Status: in progress

Three Blind Mice


Mike Duncan
Mike Duncan arrived later that day along the main road, and drove with his eyes wide open along the main road. It had been an uphill battle to get permission to pursue Lordon into the next town, but Duncan couldn’t afford to lose him. Something was happening here. Something had hurt people, and framed Alex Lordon. He couldn’t let this continue. He had always wanted to help people, to protect them. That was why he was a cop. But there was more too it then that.

He couldn’t help but think back to the events he had seen at Jennifer Wells’ home. He had been attacked by things he could not understand. He wanted to know why. He wanted to understand what these forces were. And to do that, he needed Lordon. So to that end, he drove to the motel and walked into the office. After a few moments conversation, he had a room number. He made his way to the room and knocked on the door.

A voice answered from inside. He knew immediately that it was Alex. “Come on in. It’s open.” Officer Duncan cautiously opened the door and stepped inside. In an instant, he felt something heavy come down on his head with great force, and fell to the ground, unconscious. When he woke up, the first thing he felt was the ropes on his wrists and ankles. He was in the tub of the bathroom, and Alex Lordon was in front of him.

“You know officer,” he said, in a somewhat distracted tone. “I’m really sorry about all this. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I never wanted to run from the law. I have just had a bad week, that’s all.” Duncan tried to answer, but his mouth was gagged with strips of an old T-shirt. From the other room, he heard someone sweeping up glass. He guessed it was a potted plant that had been in the room for decoration. Well that explained what had hit him.

“Now, what are we going to do about this? I can’t have you following me, but I don’t want to kill you either. That leaves me with very few options, Officer Duncan. Now I am looking for something. And I intend to find it. I want to know who killed my wife, and I want to find my boys. That’s what will happen to me. But what happens to you depends on you.” Duncan’s eyes were wide, and he feared for what would happen next.

“In a few minutes, my friend is going to come in here, and I am going to take off that gag. When I do, you are going to say if you will come with us, and help us solve our little dilemma. If you will, then great, you’re a good cop. And if not, well we have a plan for that too.” Duncan Ran the situation through his mind again and again. Ultimately he realized what he had to do. He would help them, if only to find out the truth he sought.

When the woman walked in and the gag came off, Mike Duncan’s jaw dropped. What was she doing there? He remembered his situation and choked out an answer. “ I’ll come with you.” The woman glared at him with anger that Alex had not seen in her before.

“No you won’t,” she said coldly. She turned away and began to walk away. Alex called to her and she turned back.

“What do you mean, no he’s not? He just said he’d help us!” Alex was surprised, and angry that she would deny help.

“We don’t need help from the police Alex.” She didn’t want to get into this.

“Oh so we don’t need the squad car, the resources, the extra set of eyes-”

Jenny turned to him in rage, and he took a step back. “We are Fugitives, Alex! Like it or not, the cops are our enemies, and we can’t have one with us!” She took a breath, and regained a calm voice. “Leave him.”

“But he’ll follow-”

“If he does, the we’ll kill him. Now let’s go.” Alex reluctantly agreed, and the two left Duncan, tied up in a bathtub. Even now, he lied there in shocked silence. How long had it been? Days? Years? More like a lifetime. He never thought he would see her again. Not after her parents and brother were killed. He was sure she was dead. But he would never forget her face. His mind went back to times of his childhood. To his first really good friend.

He remembered her smile, so unlike the glare she wore now. He remembered lazy summer days where they would walk together for no real reason, and to nowhere in particular. He remembered how it had all ended so suddenly. So Violently. He knew she had been missing from the scene, and for so long he wished that she would be found alive. That she would be ok. He never saw he after that day.

She was the reason he became a cop. He wanted to protect people. To save people. He wanted to see to it that no one would ever go through what she had ever again. It was his gift to her. His last gift to his very dearest friend. And now he had seen what he had always hoped for. He would never mistake her for someone else. He was absolutely positive. The woman she had just seen was April Masters, his first real friend, and someone he had lost so many years ago.

For many minutes he struggled to get out of the ropes. When at last he had, he stood up and left the room. Once he saw the parking lot, he looked for his squad car. It was gone. They took his keys while he was unconscious. His gun was gone too. He cursed to himself and went to the office. He had to make a call and get a car. He had to pursue them. Now he had even more reason to find them. All around him, mysteries were forming, and he would solve them. He had to solve them.