The Bet

Chapter 1

"The cross dress social is next week on Thursday! I'm hoping you'll all be attending..." Mr Yaminachi blabbed on.

"Are you going Riku?" Sora asked.

"Of course, you're not?" Riku asked back.

"Nah, those socials are boring as!" Sora shook his head.

"That's cause you can never get a girl to go with you." Riku teased.

"Just because I don't flirt around with every girl, does not mean I can't get a girl." Sora said unimpressed.

"Prove it!" Riku whispered in the brunette's ear.

"I bet you I can get the girl I want to go with me to the social to come before you do!" Sora said.

"How much?" Riku said, interested.

"$10" Sora offered.

"You're on!" Riku grinned.

Just then the bell rang, and as the two boys walked out, they shared one thought.

"Oh shit, what am I going to do!"

When Sora and Riku got to English, Kairi came rushing over.

"Hey Riku! Can I talk with you alone?"

"Sure Kairi, Sora can you go grab us a seat?" Riku asked.

"Yeah..." Sora said as he walked off, but what he really thought was "Damn I've already lost this!"

"So, what's on your mind Kairi?" Riku asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well me and Namine made this bet on who can get the date they want first and..." Kairi started.

"And you want me to talk to Sora?" Riku guessed.

"Would you?" Kairi asked.

"Of course Kairi" Riku sighed.

"THANKYOU!" Kairi said a bit loud.

Sora, who was at his desk, looked up and saw Kairi blush really bad.

"Yep, he has won." he mumbled to himself.

At that minute, Riku came over.

"Hey, seeing as we're friends, I'm gonna help you out with this bet, if you like Kairi, ask her, she'll say yes" Riku said.

"Didn't she just ask you out?" Sora asked, confused.

"Hahaha are you joking me, she's bonkers for you Sora, she wouldn't ask anyone else." Riku smiled at Sora's stupidity.

"Really, thanks. I would help you but I would have to name half the school." Sora fake laughed.

"Well, I am ridiculously good looking!" Riku said, running his hands through his hair.

"Oh get over yourself!" Sora just rolled his eyes.

Riku just laughed.

After class, Sora and Riku were walking out to the canteen when Kairi came running past crying. Sora grabbed her arm.

"Kairi, what's wrong?" Sora asked.

"N...Nothing!" She sobbed.

"Kairi come on, you can tell me anything." Sora said

She just shook her head.

"Okay, how about you and me go and eat lunch then, just the two of us." Sora smiled.

Kairi just stared at Sora and went "o... okay then"

They walked off over to the beach. After a while, Sora opened his mouth.

"Hey Kairi, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the social next week?" Sora asked.

"Really? I'd love to!" the girl hugged Sora.

Riku's POV

As I watched Sora and Kairi have lunch, my heart broke. Not because I had lost the bet, but because they looked so happy together. Before I can go up to walk away, Roxas stops me.

Normal POV

“You okay Riku?” Roxas asked, concerned.

“Yeah, fine.” Riku answered, dusting off his jeans.

“So, has Mr “I have half the school in love with me” chosen a date for the social?” Roxas asked.

“Nah, probably not going anyway.” Riku faked a smile.

“Is this because you lost that stupid bet with Sora, because the only reason Sora is even going next week because of you.” Roxas said.

“No, it's cause of who he asked out...” Riku mumbled as he walked away.

Sora's POV

After having lunch with Kairi, I ran off to my next class, which was PE. I was really excited because last lesson we started our athletics classes. But all my excitement was gone as soon as Mr Rinichi opened his mouth.

“Today we are going to be starting our dance classes in preparation for the social.”

Immediately, the girls started squealing.


I look over at Riku who gave me a look of “Please kill me!” I just laughed and got up to get ready when Mr Rinichi opened his mouth again.

“There are too many boys, so Sora, Roxas, Tiddus, you're going to be girls for the day.”

“WHAT? NO WAY!” me and Riku yelled at the same time.

I stared at Riku, and I wasn't the only one. The whole class was all looking at him

“I mean, I know Sora wouldn't want to be the girl, so how about I switch with him.” Riku quickly said.

“Riku, you are too tall! Now everyone, get in your places!” Mr Rinichi yelled.

I decided not to fight back and just get into position. I go over to Axel, who is trying not to laugh his ass off at the fact Roxas has to be a girl too.

After a while, I make it around to Riku. All of a sudden I felt nervous. But then I looked as his horrified face and smile.

