Sequel: Cold
Status: Complete

Lay All Your Love on Me


She was beautiful.
She was a singer.
She was soft.
She was sweet.
She was an angel.
She was popular.

She had stolen his heart without even meaning to.

Chase wondered why he hadn’t ever noticed these things before. He had known her for years now, but it felt like just now he was beginning to really see her. How was it that he had never before managed to notice how she always walked lightly, like dancing, even when she insisted she couldn’t dance? Or how she always lifted her little finger like an English princess, no matter what she was drinking? Or how completely delicate everything about her really was, despite the fact that she was the epitome of stability?

She, Anette, compelled not only Chase, but quite a number of the other students as well. She seemed to be a simple girl, but Chase and the others could sense that there were a great many things she wasn’t telling them. In fact, the only one who seemed to actually know her was her best friend, and he was one of the strangest things about her. For Anette was the head of the social ladder, the Queen Bee, as such how things happen when you go to a school of less than six hundred people. She could get anyone to do anything, but only if she wanted to. But her best friend was a loser, a nobody, the leader of the Nobody’s – Mikey. And they had a friendship that was so strong that it made Chase jealous.

He wanted Anette, badly – but Mikey stood in his way. How quiet and introvert she was when Chase tried to talk to her casually in class, and yet how she smiled and laughed and talked with animation when she was anywhere near the lanky boy with glasses and gelled hair. What did he have that Chase didn’t? Chase played four different sports – Mikey played bass. Chase was tall, strong, and charismatic – Mikey was medium height, wiry, and yet imposing. Clearly, Chase was the one Anette should like and Chase clearly deserved her. So why did she like Mikey so much?

Chase still had this question after all this time, but he was determined to answer it. He was going to win her over, no matter who stood in his way or how much heartbreak he had to endure.

She was worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for character development xD

Any er, comments?
