Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

Just Obsessed With The Idea



As Gerard drove me home, I checked my Blackberry, in case anyone had tried to call me. And sure enough, I had several missed calls and texts. Some from Chloe, some from Tara, some even from Zayn, but most were from my parents. Shit! I hadn’t come home last night, they would be worried sick!

My heart began beating faster as we neared my house, what would I say to my parents? I couldn’t tell them that Aaron had spiked my drink and that I had to be carried back to Gerard’s house; they would never let me out again. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice when Gerard pulled up outside my house, and stop the car.

“Uh – Elliott, we’re here” he said, waving a hand in front of my dazed expression
“Wha- Oh right. Thank you Gerard, for everything” I brushed my hair behind my ear.

“No worries. But, let’s just not tell anyone. I don’t think it would go down to well” he smiled at me, his hazel eyes twinkling.
“Yeah, it would be a bit controversial wouldn’t it?” I grinned in amusement as I thought of what people would say if they knew where I had spent my night. He laughed with me.

“Yeah, but seriously, Elliott, you’ve got to tell someone. Aaron can’t get away with something like that. I mean sure, you got away, but what if he does it again and you’re not so lucky?” my smiled faded from my face, as I thought over last night.

I wasn’t upset or disturbed by it; I was just angry and shocked that Aaron would ever have tried to do something like that. I never thought he would be the kind of person who was so desperate he would resort to something like date rape. It also worried me that he might try and do it again, not with me, but with someone else. Sure, I managed to get away, but other girls aren’t as strong as me, they aren’t as fierce and determined. They would cry and whimper as they let Aaron have his way.

Gerard was right; I did have to tell someone. But who? I couldn’t tell my parents, which would just be awkward, not to mention they would freak out, as any parent would, and never let me out of the house again. My friends would just go ape shit. That or they just wouldn’t believe me. I decided, although I had to tell someone, I wouldn’t. What good would it do? Sure it would get Aaron in trouble, but not for long.

And what would happen to me? I would be forced to take tests that wouldn’t prove anything; I would become the centre of attention at school. With students feeling sympathy for me, asking me wherever I go whether I am ’okay’. Then there are my parents, they would refuse to let me out of the house, unless I was specifically going out with my ‘girlfriends’. And all for something that didn’t even happen. So I didn’t tell. I would just have to watch my back, and not let Aaron anywhere near me, or any other girl for that matter. I would just have to threaten him, which is a low thing to do, but sometimes people deserve it.

“Thanks again Gerard. I promise I’ll be okay, okay? I’ll see you around” I went to slide out of the car, but Gerard’s pale hand grabbed my own, I turned to face him, blushing at the contact.

“Wait, when should we do some more art stuff?” he didn’t remove his hand from mine. Maybe because he forgot to, or maybe because he enjoyed the tiny, almost invisible sparks that ignited from our contact.

“Um, well I have cheer practice tomorrow, but I should be done by about 6?”
“That sounds fine. The guys will be at mine, but I can tell them to leave-“
“Oh, no! You don’t have to do that, we can to Tuesday instead?”
“No, it’s fine. I want to do tomorrow” Gerard seemed almost shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. Embarrassed that he had almost admitted he enjoyed spending time with me.

I grinned at him, and said thank you again, before slipping my hand from under his and shutting the car door behind me. I waved him off as he pulled away, and made my way towards my house. I was completely unprepared to face my parents.


“Where have you been?” my mum said as soon as I shut the door behind me. My head shot up, only to see both of my parents standing in the hallway, with their arms crossed, identical scowls on their faces.

“Oh God, I-I’m sorry; I forgot to call and say I wasn’t coming home. I’m so, so sorry! I’ll never do it again, I promise” my father’s face softened a little, but my mother’s stayed as hard has rock.

“It’s not good enough, Elliott. We were worried sick when you weren’t here this morning. Where did you stay?”

My mouth opened and closed several times as I tried to think of a place I could have stayed. The obvious place being Chloe’s house, but why would she own a Bring me the Horizon hoodie? This is what I was currently wearing over the trampy piece of material that was called a dress.