“They that bad?” I asked.

“Yeah.... hey Sora, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“I lo....” He started.

“Riku and Sora, keep in time!” Mr Rinichi yelled.

I walked off to Wakka. And poor Riku was stuck with Selphie, the head of the Riku fan-club.

The night of the social.

“Kairi, how the hell do you fit into this!” I yelled, trying to fit into the short dress.

“It's suppose to be a tight squeeze! Do you want Riku to notice you or not?” Kairi hissed.

It had been a couple of days since I dumped Kairi and told her about Riku. And now I really regretted it because she still made me go with her. The worst thing is she already knew. She had gone through my stuff and read my diary. That's why she was crying. She was upset I didn't love her any more. And now she wouldn't let me forget it. God damn bitch!

“Fine! I'll wear it!” I yelled.

After what seemed like years in hell getting my clothes, shoes and make up done, we finally got to the social. But of course Kairi had a plan.

“Oh crap! Sora I've forgotten something! You go in without me!” She yelled.

I decided I would listen to her. But once again, I regretted it. I walked through the door and everything stopped. Everyone was looking at me in shock. Then Riku turned around and dropped his glass.

“So...SORA?!” he said, walking over.

The music started again. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

“H... Hey Riku.” I said.

“Wow Sora, you... you look great.”

“Thanks, I see you didn't bother with the theme.” I tried to laugh.

“Nah, um, you wanna sit down?” he offered a seat.

“Sure.” I said, sitting down.

After a while, Kairi came over.

“Hey Sora, you wanna dance?” she asked.

I was about to accept when something happened. Riku snapped.

“No! He is going to dance with me!” he hissed.

Before I knew it, Riku had grabbed my wrist and was dragging me towards the dance floor. It started to hurt, so I pleaded.

“Riku! You're hurting me! Let go!”

He didn't listen, he just kept dragging, so I slapped him.


“Sora.... I'm sorry.” he said, letting go.

“Just leave me alone!” I said running out into the foyer.

As I was running, Riku stopped me. He grabbed my arm and forced me to face him.

“Sora, just listen. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought if I asked, that you'd say no.” he pleaded.

“OF COURSE I'D SAY YES! GODDAMN IT RIKU! I LOVE YOU! Oh crap!” I said, covering my mouth.

“So... Sora? Why didn't you tell me earlier?” he said, letting go off my arm.

“Because you would of hated me like what you're going to now...” I said, tears running down my face.

“Shhh Sora, don't cry, I would NEVER hate you.” he said, wiping my tears.

“You wouldn't?” I tried to stop crying.

“Of course not, I love you.” he said.

The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and my feet were off the ground. And right there, in his arms, the moment was perfect.

“I... I love you too... Riku.” I said.

Normal POV

As Riku stood there with Sora in his arms, he smiled. Everything was perfect. Then he noticed Sora wasn't responding.

Riku's POV

“Sora?” I asked. I looked at him. He was blue in the face. “Sora! Oh crap!”

I quickly ran to my car. I buckled Sora up and drove home. I put him on my bed and waited. After a couple of minutes, his face went back to its usual colour. Then Sora slowly woke up.

“Ri...ku...I'm... sorry...” he said.

“Shhh, get some sleep.” I whispered.

He smiled and turned back over. It was so peaceful that I just watched him until I fell asleep.

The next day.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard Sora come out.

“You finally up sleepy head?” I asked.

“Yeah... I had the weirdest dream last night, you said you loved me.” he said.

When I heard that, I felt upset. He couldn't remember it actually happening.

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yeah, it was no where near as good as the real thing.” he said, kissing me.

I smiled. And blushed. I just felt so happy knowing this was real.

“You know, we never had that dance I wanted.” I said.

“Well, we still could.” he said.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Have the dance, we could do it now, that's if you want.” he quickly blushed.

“Of course I do.” I said, turning on my stereo and grabbing him.

As the song “Nothing On You” started, we started dancing. But before I knew it, the song was over.

“Oh and Riku?” he said, smiling evilly.

“Yeah?” I asked, worried.

“You owe me $10.” he grinned.

“Hey! I went with who I wanted too!” I yelled.

“Yeah but I said I love you first!” he pointed out.

I decided I wasn't going to win, and handed over the money and kissed him.

“It was still the best bet I ever made.” I smiled.

“I love you Riku.”

“I love you too Sora.”
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dont own the characters, hope you enjoy