Status: Active:)

If Only

Things Are What They Seem

"Things aren't always what they seem."

Mom always warned me that every time I tried to jump to strange conclusions so I would remember to stop and analyze the situation. But now, as I stare at my best friend, let me correct that, ex-best friend playing what looked like the world championship game of tonsil hockey with some red haired girl, I have to assume that things are indeed what they seem. There he is standing in front of the school, Shawn Johnson, the biggest man-whore to ever exist as well as my best friend and the truth is that I happen to be insanely in love with him. My footsteps slowed as I tried to decide how I was going to approach this situation even though I should be used to this. Hesitantly, my feet began to move forward and I started to gain confidence as a plan formed in my mind.

With a smirk on my face I stopped in front of them, I grabbed them both by the back of their heads, and pulled them apart.

"OW! YOU BITCH!" Red-hair screamed at me.

Plastering a deceptively sweet smile on my face, I pulled Shawn towards me and wrapped my arms around him. Then while I was sticking my hands in his back pockets I turned an ice cold stare in the direction of the other girl. Her expression morphed when she saw me holding him, she looked disgusted with the fact that she was the other woman and turned her anger onto Shawn.

"Oh my God Shawn, you are such a pig!" she shouted as tears welled in her eyes and she stomped away into the crowd.

"Wow... now I actually feel pretty bad and we aren't even dating." Shawn's voice snapped me back to attention.

Pushing Shawn away, I punched him in the gut and smacked him upside the head which was only half of the things I really wanted to do.

"Shawn how could you do this again! We were supposed to hang out, you know, the two of us, like we used to because we're best friends and all. You need to stop bringing all these random girls out to hang with us, I don't need to see you and some slut going at it."

"Calm down Piper it won't happen again." Shawn waved his hand in the air dismissively.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? I'm plenty calm. And I don't believe you because you're about reliable as Wikipedia."

"Wait what?! Wikipedia isn't reliable? I've used that for all my papers since middle school." The look of shock covering Shawn's face made me snicker.

"See what I mean, you just proved it."

Shawn paused and lifted an eyebrow. My thoughts started to drift completely involuntarily as I stared at him 'cause he looked so attractive when he was confused, in fact, he looked attractive when it came to all facial expressions.

"How does me using Wikipedia prove anything?"

"It just does poo face." I stated while grinning and started walking away.

"Whoa there! Hold up a second missy!"

I turned around and found him running full-speed at me and before I could dive out of the way he tackled me and we went rolling down a small hill by the school. When we stopped moving his body was pressed against mine and he pushed up on his elbows. Our faces were so close that I got lost in his green eyes and we seemed to just stay there like time had frozen.

"There he goes again. Shawn and his Johnson have too much fun." One of Shawn's friends called out from the top of the hill.

"Just because Johnson is a reference to a penis doesn't mean I have sex with everyone." Shawn laughed and rolled off of me.

"I don't know, that seems pretty accurate..." I muttered.
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Tadaaaa :)
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