Vampires Will Never Hurt You


“But, tomorrow? How will we get there? Where will we go once we do?”
“Everything’s already set. Arc has known of you since we met. He sent a Black Card. The card orders me to return to the castle with my vampire lover. I sent it back explaining the situation and requesting he gave us more time. Our time is up, I recieved a second Black Card the other day. A third and Arc assumed I had run away and sends a murderous search party after me, killing all in their way.” Drew explained. “I have two plane tickets for tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., another vampire will pick us up at the airport and bring us to the castle.”
I really should hate you.” I whispered under my breath.
“Yeah, you should.” Drew laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist helping me up. “Maybe that’s why I love you.”
“Anyone would hate you.” I exclaimed ignoring his 'would-be touching' comment. “You used me. You had it planned since you met me. I have no way of knowing if you even love me at all. You probably don’t anyway. I hate myself. Why should anyone love me?” I blinked back tears, but I refused to cry in front of Drew again. He remained calm and stroked my hair and spoke softly.
“I can die.” Drew uttered. “I can kill myself, and if I do it will be as if I never existed. You wil be human and never remember me. You will wake up back in your dorm at Cushing. Everyone will be so much better off....” Drew trailed off and took the knife from his converse.
“No!” I yelled grabbing the knife. “Please don’t. I’m sorry. Just don’t, if you so, I swear I’ll kill myself first, right now. I don’t know why, no matter how many times you keep hurting me, I’ll always still love you. So please, promise you won’t kill yourself.” I pleaded.
“Fine.... I promise.... just give me the knife.” Drew muttered. I handed it to him and he put it back in his converse.
“Drew...” I said changing the subject. “What will we pack? All our belongings were at the school. All I have is a can of spray paint, my ipod, $30..... and the note and rose you left me.” Drew turned red when I mentioned the note and rose. I wasn’t expecting that.
“It’s alright. Drew’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Everything will be at the castle, but for the rest of tonight, I guess we’ll get a taxi and sleep at the airport.”
“Okay, ummm... I’ve never been on a plane before though, and I get neusious easily.” I muttered blushing.
“Haha.” Drew laughed jokingly. It’s really not that scary. I thought living in a vampire hideout would freak you out, guess not.”
“No. I am. I just trying not to show it.” I replied.
“Charlotte, you can open up to me. You don’t always have to be so conservative. I can understand why you are, but I won’t mock you for your feelings.” Drew tried to reassure me.
“I, I know... but, I can’t help it. I’ve always been that way. You’re the only one who’s ever asked me if I was okay, then looked me in the eyes and made me tell the truth when I lied and said yes.” I stuttered.
“Well, I try my best!” Drew proudly stated with a huge grin and patted me on the back. “It’s getting late, let’s get a taxi.”
I nodded. I was on the verge of tears again, just from hearing his voice. I don’t even know why I can’t have a conversation with Drew and not want to cry. He took my hand and began to run smoothly and gracefully, manouvering around the trees. His jet black hair was blowing in the wind behind him and his pale face stood out against the dark night. Suprisingly, I could keep up. I never could run well before... was it because... I was a vampire?
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