Status: in progress

Three Blind Mice

The Mouse

Alex Lordon
The Mouse

In just over a week, Alex Lordon’s life had been turned upside down. His wife and best friend were dead, his children were missing and he was accused of the crimes. He was on the run from the police, living out of a stolen SUV. He couldn’t been caught. There was no way he could let himself be caught. But to stay on the run, he had to keep moving. This thought was all that got him moving the day after he escaped the police. He had to find a town, and more importantly a place to stay.

He knew there was a town just a bit north of him, and it was small enough to hide in. He could stay there for a night, but he would need a new car the next day. He couldn’t allow himself to be tracked down. It meant he had to steal again, which he hated. It couldn’t be helped. He sat up and looked at the dashboard of the SUV. Scrap papers, some letters, a bill and some money he had found were lying on it. He had searched the car before he went to sleep. The money wasn’t much, but it may pay for one night in a cheap Motel. As for food, the back of the vehicle held groceries that the owner had just bought. Some of it must still be good. That would have to last a while.

He sat up in the driver’s seat and turned the key, beginning his search for the little town. He soon found the main road in a few minutes, and drove north. His whole world felt fake, like a dream he couldn’t wake up from. Nothing felt real but the pain he in his heart. He drove down the road in something of a haze, trying is best to concentrate on what he was doing. It wasn’t too long before the town was in view. It was a tiny place, but it had a motel which was all he needed. This was the type of place he had to get used to, living on the run.

He parking in front of the Motel, and walked in, still only half aware of himself. His clothing was ripped and bloody, but he didn’t care. He wanted to get a room, and sort things out. He walked into the little front office, and immediately drew the eyes of the woman behind the counter. His appearance made her nervous, but he didn’t care. He walked to the desk and dropped the money onto the counter. “I’d like a room for one night.”

The woman looked at him uncomfortably for a few moments, and then tentatively reached out and took the money if front of her. “Umm, well, yes sir. We have a room available. Let me get the key.” She turned away and was soon back with the room key in her had. She gave it to him and told him it was just off to the right of the office. He left the office, and began to move his things from the SUV to his motel room, along with the groceries from the back. He was done in only two trips.

He came in for the last time and shut the door behind him, taking a breath to steady himself. It was time to get started. He went to his bags and took out some things, which he spread across the top of a desk in the corner of the room. He stared at the objects, running his eyes from one to the others. A picture of his wife and children, a book of notes, a few newspaper clippings about the murder, and the dead mouse he found at the scene. These were all he had to go by at the moment, but they had to be enough. He took up a pen that was on the desk, and started to write some more notes. He looked at each of the items, analyzed them, wrote down anything important.

The Notebook was filling fast. He had a description of the scene, and a detailed description of his wife and children. Now he wrote the key points of the articles, and the names of those who had written them. He wrote in the names of Officer Duncan and Officer Fowler, and wrote a description of Jenny. He had to know everyone connected to the case as well as he could. When this was done, he turned to the mouse. This was the most enigmatic of his clues, but he had to keep note of it. There had to be a reason for it.

He took up his pen, and wrote a few lines to describe the creature. Small, white, and with no eyes. It was apparently long dead, with skin clinging to it’s ribs. There was little more of note, except that it had been hung on his door when his wife was killed. He put his pen down and went over his notes. He was in the middle of reading when a small noise made him look up. What he saw was beyond what he could understand. The mouse was beginning to twitch.

He reached out to grab it, but before he could it has off and running toward the door. Before he could catch it, he was caught off guard by the sound of the tableside lamp falling. Soon the room was in chaos as more objects began to fly around the room. He soon realized that the things were pelting the mouse. He ducked out of the way as broken glass, the note book, and loose clothing all flew at the mouse. He could simply not believe what was happening.

What happened next was almost to fast to process. There was a loud bang as the door was kicked in and someone entered. In one fluid motion they plucked up the mouse and narrowly avoided the glass. The intruder mumbled something he couldn’t hear, and the room was suddenly just as it had been. She walked to the bed, and sat down beside the shocked Alex. He knew who she was as soon as he saw her long brown hair and square rimmed glasses. He had never been happier to see her before. “Jenny,” He said it a muted tone. “You’re alive.”

“Thank you for noticing,” she said, before she got up and waked toward the door. “ I’ll be right back with my things.” Alex didn’t know what to say. His mind had never been quite so burnt out. He fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He heard jenny reenter with a few bags. “We need to talk.” Understatement of the year.