Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

I Couldn't Avoid Your Massive, ***ing Ego



'You make me feel, like I'm livin' a teena-‘

Brilliant. Thank you, Katy Perry for blasting your sweet music straight into my ear on a Monday morning. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, before realizing, that was my ring tone. I grabbed my Blackberry which sits next to my pillow, and answered.

"Hello?" my voice was croaky due to the fact that I had only just woken up.
"Hey, Ellie! You up yet?" one of my best friends (I use the word 'friend' lightly here) replied. Her name was Chloe Brown, and we had been 'friends' since the day I started high school two years ago. Herself and her 'gang' 'took me in' to 'avoid' 'social suicide' (But more on that later)

"Well, I'm up now." I said, rubbing my eyes some more.
"Good, because cheerleading auditions are on today, so we need you up bright and early to make sure you make the team!" her high pitched voice squealed. It was painful on the ears.

"Chloe, you know I'm going to make the team. You're the Captain. You said yesterday you were going to put me on the team even if I was the shitest one there"
"Well, duh! Of course I am. But we need to make it look as if you, like, y'know, made an effort. Because then it won't look-"

"But Chloe, how many times have I told you, I don't actually want to be on th-"
"Elliott! I don't give a shit what you want, you're the only one out of us girls who isn't on the team yet. How does that make the rest of us look? Hmm? Come on, Ellie, stop being so selfish. Do it for the rest of us. You might actually like it. Maybe you'll understand fashion a bit more, y'know? Like, understand why skirts are actually hot. Not like those gay jeans you wear all the time-"

"Hey! I like my jeans!"
"And maybe you'll get another boyfriend, someone better than Zayn"
"Zayn was funny! And he's on the football team"
"Yeah, but he's fuck ugly, Ellie. You gotta stop taking sympathy on people. You've got your popularity to think about"
"I don't give a shi-"
"Yeah well, whatever. Just, meet me at the Gym at seven, alright? And don't take the piss today, Elliott." and then she hung up. Great, she was already in a mood with me.

And meet her there at seven? What the fuck was the time now then? I glanced at my digital clock; the red lights told me it was 6:12am. Chloe woke me up at 6:12am?! No sane person gets up this early!

I stretch for a final time and look around my room. A lot has changed in two years. My walls are still the bright white they were when I first moved in, but they were now covered in posters of bands, and photos of my friends and I. My blue carpet was barely visible because of the amount of clothes, shoes, books, shopping bags, and pieces of paper that littered it. I had a bookshelf in the corner of my room crammed full of books, DVD's and CD's, all arranged in alphabetical order. Nobody was allowed to touch this book self. If one book was misplaced, I would never forgive the culprit. But remember my Pikachu? He still sits on my bed, or rather, at this current moment, on the floor. All of my other possessions that I've had since I was a child are crammed firmly under my bed, so that no body can find them. Particularly someone like Chloe, who I don't think would forgive me for still owning an entire collection of Pokemon cards.

I dragged myself out of bed and took a quick shower. I decided to dress casually today, just to piss Chloe off some more. It was important to dress according to the latest fashion, or else you were considered an embarrassment'. I tried to wear tiny skirts and tight tops as little as possible, but some times I'm was out. One of the girls would mention how I've been wearing my grubby sneakers for the last week, and not the cute pair of sandals I'd brought only a month before.

Today I decided to wear short denim shorts and a black hoodie, the faded picture once resembling the Doctor Who logo. Letting my red hair dry into its natural waves, I applied some light make up. I padded downstairs in some stripy socks and wrote a quick note to my parents to let them know where I had gone. As I said, no sane person gets up at this hour, so both my parents were still in bed. I slipped my old black Converse onto my feet, grabbed my bag and headed out to my car.

Just as I reversed out of my drive I realised I'd forgotten my phone. I ran inside my house, grabbed my phone off of my pillow, and ran back downstairs - nearly killing myself in the process - swung the front door open, and continued my journey to school.


I arrived at the school gym at 7:02am. I flung the doors open to the girls changing room and skidded to a halt. I had run from the parking lot in fear of being late.

"For fuck sake, I told you to be here at seven" Chloe said, appearing from behind me, making me jump.
"It's two past!"
"Yeah. One hundred and twenty seconds have now gone to waste-"
"Yeah. Right, sorry" I mumbled. I definitely wasn't in the mood for Chloe today.

