Falling in Love

Chapter One

Harry's POV

I sat in English, tapping my pen slowly on my desk in boredom. The teacher hadn't entered the room yet, and the class was getting pretty rowdy. People were sitting on desks and chatting, or throwing things around screaming at others from opposite sides of the classroom. The fact that it was completely pouring down outside didn't improve my foul mood, and neither did the headache that I could feel coming on. Overall, it was a typical day in this hellhole I call a school.

Suddenly, the door opened and people scurried to their desks, rapidly siting down and attempting to make it seem like they had been their all along. The teacher, who was a middle-aged grouchy woman with ratty grey hair and a not so invisible moustache, walked into the classroom and sent poison glares at everyone who she caught out of place.
I was about the silently smash my head down on the desk in frustration, when I noticed that there was someone hesitantly following her across the room to the front of the class. As he nervously shuffled after her, I took in his slightly wavy honey blonde hair, styled so that it fell just above one eye. He was wearing tight black jeans and a plain white tee-shirt with a thin black waistcoat over the top of it, the tight material clinging to his torso. My eyes scanned down his revealed arms and I noticed toned muscles, not too big, but they were definitely there. From the way he held his head down shyly I could hardly see his face at all, but if his body was anything to go by I was sure that he was hiding stunning boyish good looks. Wow, English just got a lot more interesting...

The teacher clapped loudly to get everyone's attention, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into reality as she started to speak.

"Now class, we have a new student, and I'm sure you'll all make him feel welcome into our class and school. This is Douglas Poynter." She introduced, scowling at us as she spoke. I looked over at 'Douglas' and saw his cheeks redden at this. Even from my place at the back of the classroom, I could still here him mutter a small, "It's Dougie." But no-one else seemed to have heard him. Even if they had, I don't think any of them were particularly bothered; our school never accepted new kids very well.

"Now then Douglas, the only available seat is next to Harry at the back. Raise your hand Harry!" She called, and I bit my lip before putting my hand up awkwardly. Of course the only seat had to be next to me; my horrible day just wanted to taunt me with the realisation whenever I looked at him that he was probably way too far out of my league. In fact, I was pretty sure that he was in an entire league of his own.

The boy looked up to see where I was, and the moment his eyes met mine I felt like I couldn't breathe. His eyes were just the brightest, most stunning blue I had ever seen. They were so blue they were almost turquoise, and the dull lighting in the classroom seemed to catch them and make them glitter. I quickly remembered how to breathe again and the teacher sent the boy stumbling over to me, his gorgeous eyes suddenly focused on the ground again.
As he dumped his bag down and settled into his chair, I decided to strike up a conversation with this beautiful being.

"Hey. Dougie, is it?" I asked quietly, sending him a small smile. He glanced at me before blushing and stammering out a reply.

"Y-yeah, how did you know?" He asked, raising one eyebrow slightly as he struggled to maintain eye contact. Why was he so nervous? It was only me!

"I heard you mutter it when the old hag called you Douglas." I explained, chuckling. I watched his facial expression carefully, managing to catch the fleeting glint of surprise in his eyes.

"Oh, I thought no-one heard that." He laughed nervously, fiddling with the pen he had on the desk in front of him and staring back down at his hands. I grinned, he was just so adorable!

"Well, what can I say? I'm a good listener. I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Judd." I introduced, holding my hand out for him to shake. He smiled slightly, and when our hands touched a tingle ran up my arm causing me to gasp what I hope was inaudibly. He quickly shook my hand before setting the pen down and leaning his elbow on the desk, turning to face me slightly. Good, he was becoming more relaxed!

"It's nice to meet you Harry." Dougie said politely. Aww, he had evidently been brought up well.

"Likewise. I'm sure we'll become great friends." I smiled, nodding firmly as I made my statement. He let out the the first genuine smile I had seen him do, and my breath caught in my throat at how beautiful it was.

Suddenly, the teachers scratchy voice interrupted our moment.

"Mr Judd, do you want to share anything with the class?" She scowled at me, her eyes almost disappearing under thick, pointed eyebrows. I frowned, shaking my head.

"Then please refrain from distracting our new pupil from now on." She said simply before going back to teaching. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Dougie to find that as well as his school book, he had pulled a small notebook out of his bag and was writing something on it. I watched him until he looked up and discreetly slid the notebook along to me. I hid it from the teachers view as I read the message.

'She's a complete devil woman.' Dougie had written in a messy scrawl, a hastily drawn but surprisingly accurate devil face scribbled beside it. I chuckled to myself before writing back.

'I agree completely.' I scribbled before sliding the book back over to Dougie. I watched his face split into a grin as he read it and glanced up at me, causing me to grin back.

Maybe, just maybe, I could learn to like school from now on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! First chapter of a Collab I'm doing with the amazingly lovely Eleanor!
She adores Pudd, so I thought we should write something together xD
Hope you like it <3

Caitlin xx

(ps: update soon El!)