me on my own! I got hit in the face.” Pouting I glare at the French man when he starts laughing. “It’s not funny you know, even though he then did bring me up here to find the little bitch face himself.” Smirking I shove Max a bit as he still laughs.

“I think you ruined his ego in-front of the guys there missy.”

“Omg, so that was some of the team! But they were so hot!” Smirking evilly at Max he looks puzzled at first till he figures out my master plan.

Before he can say anything though the front door is flung open and Jordan slams the door closed and walks over to me.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me that you were fucking pregnant! You don’t keep that from family! Does mom know? Do I need to beat the shit of this guy?”

Rolling my eyes at him I turn to Max and wink giggling a bit.

“What the hell is so funny? This is not call my baby sister was thrown on the street by a fucking fucker and didn’t tell me!”

Wrapping my arms around him I start laughing. “Wow you are the one who always over reacts. You need to chill out and think for a bit okay.” Backing up from him I give him a stern look. “Now do you think its really possible for me to have a thing growing inside me when the only boyfriend I had was 7 years ago and you guys kicked his ass for trying to get in my pants.”

Jordan cocks his head to the side and then goes and picks him up throwing me over his shoulder. “I knew Max was full of it but I can never be too careful. And now you are going to be locked in your room forever.”

Lifting my head up I glance at Max with a panic look on my face.

“Jordan come on man it was a joke for you being an ass lets kiss and make up don’t keep mon petit ange away from me!”

Feeling the body under me shake as laughs tremble through his body I smack him. “You are such an ass!”

Hearing a cough coming from the door and some snickers Jordan turns to face them and smiles. “Hey guys.”

“Would you care to explain what’s going on?”

“She has nice ass.”

Blushing I feel Jordan grow tense and throw me down and behind him. “She is off limits got it guys.” Staring them all down I place a hand on Jordan’s shoulder feeling him relax a bit I smile and walk out behind him.

“Hi guys I’m Jordan’s twin sister.” Doing a small little wave I give a nervous chuckle.

“Hey its nice to meet you Staal hasn’t talked about you.” Stepping up first was Sidney sticking his hand out for me he smiles. “Well for official meeting you. And don’t let your brother know about what happened before.”

“No worries captain its safe with me.” Smiling I see another man come up behind Sidney and push him aside.

“Hello my name is Marc-Andre Fluery. I should probably call Vero so she can kick Jordan’s ass about not talking about you.” Now mumbling to himself he walks away pulling out his cell.

Looking over at Jordan he smiles and shakes his head.

“Are you two just going to sit there and not introduce yourself?” Max pushes a man with long hair that looks lovely for sex towards me as he blushes and gives a cute little smile.

“I’m Kris.”

Blushing I shake his hand and shake it. “Hi.”

Lastly a large man a far almost foot taller then me steps for forwards and smiles. “ My name Geno.”

Giggling at his accent and broke English I hug him. “Your like a giant teddy!”

Rolling his eyes Jordan pulls me away from him. “Now its time for her to settle and sleep you guys can stay but shut the hell up.” Dragging me along behind him I wave at Geno and the guys watching myself stair at Geno till I was pulled down the hallway.

“Your not going to be dating any of them okay. I Know you hear it from like us everyday and everyone says don’t date but I am for real okay I know what lives we have and how we act okay and mom would kill me if something ever happened.”

Rolling my eyes I shove him out. “I already hear this from Marc and Eric and Jare through his two cents in okay just let me go.” Kissing his check I shove him out and smile looking around. this is a new beginning I cant wait for this to start
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could be better i think there will be one more part :) let me know what you think leave comments lots of them please please!!! it helps me!! okay soo sorry about the french if any of its wrong

ma belle amie = my lovely friend
petit monster = little monster
mon petit ange = my little angel