Falling in Love

Chapter Two

Dougie’s POV

‘He’s really cool’ I thought to myself, as I gazed at the breathtakingly handsome boy hunched next to me in this dreary and un-decorated English room, Harry was the only thing that made this room even the slightest bit interesting. I actually really enjoyed English lessons, but this was a whole new side to it!
I took in the features of Harry’s perfectly structured face. His neatly cut, but slightly tousled hair. I thought about His smooth and very kissable lips. I studied his dazzling, aqua blue eyes as they looked around coolly; he was more laid back than I could ever be. I admired this about him.
Good God, I had only just met this boy and I was acting as if I knew everything about him. ‘Pull yourself together, Dougster’ I thought to myself.
However, I had the strangest feeling ever when he leaned over me to reach something from my side of the desk. I felt the warmth of his body brush against me; it set butterflies off in my stomach. I had never felt this way about a boy before, I didn’t know if I liked it or not, It was very new to me.
I sat there staring at Harry for quite a long time while the grumpy teacher continued to gabble on in a dull monotone voice about onomatopoeia; I knew this topic back to front, it was getting to be quite tedious, now.
I was snapped out of my daydreaming mode quickly as the teacher had noticed I really wasn’t listening;
‘Mr. Poynter’ She accused, sharply. ‘What are you staring at? Is Mr. Judd really that interesting to look at?’
I was mortified…
Everyone was sniggering at me cruelly. I could feel my cheeks become scarlet. I hid my face behind my hand and frantically played around with my fringe in embarrassment. I could feel a small lump in my throat, as it seemed like everyone’s eyes were glued to me in a mocking way. I was the kind of person who’s eyes would well up with tears even if they weren’t necessarily upset, just extremely humiliated.
I swallowed down those tears and pulled myself together.
Lucky for me, the teacher decided to put that issue to one side and keep on about onomatopoeia.
‘Hey’ whispered Harry, softly.
‘Yeah?’ I answered quietly, without even glancing at the boy.
‘Don’t worry about that old hag… and as for the rest of them, well they can go to hell anyway.’ He spoke, with a gorgeous half smile on his face. It made my heart beat fast.
‘Oh, y-yeah, th-thanks’ I managed to stutter out quietly.
This boy was truly amazing! He was the kindest person I’d ever met in my life!
Then something really brisk, but wonderful happened…
Harry put his hand on mine and squeezed it tightly for a few seconds, and he had the most magnificent look on his face.
I think I had found more than just a friend in Mr. Harry Judd.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm loving this story so far.
1. Because I'm writing it with the AMAZING Caitlin!
2. Because it's epic, okay? ><
Sorry the chapter is short, I will write way longer one's next time, I promise.
I just thought that bit was the appropriate bit to end it on <3
Hope you enjoy <3