Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

Not A Hate Like It Used To Be



“-on’t care Gerard! You know you are not allow girls to sleep over!”
“Mom, she was in trouble! She could have died or something”
“I don’t care!”
“Well I do”
“...Did you have sex with her?”
“I said, did you. Have sex. With her?”
“No mom, I did not have sex with her!”
“Mom, dad, what’s going on?”
“Mikey, go back to your room”
“Oh my God, is that Elliott Haile, in your bed?”
“Yes, Mikey. It is, now fuck off!”
“Gerard, watch it. You’re already in trouble”
“What is she doing in your bed?”
“Go away, Mikey!”
“Your brother had sex with her last night”
“You what?
“No I didn’t! Shut up, mom”
“Don’t tell your mother to shut up, Gerard!”
“But I didn’t! I just found her, okay?”
“Well you seemed pretty close when I walked in this morning!”
“No we weren’t!”
“You were practically on top of each other!”
What?! Mom, this is Elliott Haile we’re talking about, that’s like making out with a Barbie!”
“Shut up, Mikey”
“Well then why did you take her home?!”
“Because she was in trouble!”
“You mean drunk?”
“No, well yeah. But she was basically unconscious, I couldn’t leave her!”
“I thought you didn’t like her?”
“I don’t!”
“Then why did y-“
Because I did, okay?!
What, Mikey!
“Uh-I think she’s awake”

I cracked my eyes open once I realised they were looking at me. The four members of the Way family were staring at me, Mikey and Don looked worried and awkward, while Gerard and Donna were fuming. Blushing, I realised that I still had my hideous outfit on from last night, and since the duvet was no longer on me, it was on full show.

Donna looked at me with apology, yet still with anger, before storming out of the bedroom, Mikey shuffled after her.

“I’m sorry about her. I hope you’re okay” Don smiled at me, before also walking out of the room.

It was now just Gerard and I, he was wearing a pair of black boxers and a plain white T-Shirt, his bed hair sticking up all over the place. He sat next to me, and we both sat in silence.

“Why am I here?” I asked quietly
“What happened last night, Elliott? You were off your fucking head, what did you take?”
I rummaged through the memories of last night, but couldn’t remember anything from when Aaron made me a drink. As far as I recalled, all I ‘took’ was alcohol.

“I don’t remember, I just remember drinking loads of cocktails. Why I am here?” I frowned. To be honest I literally had no clue, when I had awoken I assumed I was just at home, but after listening to the harsh conversation this morning, I realised I was at Gerard’s, completely unconscious of why I was there.

“Because I found you practically unconscious in an alley last night. I had to take you home, it’s not like I could have left you. Whatever you took was fucking strong, I tell you that”

“Oh. Uh – Well, thank you. I didn’t take anything though, not that I remember anyway. Then again I can’t remember much to begin with” I held my forehead, it hurt like crazy.

“You said something about Aaron” he turned to look at me; I couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Of all people, it was Gerard that saved me, I would have thought he would have left me; maybe he really did have a heart after all.

I sorted through the memories of last night again, small snippets of kissing, and struggling, and screaming flashed through my mind. I twisted my wrists, frustrated that I didn’t know what had happened. I never took drugs when I was drunk, that only happened when I was younger and experimenting, so I don’t see what would have happened differently this time.

“Fuck, what happened to your wrists?” Gerard grabbed one of my wrists, examining a dark bruise that covered it; it looked like an ugly bracelet. We both blushed once we realised that Gerard was holding my hand, he dropped it back into my lap.

“I think...I think I was like, drugged last night” I said truthfully, it was the only explanation.
“What, you mean like, spiked?” I nodded “That makes sense actually...But who wou-“Gerard stopped mid sentence, his eyes suddenly blazing in fury.

That fucking son of a bitch. I thought those were bruises on your thighs! That’s fucking sick, what an fucker, what an – Argh.
“What are you talking about?”

