Status: active ;)

Because I Love(d) You


Dear Zachary.

It's kinda sad how you can't see that I'm head over heels in love with you.

It kinda sucks how I see you every day with your girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, you guys are adorable, but every time I die a little inside.

It's kinda amazing how we agree on so many things. Like how our bio teacher scares the crap out of us with his random outbursts. How our English teacher wears absolutely UGLY sweaters every day. How the math assignment was really confusing.

It's kinda funny how we have so many inside jokes. You always make me laugh every morning with your Websters nazi sign. Boys boys boys.

It's kinda confusing why I still like you. You have a girlfriend. Congrats on one month. Wanna know the answer?

Because I love you.

the girl who's too shy to tell you.