"Put this on" she said, ignoring my mumbling. She chucked a blue and gold cheerleading outfit at me, and walked away. I quickly changed and made my way to the Gym.

"Um, Chloe, surely you should give me this uniform like, after I make the team?" I said, attempting to pull the short skirt lower down to cover at least a piece of my dignity.
"Just shut the fuck up, Ellie. You know you'll make the team" Chloe replied, removing a CD from its case and placing it in a stereo player.

"But, It's a bit of a give awa-"
"Ellie! Just shut the fuck up and do the routine!"

So I did. Five fucking times. By the time we'd finished it was 8.21am. I had nine minutes to get changed and get to home room.

I changed as quickly as I could, tying my hair into a pony tail and dousing myself in perfume. Luckily I hadn't sweated very much, but my face was bright red with a dull mist around my eyes from the exhaustion.

I dashed to home room, but still managed to be late. I once again flung the door open and saw the whole class, including my teacher, Miss. Collins looking at me.

"Ahh, Miss. Haile, nice of you to join us. Any excuse as to your lateness? Or does you arrogance allow you to believe you can be late to home room as well as all of your other periods?"

A few people in the class let out quite giggles. I caught Gerard Way's famous smirk in the corner of my eye (as well as Ray's massive afro)
"Um - Err. N-no, Miss. Collin's. I was actually training in the gym, I apologise. I didn't realize the time. I'm really sorry"
"Yes well. Just take your seat. Don't do it in future"

I practically ran to my seat. I saw Chloe was already in hers, twirling her blonde hair and sharing glances with my other friend, Angelica (who was just as annoying as Chloe, I might add). I thumped into my seat and put my head in my hands, trying to catch my breathe from running the entire length of the school. I only sat there for a few seconds before the bell went again. Chairs skidded on the floor as people got up to go to their next periods. Mine happened to be Maths. Joy. I was good at most lessons, but maths just killed me. I didn't understand how figuring out the value of X and Y would help me later on in life. But, that's high school for you.

As I was heading to my locker to grab my books, someone knocked my shoulder as they passed. I noticed it was Gerard. He turned around and hissed into my ear "Sorry, baby. But it seems I couldn't avoid your massive, fucking ego" before stalking off down the corridor. I bore evil glares into the back of his head. Stupid prick.

I should tell you a little bit about this whole 'ego and arrogance' thing. I have somewhat of a reputation. As I have said before, Chloe and her 'friends' (Angelica, Tara, and Maggie) took me in on my first day. Why? I'm not too sure; I guess they considered me a play toy, an experiment if you will. And in my desperate attempt to become accepted into this strange new culture, I let them. My skin was tanned, my shirts were tight, and my make-up was thick.

I got a boyfriend, Zayn. He was a bit of a dick, and wasn't entirely nice to me. But he was popular, and so was I. That was all that mattered. But I found out that he cheated on me. Four times, so naturally I dumped him. After that I decided I didn't necessarily care about how I looked anymore. So I let my skin wash back to its pale ways, and made my make-up less porn star and more natural. People seemed to accept my slight change of appearance. But that didn't mean I could escape from Chloe's firm grip on me.

But one thing I do love about my popularity is the parties. Every Friday night there is usually one going on at some Jocks house or another. I wave goodbye to my parents at around 7 o'clock, and stagger back through my door at around 4 o'clock on Saturday morning. With a hell of a hangover by the time I wake up. My parents don't mind, strangely enough. They say ‘as long as you're safe, and sensible, we don’t mind’. If there is one thing that is right about my life, it is my parents. My home life isn't abusive, or overprotective, nor do they ignore me. They are my best friends. Seeing as I am their only child, they want to get it right. I guess you could say I'm spoilt. But I'm not a brat. I am very thankful to have the parents I have. They look after me, and I look after them.

But at this moment in time, I am not sure what to make of my life. I'm not happy, but I'm not necessarily unhappy either. I am content, I guess you could say. I expect many things to happen in my life, but one I did not predict was that Gerard Way would change my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Right. This again is just a bit of an introductory chapter. This is obviously when Elliott and everyone else is seventeen and in high school, so I just wanted to set the scene, so you understand what her friends are like.

So I promise that there will be more Gerard and the rest of MCR in the next chapter Please tell me if you like it! I have lots in store. I've already figured the main plot line, and some scenes in my head. But I just need to get the story going!