
Chapter 1.

After drink. 
After drink. 
After drink. 
Until I feel nothing. 
After drink. 
After drink. 
After drink. 
That's better, now I feel nothing. 
I danced on the bar, focusing on the movement of my hips, a beer in one hand. The men whistled and hooted in approval. I closed my eyes, blocking out all the sounds except for the song playing. Paralyzer. I downed the rest of my beer. The song ended and I sat exhaustedly on the bar. 
"Gimme a bottle of Jack!" I panted. The man sitting next to my legs shook his head. I hissed. "Problem?" He looked up at me. 
"Nope," he responded, his British accent was thick and he had an untouched martini in front of him. "Jack just isn't very classy love." I snickered. 
"Nor is drinking a beer whilst dancing on the bar," I rolled my eyes. The bottle was set next to me by the bartender. 
"I suppose," he said,"Well, I'm Valentine love." I raised an eyebrow. 
"Valentine?" I yawned a bit. He nodded. "Cecilia." I gave him a cat-like grin. He pushed his hair out of the way, revealing ice blue eyes. I stared into them. 
"Cecilia, lovely name," he subtly waved his hand and I snapped out of it. 
"What was that?" I asked, the full force of the alcohol hit me like a train. My posture wavered. 
"Love, maybe you should go home," he said quietly so only I could hear over the noise of the bar. I shook my head. 
"I'm not going back there," shit, my voice was starting to slur.
"Can I take you somewhere else then?" he asked insistently. 
"Like where?" I asked and struggled to hold myself up. He stared at me. 
"Anywhere other than here," he mumbled. "Maybe the park?" I nodded, secretly thankful for the rescue. He put a hundred dollar bill under his drink and pulled me into his arms. I lay my head on this almost stranger's chest and fell asleep. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Tried my hand at a one-shot. Not too sure about it. :/
Working on another, hopefully it's better.