Status: in progress

Three Blind Mice

Three lost people, each one searching for what is important to them in a strange new world, wrought by a common tragedy.

Three separate paths, intertwining as they all flee from a common force, united by one enemy none can overcome alone.

Three people with three things to search for. One seeking vengeance, one seeking justice, and one seeking herself.

Three blind mice. See how they run.
  1. Memories
    Cherished things from times gone by, look upon them, and softly cry.
  2. Suspicions
    Alex Lordon is supected in his wife's ***.
  3. The Wells House
    The Officer Mike Duncan Tries to come to terms with what he saw in the house of Jenny Wells.
  4. The Mouse
    While seeking refuge at a motel, Alex examines the dead mouse he happened to find.
  5. The Attack
    Jenny recalls the events that occured within her house on the night of the ***.
  6. April
    Mike Duncan catches up to Jenny and Alex, and makes a startling discovery.
  7. Familiar.
    Jenny and Alex set out on the road toward a confrontation with the ones who destroyed Alex's life.