Status: active ;)

Because I Love(d) You

You Were a Mistake


So, dating you, I've realized, was a pretty big screw-up. H told me that you liked me, wanted to date me, and after Tour, I thought that for once, I could have someone who really really liked me. Was I ever wrong. I only saw you at school, and though I tried to organize a real date, you never wanted to go. I'm a die-hard romantic, and you couldn't relate. I had this, this idea of what it should be like to date someone, and you destroyed it.

I had to end it. You couldn't even face the facts that it didn't work. You were in denial about our relationship. I wish now that I'd never let H convince me of what she thought was right, but I did. And I regret it. You were a mistake, but I lost nothing to you. You never stepped outside of your comfort zone, you stayed in your little safe-box; you can't do that when you're dating someone. You have to try new things.

Good-bye, but I won't wish you luck. You probably shouldn't date until you've matured more. Say, college?

Yeah, no sappy adios here,
