Status: Active:)

If Only

So My Bestfriend's A Bit Of A Hustler, What Else Is New?

We walked into our English class, me ignoring him, and sat down next to each other, oddly enough, Shawn switched all his classes to mine. Some people might think that’s a little creepy but you must give by best friend credit, even if he does make out with 93% of the girls at our school.

“Aww, come on, Piper! I said I was sorry! Come on Pipes” The nickname he gave me when we were kids brought me back to the old days when all we thought about was cooties and now all I was worried about was Shawn getting an STD from all the play he gets from different girls. I turned to look at him and bit my lip when he gave me his puppy dog eyes. God, he was so attractive.

“It just bothers me a little nit more than slightly that whenever we go to hang out, you have your tongue half way down a…” I paused when the girl he made out with last week walked by, winking at Shawn, my Shawn, “slut’s throat! Hello? Shawn, for the love of Christ!” But he wasn’t paying attention to me, but the girl’s ass swinging in such a way that should be illegal in several states, “Shawn!” I pulled at his hard arm.


“Why don’t you ever pay attention to me?” That got his attention. He slowly turned his head around so he was looking me in the eyes.

“Don’t pay attention to you? Pipes,” he called me by my old nickname, “I pay attention to you every day, every, hour, and every minute that we’re together,” I held my breath; I was hoping against hope that he might say those words. The words I say to myself every morning so that I never gave up on Shawn, “I remember.” But the moment soon turned from, ‘anticipation’ to ‘what a douche’ when he said, “So can you just let me check her out, who knows, she might get lucky tonight.”

I rolled my eyes, what else am I supposed to expect from a BFF whore? “I thought you didn’t double tap?”

“I already did her?” he questioned, looking shocked.

"Yep, remember? I walked in on you two when we were supposed to be watching Little Mermaid? I’m not gonna lie, that was a side of you I most definitely never wanted to see.” Complete lie.

“Oh, right, sorry about that again.” He looked sheepishly away with pink cheeks that looked so soft and led up to his emerald eyes. We locked gazes and I watched as his eyes slowly changed to a bright color of aquamarine. His hair lightly swooped in front of his face with every hair in place no matter what he was doing, or who he was doing. Then he suddenly blinked and they his eyes were back to normal and I kept my eyes down, secretly looking at his chest that showed his soft abs through his tight v-neck. God, I’m in trouble.

“Anywho, are we going to hang out after school, withOUT any unexpected guests?” I asked.

“Yea, meet me at my car,” correction: our car, we both bought a car that we shared, but he just thinks it’s his car, “Maybe twenty minutes after school,” he nodded his head to the black-haired wonder who was batting her eyes and puckering her lips, “Ya catch my drift?” he didn’t wait for a answer and started taking notes on Shakespeare.

“Yes, I catch your drift, but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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