The Wolf

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Can you hear him?

He's lurking somewhere near the edge of The Woods. Crunch goes the leaf he crushed beneath his paw. Ahhh screeched the owl as it flew off into worlds unknown at the mere sight of this ghastly creature, this foul resident of the underworld. It is the Wolf, and he has come to claim what he wants.

Who is he? All of the beasts of The Woods wonder this as they look on, startled. What is he doing? He gracefully struts through the land, knowing full-well that he could take on any challengers. He notices the deer, the birds, the squirrels, and all of the beasts, save for the one bear that lived in The Woods, looking at him so he beckons them. With a coy smile, he tells them to encircle him for he is about to tell a great tale.

"Listen to me," said he, "Listen to me and listen well. The Woods is mine. I own it. It belongs to me." The crowd around him was silent. Surely, they thought, he is mad. One cannot own The Woods. Not all of it, anyway. Certainly not as much as he wants. But they nodded along, thinking this stranger was nothing more than a fool and that he would someday disappear.

"You are all welcome to join me. So long as those things are gone." With his large all-black head, he nodded to the birds who were all perched on tree branches. "They don't belong here." he said. "Do we have an agreement?"

The beasts nodded but in their minds laughed at him. A fool thought the doe. A loony thought the squirrel. The others, the beavers, the ducks, and the foxes, all wondered silently, He can't be serious.

With one last curling grin, he leaped over the smaller creatures and ran off to the other end of The Woods, where he was concealed by the darkness of the trees.