“A-Angelica’s” I stumbled. She had an older brother. That would make sense; I borrowed her brother’s hoodie to keep me warm “This is her brother’s hoodie, I was cold”
“Jayden like’s Bring me the Horizon? The boy who claims that every guy who wears skinny jeans is a ‘faggot’.” one of my mother’s eyebrows raised as she examined the hoodie.
“Y-Yes! Of course he does, they’re well known for interpreting rap into their music, and so he just ignores their image” I lied. She just continued to stare at me, with her eyebrow still raised. My father had since gone, probably to make coffee or tea, anything to get out of the conversation between me and my mother.

“Okay, whatever. Just don’t do it again, okay?” and I did promise her. At least that was my parents over and done with, now I just had to face the wrath of my friends. How fun that interrogation would be.


“Where the fuck did you disappear to on Saturday?” Chloe said to me as soon as she saw me on Monday morning. Students who spotted me instantly began whispering to their friends while glancing with curiosity in my direction.

“I think I drank too much, so I went home” I lied. I was lying a lot later, but for good reason.
“Really? You looked like a fucking train wreck. I mean, I’m pretty sure you were bleeding at some point”

“N-No, no I wasn’t” I tried to make my limp less obvious as we walked to home room. While my injuries weren’t serious, the deep cut on my right leg caused me to limp slightly, but not enough for it to be very noticeable.

“Oh, well, whatever. I was so wasted at that party, I mean I think I danced on my dining table at some point” I chuckled along with her, but I was secretly looking through the crowds of people hoping to spot familiar hazel eyes. I was never sure why I was even looking; I guess I was just obsessed with the idea that Gerard and I may actually have been becoming friends.


Elliott. I told you. As soon as Tara jumps, that’s your cue. And it’s a double back sprint, not just a single!!” Chloe shouted at me. The entire cheerleader team were currently outside on the sports field, attempting to perform a completed routine. Chloe decided to give me, as well as Maggie some of the harder moves, as we could pull them off with excellent precision. However my injured leg was causing me pain, meaning I couldn’t perform these complicated gymnastic moves without my leg burning in pain.

It must be true when they say ‘everyone of the cheerleading team is stupid’ as not one member had noticed the scabby cut on my leg, even though I was in my cheerleading uniform, which is of course famous for its lack of fabric.

“Sorry, Chloe. I’m just finding it difficult today” I said as I massaged my leg.
“Well, maybe I should give the role to someone else? I can’t have you performing average moves, okay? I need perfection
“No, no, Chloe. I can do it. I just need a mo-“
Okay, everyone in position” I growled to myself as Chloe ignored me.

I got into position, and waited for “Lose Control” by Missy Elliot to kick in. We all danced, clapped, flipped and jumped in perfect synchronization, but from Chloe’s frowning face after the routine, I knew she wasn’t happy.

“Guys, come on! We have to get this right! Emma, you’re out of time with the rest of us...” a pretty yet stick thin girl whimpered at Chloe's criticism.
“...Farrah, work on your control. Your flips are sloppy...” a girl with long blonde hair lowered her head in shame.
“...And, Ellie, stop looking in pain every time you fucking move!! I know you’re not as, shall we say, healthy as the rest of us. But your extra fat does not stop you from smiling!” my face scrunched in anger.

I wasn’t fat, I definitely wasn’t as thin as some of the girls here, but I preferred having hips and boobs and being out of place, than having nothing and being accepted.

“Actually, Chloe, I’ve hurt my leg. It’s not because I’m fat that I’m grimacing” I said through bared teeth. She just shrugged.
“Yeah, well, whatever. Just smile okay? And fix your leg by next week, we need you”
“You can’t just cure a leg, Chloe. It needs time to hea-“
Okay, everyone, from the top one more time

I tried my best to smile throughout the routine this time, but it was even more difficult now that all I could think of was punching Chloe in the face. As soon as Chloe dismissed us I ran to my car, not even bothering to change. I just wanted to get away from her. I didn’t even take the time to say goodbye to Tara.

Right now I was almost happy to be going to Gerard’s; he would probably be better company than the girls at the moment. He could get even more vicious that Chloe at times, but at least I could be just as feisty back. If I dared act that way with Chloe, I would be humiliated in front of the whole student body immediately. She knows things that even my parents don’t know, and of course she used that to her advantage. That is just one of the reasons why I hate her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Number 16 as promised :) I hope you enjoy. The next chapter should be up by tomorrow or Wednesday. This chapter is just a bit of a filler before the next one :D

Thank you for reading :) xx