“Did he rape you? Fuck, I swear to God if he did I will kill him!” Gerard stood up and began pacing around his bedroom, glancing at me worriedly as he ranted.
“Gerard, I’m fine...I think. He didn’t do anything”

“Yeah, but he fucking tried too. Jesus, that is sick. Are you sure, should we go to a doctor? Shit, what do we do if he did?!” as he ranted, I continued to think. I remember biting him, and pushing him away, and running out of the party despite peoples attempt to stop me.

“He didn’t do anything, Gerard. I remember I pushed him away” Gerard stopped, and looked at me.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I stabbed him with my heel” he grinned at me, with a slight evil smirk. I smiled back at him, glad that he had finally stopped pacing, as it was making me nervous.

“That’s fucking brilliant, I hope he bled. Are you sure you don’t want to go to a doctor though?”
“Gerard, stop ranting!”
“I’m only trying to look out for you. I thought you were gunna die last night!”
“Well, I’m not dead, am I!?”
“Jesus, I was just being cautious alright! Stop being a bitch”
“Stop being paranoid!”
“You were nearly raped!”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t!”

“I could have left you last night, but I didn’t, did I? Despite everything you’ve fucking done to me, Elliott, I still helped you” I stopped shouting.

Oh God, he was right, I was being a bitch. I was practically attacked last night, and he could have just left me, but he didn’t.

“...Yeah, you’re right, I’m sorry Gera-“
“Yeah well, you’re welcome” he frowned, as me pulled me up “come on, let’s get some food” he chucked me a hoodie which was crumpled on the floor, which I gratefully put on.

Once we got to the kitchen, Don, Donna and Mikey were already in there, all three of them sipping cups of coffee.

I smiled shyly at them all, nervous of Donna, as I knew she was angry about my presence this morning. Donna looked back at me, I couldn’t work out her expression, and it was obvious that she was itching to say something to me.

“Mikey, I uh – need to talk to you in the living room, you too Gerard” Don said. The boys walked off, leaving myself and Donna alone in the kitchen. My heart was racing, worried about what Donna would say to me.

“Elliott?” I looked at her, she didn’t seem angry, she just seemed worried, almost frightened “Can I ask you something”
I nodded at her, glad she wasn’t shouting at me to leave her house, which is what I expected her to do.

“What exactly is the relationship between you and my son?” I blushed, and cleared my throat.

“We’re uh – We’re art partners. We were paired up by the teacher, I can’t say Gerard and I are exactly friends, but...But I don’t know. My drink was spiked last night, and Gerard found me, that’s the only reason I am here now” I looked at her face, smiling. I knew exactly what she wanted to ask, but she was embarrassed.

“You don’t have to worry, Mrs Way. I wouldn’t hurt Gerard. Like I said, we’re not friends, but...But I’m not Annie” her eyes widened, she probably didn’t expect me to know who Annie was “If I’m honest, I wasn’t happy about being paired with Gerard, and neither was he, but just because I’m a ‘cheerleader’ doesn’t mean I’m the same as the rest of them”

Donna walked brisk fully up to me, and engulfed me in a hug. I patted her back awkwardly as she whispered in my ear “Thank you” she let go and gave me a genuine smile.

“It’s a shame really, that you and Gerard aren’t a couple. I mean I know you’re on opposite ends of the spectrum, but you do look cute together” she chuckled. I just blushed deeply, and refused to make eye contact.

"But you didn’t...You know, have sex last did you? I know Gerard said you didn’t, but he's a boy, and I'm his mom, it would be awkward, you know?” my eyes went as wide as saucers.

“Oh God, no! No! I wouldn’t, not with Gera- Not that he’s ugly, I don’t mean that! In fact he’s very attractive – But I’m not like that. I’m not like a slut – No, I mean, not that I wouldn’t have sex, I mean, I have but they have to be, like, my boyfriend. And Gerard’s not my boyfriend. But no, Gerard and I – Just no! No! We just fell asleep” I felt like a bumbling idiot. Just, brilliant.

Donna just laughed at me “Okay, I was just checking”


“No. No! Noooo!!” I yelled in pain.

