Status: FIN.

We Knew That We Were Destined To Explode

Twenty Three

Jon’s POV.

It had been about 10 minutes since Becca had left the club to answer a phone call and she still wasn’t back yet and I was now starting to get worried. I decide it was best to probably go outside and make sure everything was okay, once outside I didn’t see Becca anywhere and I started to get worried. I walked around for a few minutes until I saw someone lying on a bench shaking as inch closer I realize the person on the bench was Becca and I start running towards the bench.

“Becca is everything okay?” I ask picking her up off the bench and wrapping my arms around her and start moving in a rocking motion.

“No everything is so fucked up, my mom hates me, and I’m a fucking whore.” Becca says into my chest.

“You are not a whore, why would you say that about yourself?” I ask.

“Because it’s true, if I would’ve just kept walking the day you tripped me everything would be okay but no I had to look at you, talk to you, and fall in love with you.” She says with tears falling from her eyes.

“Why are you acting like this, just 15 minutes you were happy as can be and now you’re out here crying, who called you?” I ask.

“My mom called me and told me that I was pretty much a useless whore because E! News somehow figured out about us getting married.” She says.

“God dammit, but Becca listen to me you’re not a whore and I will fix this mess let’s just go back to our room and sleep it off and we’ll figure it out in the morning.” I say picking her up bridal style and started making our way back our room.

By the time I got us back to the room Becca was fast asleep in my arms so I decided it would be best to just let her sleep today had been a long day and I was ready for sleep to. I roll over to see the sun shining in my face and the side of the bed next to me empty. I start to panic until I sit up and see Becca sitting at a table that was next to the window looking out at the Strip and playing with the ring I had given her yesterday.

She looks over at me and smiles but I can see that she hardly slept her eyes are red and she has large begs underneath them.

“What are you doing awake?” I ask her getting myself up and out of the bed.

“I couldn’t sleep and I was just thinking.” She says turning her attention back outside.

“You could’ve woken me up; you didn’t need to see there all alone.” I say going over and pulling her up out of the chair and into my arms.

“I know, I just really needed to spend time thinking to myself.” She says looking up at me and I can tell just from looking at her face that something is wrong.

“Is everything okay?” I ask looking into her eyes which were bloodshot.

“Yeah everything is fine, there’s just a lot going through my head and I’ve been thinking about things.” She says.

“What do you mean thinking about things?” I ask getting worried.

“I’ve been thinking maybe we shouldn’t have done this maybe we rushed things and that I want to do something different with my life instead of makeup.” She says pulling herself out of my arms.

“What do you mean doing something with your life?” I ask.

“I’m thinking about going back to school I always wanted to be a journalist it was just I was good at makeup and I didn’t have to really do anything to get a job doing it so I thought it was the right thing to do at the time.” She says sitting down on the bed.

“Becca that’s great I will completely support you if you want to go back to school.” I say getting up and sitting beside her on the bed.

“Well that’s the thing if I’m going back to school it wouldn’t be in Chicago.” She says turning and looking at me.

“Well where would it be?” I ask getting worried.

“Well there are a few schools I’ve been looking into and I really want to go to UBC.” She says.

“What? You want to go to school in Vancouver!” I say getting slightly upset.

“Yes is there something wrong with that.” She says.

“No there’s nothing wrong with it, just where would that leave us?” I ask.

“I have no idea Jon; maybe we should just go get this annulled.” She says looking at me with a serious look on my face.

“You really want to annul our marriage after less than a day?” I ask.

“Jon I don’t know, I just feel like we should’ve thought about this, yes I love you and someday I want to be married to you but were both only in our early twenties there’s no need to be married now.” She says sliding the ring I had given her yesterday off her finger and placing it in my hand. “Give this back to me sometime in the future.” She says placing a soft kiss on my lips and getting off the bed and going into the bathroom.

I’m not going to lie if you would’ve asked me 12 hours ago I would’ve said I’m the happiest man alive and if you were to ask me now I’d say I felt like jumping off a bridge, the girl I’m in love with and had just married just gave me back my ring and told me to wait until sometime in the future and she’s thinking about leaving the city we both call home and go to school in a different country. I felt like I was going to get sick to much have happened this morning.

“Becca, can we please talk?” I ask knocking on the bathroom door.

“Jon there’s nothing to talk about I already called my job and took some personal time, I’m going home until I figure out what to do.” She says opening the bathroom door and walking out.

“So that’s it you’re just going to leave me?” I ask.

“Jon I feel like we’re a ticking time bomb it’s only a matter of time until we were going to explode.” She says.

“What if I don’t want to explode, what if I just want us to be together.” I say.

“I can’t do this right now, I just need some time I booked a flight when I was in the bathroom I’m going back home to Seattle while you go to Winnipeg maybe I’ll have enough time to get my head straight once the season starts and your back in Chicago. We don’t need to get this annulled we’ll just have a long distance relationship and if I decide to go back to school I’ll let you know when I decide.” She says walking up to me and wrapping her arms around me and taking my left hand and sliding the ring off my ring finger and placing the ring I had given her on a chain around my neck and placing my ring on a chain around her neck. “I want you to wear that there until we come back together and when the time feels right you can give it back to me.” She whispers in my ear before pressing a passionate kiss on my lips and I felt like I could die right there. How could she be running away from something that felt so right?

She pulls away from my grip and grabs her bag off the floor and zips it up before grabbing her phone and purse and heading towards the door.

“Becca don’t do this.” I say tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

“Jon I need to do this, I need to spend some time alone.” She says with a single tear falling from her right eye before she turns are walks out the door.

And just like that she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's coming to an end in one to two more updates but don't worry I've already come up with a sequel and I'm so excited that's why I'm making this come to an end because I'm in love with the sequel I have come up with so go subscribe to that.

I also wrote this part while crying watching Criminal Minds I had tears running down my face so I'll go through and edit it later.
I'll try to update sometime tomorrow but I'm taking my younger sister to see Monte Carlo so I dont know if I'll have time.
