Status: done

my weird dream

1st and last chapter!

lastnight i had a weird dream.okay it started out like this. i was on the playground with the cast of Degrassi. but the thing is i was at a bording school. so Munro Chambers (Eli) walked up to me and asked me out and i said yes. so i asked if i could get on his back and he said yes. so i was on his back until lunch. after lunch i caught him cheating on me so i dumped him. next thing i know im on a beach. and there they are. right in front of me i see... i see my chemical romance. they acked me if i wanted to go on the rest of their tour and of course i said yes. but i said dont fall in love with me that is all i ask of yall. i could be yalls girlfriend and that is all. so wht does Frankie do? he asked me out. i told him not right know. i cant handle a relation right know and next thing i know i see tears starting to form in his eyes. so i gave in and said yes. he so happy. so i got settled in. and when i did i asked Gerard if he could help me die my hair. he said yes. he said wht colors. i said black with red tips.he said after that was done i straitened my hair and after that i came out and asked Frankie if he liked it and he said yes. we di not have much time together cause they had a consert in like 45 mins. so wht we did was we sat on the couch together wiith me in his arms. so when we arrived to the consert it was crazy. the last thing he said to me was that i was the only hope for for him and that ment a lot to me. the good thing was that he was the 1st one out on stage so it gave me time to talk to Gerard. i asked if they could open up with the only hope for me is you and he said yes. i said give me a mic. and he did. when thay play the song, i walk out on stage and was singing to Frankie the only hope for me is you alone. after the consert we all went out to eat. of course i sat by Frankie at dinner. he was still in shock that i sang to him. so Gerard asked him if he was okay and he said yes. he told me that he loved me and i said i told you not to fall in love with me. i darted out out the resteront. i looked back and when i did i saw him get up from the table and Gerard said dont do it . let her cool down alittle bit. so he sat back down. i got on the couch and grabbed a pillow and started crying. i cryed myself to sleep that night before they got done eating. i was asleep when they got on the bus. when Frankie got on he got his night cloths and got on the couch beside me.they said that i was sleeping for 2 days. when i woke upitold Frankie that i loved him 2 and he gave me a BIG hug. but he said i dont love you like i did yesterday and when he said that i ran to the bathroom ans locked the dorr behind me and cryed my eyes out. next thing i know Gerard is knocking on the door. he wanted to know if i was okay and i said no. he asked if he could come in and i said yes. he said the rewhy Frankie said that he does not love me like he did yesterday was because of wht i did the other night. and i told him that that i did not want yall to fall in love with me.he asked me out and i said i guess so. i felt better. he gave me a really BIG hug. we walked out. well he walked out. i stayed and straitened my hair and did my make-up to get ready for the next consert. we got there i sat backstage all night that night. we went out to eat. i sat by Gerard. when we got done eating we went on the bus. Frankie asked me why i doing wht i was doing and i said cause you dumped me and he said that he was rehursing for the consert and i saig Gerard told me the real reason. and he said oh well im srry for hurting your feeling. he gave a BIG hug and i said that it is okay. he after he hugged me, he gave me a kiss and when Gerard saw that he looked like he wanted to cry. so when he went to the back of the bus i followed him to see if he was okay and he said yes with tears in his eyes. i said no you arent. he said how do you know. i said im smart. he that he was okay. i said are you shore. he said yeah.i gave him a BIG hug. he said with tears running down his face thank you. he hugged me and never let go. Frankie walked back there to see wht was going on and Gerard asleep with me still hugging him. i asked to help me get him in his bed. after that i was so tiered that i almostfell asleep in the hallway. but Frankie helped me to the couch. we were all tiered. Frankie had a headache from all the head bagging he did that night.