I was sitting on the edge of the bath in Gerard’s bathroom, while Gerard was attempting to prod the cut on my leg with disinfectant.

“For fuck’s sake, Elliott, man up!” he grabbed my bare leg, attempting to keep it still as he edged the cotton bud nearer my leg.

“I can’t, I can’t man up. I just ca- Ahhhhhhhh” I cried, as Gerard jabbed my leg, that stuff stung like a bitch. He smirked at my reaction as he cleaned my bloodied leg, while I withered around in pain. Once he’d finished he stood up.

“Got any more?” he asked
“Got anymore what?”

He looked at me like I was stupid “What do you think? Injuries you fucking idiot!” I glared at him, while he glared back.

“I don’t know, I think there’s one on my hip, and maybe one on my back?” I pulled the baggy hoodie over my head, so I was left in my revealing dress from last night. On my exposed hip was a large graze, some of which was covered by the fabric.

That meant I had to take my dress of to attend to it...

“You’re gunna have to take the dress off” I blushed, but Gerard was being deadly serious.
“W-what. But – I – In front of you?”
“I’ve seen a girl in her underwear before, Elliott. Come on, it won’t take a second, I don’t want your cuts to get infected”
“But –“
“Look, I’m not gunna stare okay? I promise”

I slipped the shoulder of the dress off, and wiggled out of it, the disgusting thing feel to the floor around my ankles. I was left in my black, strapless bra and black thong. I felt extremely embarrassed. The last boy that saw me in my underwear was Zayn, and boy did he enjoy staring. But as promised, Gerard admired my half naked body for just a second, before cleaning my raw flesh on my hip.

I moaned in pain, clutching the side of the bath and biting my lip to stop from crying out, but Gerard hit a particularly sore spot, and I groaned as the pain became too much.

Gerard stopped and faced me, throwing the cotton pad on the floor. His eyes level with my own. He was quite close to me, leaning in ever so slightly. We were both blushing, realising we were so close, but neither of us moved.

Our breaths were both hot. What is this? Why is Gerard not moving away?

Why am I not moving away?! I can’t stop looking in his eyes. What is this?!

The bathroom door opened and Mikey walked in. He stopped his mouth wide open. To anyone else our position did look a bit suspicious. I was in my underwear, with Gerard leaning over me, our faces close to one another.

“Oh my God! I’m sorry, I didn’t reali – Oh God. I’ll just go” he shut the door in a flourish, while Gerard and I sprang apart. Both of us blushing further, realising what might have happened if he didn’t walk in.

At that moment I realised, what was this? What was happening with Gerard and I? One minute we were fighting, our hatred on full view. The next we were having a tender moment, revealing to each other our true emotions. That wasn’t what hate was! We were meant to hate each other, weren’t we? I knew what my feelings towards Gerard were. I never understood why he hated me, so I was up for friendship I guess you could say, but I could never understand Gerard’s mind.

What did Gerard think of this? Did he still hate me? Did he now like me? Did he feel the same as me? Did he only hate me, because he was use to hating me? Did he in fact see that I was not as bad as he originally thought?

I never knew at that moment. All I knew, was that things were certainly changing, because three weeks ago, I never would have thought I would be half naked in Gerard Way’s bathroom, where we were so close to one another that I could feel his hot breath on my lips...

“Do you want me to uh – Take you home or anything?”
“Yeah, that would be great”
“I don’t think we should tell anyone about that, about what just happened there”
“No. No you’re right, I don’t know what happened” I let out a fake laugh, trying to make the situation less painful.

“Yeah, me neither. That was fucking crazy” he laughed back
“I mean, we’re not even friends”
“I know, we’re like fucking enemies” he laughed again
“Yeah, I mean I fucking hate you”
“Yeah, I still fucking hate you too”

And in truth, we both still did. But it was not a hate like it used to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh, a bit of a sexy chapter there for you ;)

Hope you enjoy it, please comment on it and tell me what you think :D

Thank you to all those who have commented and subscribed so far, it means a lot to me :)