Status: in progress

Three Blind Mice

The Attack

Jenny Wells
The Attack

Jenny let out a long sigh, and tried to figure out what to say next. Over course, Alex was talking before she had the chance. He could be so rude sometimes. “We need to talk? I my wife was killed, my sons are missing, and until about five minutes ago, I thought you were dead! Not to mention that-” Before he could finish, she put a hand to his mouth, and he fell silent. It worked every time. Alex shifted position, and waited for her to speak.

“I know what’s happened Alex. You don’t have to scream it at me.” Her tone was measured and precise, with a hint of annoyance. She was trying for patience, but she didn’t really have much experience talking to people. In fact, out side of Alex, she couldn’t think of any personal contact she’d spoke to in almost a year. Maybe a bit more. Being alone was easier for her. She never liked people, because they always reminded her of family.

“Now if you want me to explain, I suggest that you shut up and let me speak. Things haven’t been great for me lately either.” Well that was the understatement. She knew it would only make him mad if she didn’t explain how she was alive, so she was going to have to give him all the details. Why is it that people never seem to accept facts without a story or explanation? That was just one more thing she would never understand. As she began her story, her mind drifted back to the scene. She was hardly aware of the Motel room anymore.

She was back in her house, and Alex was on his way over. Alex was the only person she could really stand. All others were painful to be around. They reminded her of the family she lost. Alex was never like family. He was easier to be around. She called him a lot, and he always came to her. But now he was leaving, and she was alone again. She never liked that part of shutting out the world. She hated being alone. Unfortunately, she wasn’t.

She made her way to the Kitchen and began to prepare dinner. She never ate very much. Just a little chopped chicken breast would do for now. She pulled the chicken from the fridge and got a knife from the drawer. Before long she was busy chopping. She didn’t hear the window in her bedroom open, and she didn’t hear the person come in. It wasn’t until she heard a book fall from one of her many shelves that she stopped chopping and listened.

A few more items fell, but the reaction was weak at the moment. This one wasn’t very dangerous yet. Unless this was some sort of trap. But without a doubt, it was one of them. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone. There was nothing to be done about it now. Jenny Wells would have to die. She couldn’t stay here anymore. She walked slowly toward her room holding the knife tightly. As she approached, more and more things began to fall. Glass broke in a nearby room, and her eyes darted to the direction of the sound. Soon sounds of glass filled the house.

They were toying with her. But not for long. In an instant the air filled with a whistling sound, and a sharp pain shot through her shoulder, and blood dripped onto the floor. At that she took off running for the bedroom. Whistling glass flew after her, and soon she was covered in cuts. Blood was dripping to the ground, and she knew that couldn’t be good. The scarlet red drops began to expand and contract like a living creature. She needed to end this quickly. As she ran into the bedroom, she saw a pretty blonde woman smiling slyly at her. She spoke with contempt in her voice.

“ I think you know why I’m here. You can’t run any further, little girl.” The woman raised her hand, and fire burst into being before her. Jenny was bloodied and weak, with glass all over her body. She wasn’t sure if she could fight, but she had to try. “Are you ready to die,” she said cheerfully over the roar of the fire.

Jenny began to whisper something under her breath, and raised the knife. Books began to fall from the shelves, and the smile fell from her enemy’s face. “You have one thing right. Jenny wells will die in this room.” She began to whisper again, and the books in the room began to fly. They pelted the blonde, and the fire began to wane. In rage the woman let the fire fade, and rushed at Jenny. The knife went in with a sickening sound, and Jenny ripped it out. In her own rage, she stabbed the woman several times, and slashed her throat. As she settled her breath and realized it was over, she began to cry. She had killed again.

She set the woman on the bed, and began to pack at a leisurely pace. There was no need to rush. If she was attacked, then the police were already busy. She wondered idly who it had been this time. Who was it that lost everything? She couldn’t worry about it now. She picked up her bags, and climbed out of her window. There was only one person who could identify her, and she could speak to him later.

It was later, as she spend her time stalking the shadows and waiting for a chance, that she discovered his predicament. He was the new victim, and he was blamed for her death. Well nothing to do about that. She waited in the forest as he made his escape, and guessed at the town he was going to. She walked through the night and slept in the forest on the outskirts of town. In the morning she rose and went to the town motel. She could tell that something was wrong, and found his room.

As she finished the story, Alex looked at her blankly. “So yes, those are the basics. Any questions?” Alex had questions alright, but what he needed no was to compose his own thoughts. There was something big happening here, and now he was in the middle of it.