Dear My Closest Friend

Dear Jayn

2 May 2173

Dear Jayn,

Ok, breathing…

I actually don’t know his name. How bad is that!?!? I saw him in the halls one day, and as I looked over at him, I totally eat shit, my stuff going in all directions. I heard him laughing behind me, but he picked up my stuff and gave it to me. He was all sweet and was like, “Careful there Love” , like he was someone of the older days. Oh so amazing!!!

Well dude, that was the risk that you can’t avoid. Like, I know we were drafted, but like…people are gonna give you so much shit about it, and I mean that in a bad way. Either way, I don’t know what else to say. Except just like…do something that will make them know that you’re on their side, ya know? I remember some chicks in our classes being total bitches to you when the war started, because you’re half Rathian. You didn’t know that, you were just being your normal oblivious self haha but yea, when you did your whole speech thing that one time about rathians versus humans, they totally saw how you were dedicated to us.

Ewww…yea, I remember you telling me that now…isn’t there a ratio or something, time to traveler to time to universe? Or…something like that haha!

So wait like…there are like, 690 toilets? Jeezbius, how many people are on the Mercury?!?! It’s not a cargo ship, so it shouldn’t be that massive…or wait, is it a transport bay Alpha-Plus? I never got to see the Mercury, but I heard that it was something like that. Either way, that’s amazing.

19 girls? Dude, I’m a girl, and I don’t know if I could ever handle that. Like these guys…they’re all really old, so I don’t really hang out with them. Have you asked them what they do? Maybe you can test their knowledge ;-) haha I’m guessing they might be Escorts…you know, like the legal kind of prostitutes hahaha! What were they called…call girls, or something, like two hundred years ago. Bah, I need to brush up on my history. Without our (oh so yummy) history professor Mr. Mrecker, I honestly lost all of the stuff he taught us the instant I got on the ESS San Diego to come here.

Oh! So the unit I’m in, Zeta-13, IS in fact a stealth-bomber project. I’m working with THE MOST AWESOME PERSON (besides you) EVER! I’m working with Mr. James Edarn. Ya know, the guy that like, practically invented everything!! Weapon-wise I mean haha. Like, he invented that beautiful little handgun you gave me for my birthday last year the SJR21-F5. Speaking of which, remind me in a couple days to switch over to new capsules, the ones I have look a bit dim. That’s probably the one thing I don’t like about these guns – the capsules need to be replaced like, every seven or eight months.

Nyxy :-)

Mother God of Ariana, protect us all.