Our Lives Are Different, but We Belong

Meeting Bobby

I awoke with a few hours before I had to meet Sam and Dean, so I headed for a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I did my makeup and decided that I would take a steady walk to Jimmy’s. When I opened my door I noticed that I had some mail; I went and checked to see what it was. It was my final notice; I had to be moved out by Wednesday or I would be arrested.

I walked through the park, and then down the high street and the finally reached Jimmy’s just as Sam and Dean were pulling into the parking lot. I smiled and waved as they pulled up close to me.

“Morning, how you feeling today?” Sam smiled as we walked into the diner.

“Okay I suppose; given the circumstances. You?” I answered.

“Same as you to be honest.” Sam said.

“What do you want to eat guys?” Dean asked.

“I’ll have a black coffee and a breakfast salad.” Sam said.

“Erm, can I have a white coffee and some pancakes?” I asked sheepishly.

“Yeah sure; I’ll be right back.” Dean said.

Sam and I sat at a table while Dean ordered our food. I had to force myself not to bite my nails and to sit still; I was so worried and confused. What was I going to do about my home? Dean joined me and Sam, and looked at me as if wondering what was wrong with me.

“What’s up with you? You seem off.” Dean asked.

“Nothing; I’m totally fine.” I forced a fake smile.

“You’re lying, I can tell. You look just like Sam does when he tries to lie.” Dean said matter-of-factly.

“It’s nothing, honestly.” I smiled still.

“Come on, we’re family; spill.” Sam said.

“Well, I’m kind of in a bit of trouble with my house payments and I kind of have to be out of my house by Wednesday, or I’ll go to prison.” I almost whispered.

Sam and Dean looked at me with shock and understanding on their faces; at that moment our food arrived. I took a few bits of my food as the guys looked at me, astonished.

“Well, we’ll have to work something out. You could come stay with us for a while I suppose.” Sam said happily.

Dean gave Sam a sideways glance, and then motioned for him to follow.

(Dean’s POV)

I walked into the men’s room and turned to face Sam.

“What the hell were you thinking,dude, telling her she could come stay with us?” I asked angrily.

“Dean, she’s been evicted. We can’t just leave her to fend for herself. Come on, she’s not a demon. She drank the holy water, ate from the silver cutlery and could walk straight through the devil’s trap that was on the ceiling of our room.” Sam reasoned, like he always does.

“Don’t you think dad would have told us about her if he wanted her to know about hunting?” I asked, still not convinced about telling Casey the truth.

“I think it would be safer if she knew. What if demons found out she’s our sister? She would know how to take care of herself and we could keep an eye out for her.” Sam said, his eyes flashing brightly.

“Fine, but if she doesn’t believe us, then we drop it and move on. We’ll leave her some money and hope she can find her own way in life.” I finally gave in.

(Casey’s POV)

They went into the male toilets, and were gone for around ten minutes before coming back with serious looks on their faces. They both sat down and looked at me.

The next two hours was filled with Sam and Dean telling the truth about their lives, about who they are and what they do. My head was full to bursting, with demons, angles and the apocalypse. I knew they were telling the truth, somehow in my mind it all made sense and I knew I trusted them and I knew that I wanted to help them.

We headed out to the car and we went back to mine so that I could grab my essential things. I grabbed a few outfits, my hair brush, tooth brush, makeup, a few books, my iPod and some shoes. It all managed to fit in a large duffle bag and a sports bag. Then we headed back to the motel, where Dean grabbed his and Sam’s things and checked out.
After we had gotten everything that was needed Dean drove us to a man’s house called Bobby; who I was told was a great man.

We pulled up to a house with a large front garden, but we didn’t park in front, we continued to the back of the house; which looked like a graveyard for cars. Cars of every description were piled up on top of each other in precarious columns.

The back door opened and a man around dean’s height, but much older and with a beard, stepped out and looked at Sam and Dean with a questioning look. Sam climbed out of the car and went to greet the man and Dean turned to face me in his seat.

“That’s Bobby, he’s a good guy, but make a good impression because he doesn’t like meeting new people. Don’t worry though, Sam and I got your back.” Dean smiled rather

“Okay, thanks for the heads up.” I smiled and went to join Sam, as Dean climbed out also.
Dean gave Bobby and strong man hug, and then stepped back to introduce me.

“This is Casey; we’ve just found out she is our half-sister. Oh, and don’t worry, we have tested her for everything we can think of; she is not a demon, possessed by a demon, a ghost or a ghoul." Dean prattled.

“Hi, nice to meet you; they’ve told me a lot about you.” I smiled reaching to shake Bobby’s hand.

“Hi, I hope it’s all good what you’ve herd.” Bobby smiled back, not at all how I expected him to be.

“Anyway, while you’ve been gone I’ve found a case for you to work on, not far from here. Men have been going missing in one of the Hotel Le Grande rooms. The women they have been with say that they never saw anything, and never heard anything either.” Bobby explained as he ushered us inside his cluttered house.

“Is that all you have for us Bobby?” Dean laughed as he cracked open a beer.

“What more do ya’ want?” Bobby asked.
Sam opened his laptop and began typing rapidly and loudly; Dean rolled his eyes and continued to swig his beer.

“Don’t offer Casey a drink they ya’ idjits!” Bobby said as he smacked Dean upside the head.
I laughed quietly, and stood up to follow Bobby into the kitchen.

“No beer for her Bobby! She isn’t eighteen yet!” Dean yelled into the kitchen.
Bobby looked at me and raised his eyebrows, as if not believing that I wasn’t eighteen. I gave a guilty smile and shrugged my shoulders.

“I’ll have lemonade if that’s okay?” I said, hoping for a beer really.
Bobby reached into the fridge, pulled a beer out and handed it to me with a grin on his face. I cracked open the bottle and walked into the room, where Sam and Dean were sitting.

“I said no beer!” Dean protested, looking up at me.
I smiled and sat at the side of him, glancing over at Sam as he was still furiously typing; his tongue poking out every few seconds.

“What else you know then boy?” Bobby piped up from the doorway.

“Well, the cycle seems to be once every ten years, around this time of year. They only go missing from rooms 698 and 598 and they are men between the ages of thirty-five and thirty-seven. So I’ve been checking the records and around seventy years ago the old building that used to be where the hotel is now, was knocked down and the hotel was built. There were no violent deaths on record; none of the builders, occupants or anyone. The only suspicious thing that I could find was two little girls went missing from the house opposite, but they were never found.” Sam said not taking his eyes off the screen once.

“So what are you thinking, ghosts, a demon, poltergeist?” Dean asked after swallowing his mouthful of beer.

“I don’t know; we’ll have to check it out to know for sure. I reckon we’ll be safe as we’re not in the age bracket and Casey is a girl.” Sam said bluntly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa who said Casey is coming?” Dean protested.
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