Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

Mikey Way Had An Obsession With Unicorns



I'd been sat in maths for no more than ten minutes before I started to zone out, my eyes were barely focused on the blank page in front of me. My pen began dancing across my page, creating random doodle after doodle. I loved drawing. Whenever I got a chance to draw, I would. This meant I did most of my doodling in maths class. As, let’s face it, it was more entertaining than multiplying fractions. I was halfway through drawing an adorable little zombie when I heard my name being called.

"Elliott? Elliott!"

I snapped back to reality. Mr. Haines was staring directly at me, a half finished sum written on the board behind him.

“Is there something fascinating on your paper that is distracting you from my class?"
"No, sir. Not at all" I replied, leaning back in my chair slightly, twirling my pen between my fingers.
"Well, I suggest you keep your eyes on the board. That is if you actually plan on passing my class. Because this is not the impression I get from your current grades" he said, a hint of smugness in his voice. I rolled my eyes once his back was turned.

My pen returned to my paper. I turned my cute zombie into an ugly, blood dripping, ridiculously wrinkled Mr. Haines. Complete with a horrendous tie, of which Mr. Haines had many of. Just as I had finished the dark bags around his eyes, the bell rang. I rammed my things into my bag and rushed past the other students to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

Once I escaped from the hell hole I took a deep breath. Smiling at the fresh air. After spending so long surrounded by Mr. Haines body odor, I needed some freah air.

I was greeted by a few people as I walked down the hallways to my next class. I waved at the familiar students who spoke to me occasionally, and smiled at the other students that I barely knew. One thing about being popular is that everyone wanted to be your friend, regardless of who you actually where. I could be a complete psycho behind closed doors, but people wanted to know me because I sat with the cheerleaders. So, without sounding vain, I was kind of the shit. People craved from my attention. I knew that these people were just using me, but it felt nice to receive at least six polite comments when I walked from one class to another.

As I was walking I pulled my hair out of my pony tail and ruffled my red curls so they bounced past my shoulders. This caused one boy who I knew as Aaron Goody to wink at me, and another who I knew as Ray Toro to roll his eyes at my vain behaviour. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. I realised that they were both standing in front of the English classroom, blocking the door. This also happened to be my next class.

"Sorry, could you move please?" I asked politely, stopping in front of them. Ray immediately stepped to the side, his eyes wondering off, almost as if he were afraid to make eye contact. Aaron on the other hand, didn't.

"Only if you go on a date with me, what do you say?" Aaron said. His attempt at flirting failed epically. And it also made me feel a bit ill.
"Sorry, Aaron. But, just no" I smiled again, this time with a hint of annoyance, before slipping past him into the classroom.

Let me just say that Aaron Goody had been practically begging me for a date for the last month or so. I knew eventually he would get bored and move onto the next pretty girl he saw, but for the moment, he seemed infatuated with me. And it was beginning to get annoying. My best plan was to just ignore him, which didn't seem to be working. It was just a shame I had one of my favourite classes with this idiot. It was also annoying when people such a Maggie were encouraging me to accept his date. Seeing as he had a 'six-pack' and a 'sports-car'. But I didn’t care. I wouldn't have even care if he had looked like Jake Gyllenhaal. He was a wanker, end of.


Lunch, the most important time of the schooling day. It was the moment when every student sits at the exact same table, with the exact same people, to talk about the exact same things. It is the moment that the social hierarchy is clearly visible. This is where students are put in their place, where they are reminded that they're not as popular as the cheerleaders, or not as smart as the geeks, or not a pretty as the plastics, or not as drugged up as the burnouts. Personally it just reminded me of how interesting and diverse everyone was.

Today, instead of being sat at our usual table, myself and my friends were in the gym. Along with other members of the cheerleading team, and also other girls who were hoping to get onto the cheerleading squad.

Yes, it was that time, cheerleading tryouts. I felt slightly guilty that I knew I was going to be on the team. But I also knew that I was one of the best, if not the best tryout there. Seeing as I knew the routine like the back of my hand, and was rather flexible.

After tryouts were over I told Chloe, Tara, Maggie and Angelica that I was heading outside to get some air. I shoved my brand new cheerleading uniform into my bag, and sat down on the floor behind the gym, my back resting against the cold brick. After five minutes, the familiar scent of cigarette smoke wafted into my nostrils. Along the back of the gym was a large area of trees and bushes. And amongst these bushes, I heard voices, which I assumed to be the source of the smoke. I picked myself up off of the floor and walked suspiciously towards the bushes.

As I got closer I began to make out what the voices were saying.

"I'm serious, dude. You've got an obsession" a voice I recognized as Frank Iero's giggle.

"I am not obsessed with Unicorns, Frank!" Another voice said. I knew it to be Mikey Way.
"I've seen your secret stash of stuff in your room, Mikey. I didn't even know they made unicorn porn" Bob Bryar teased.

The boys erupted into laughter. The laughter died away, just as I happened to step on a twig, which snapped beneath my feet.
"Wait! Did you hear something?" Frank said. I could hear panic in his voice.


As I heard the boys shuffling around I attempted to move away quickly. Luckily for me, I managed to trip on a tree root and ended up flat on my face.

"What the fuck?" I heard Gerard Way's voice say. I rolled over so I could see. Gerard Way was standing just in front of me, a half smoked cigarette between his lips. Ray, Bob, Frank and a petrified Mikey were standing behind him. Bob and Frank also had cigarettes, I noticed. Not that it surprised me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Gerard repeated, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Oh, you know. Just...hanging around" I replied, getting up off of the floor, nearly tripping over again in the process. The boys looked at me with confusion and anger. Rage blazing in Gerard's eyes.

I sighed "I was outside and I heard voices. I was just being curious alright?"
"D-did, you heard, the stuff about - about unicorns?" Mikey asked. He blushed furiously, and refused to make eye contact, almost as if he was scared of me.
"I may have." I said. My eyebrows rose slightly as he still refused to make eye contact. He let out a noise I can only describe as a whimper. Why was this kid so nervous and embarrassed all of the time?
Frank's face broke into a grin, humour shining in his eyes as he flicked ash off of his cigarette.

"Why are you here anyway, shouldn't you be sucking off some jock or something?" Bob asked. Gerard laughed cruelly. Ray shook his head in disapproval. I just rolled my eyes.
"I would, but unfortunately there's a queue. Why? Are you jealous or something? You know, I've never made out with someone with a lip ring" I said flirtatiously. Bob choked on his cigarette smoke. The other boy’s eyebrows shot up their foreheads. Mikey shifted uncomfortably, blushing again. I let out a loud laugh at their expressions. I turned around and walked away, heading back towards the gym, still laughing.

It occurred to me as I walked back to the main school what a peculiar exchange I had just had with the five boys. I found them strangely fascinating, as if there was more to them than what meets the eyes. After all I had just learned that Mikey Way had an obsession with unicorns. Who'd have thought?

I chuckled again before remembering my last period of the day was Art. My favourite period, and not just because Mr. Escobar was amazingly attractive, which is why most girls enjoyed the class so much (although I'm not complaining, he is cute) Art was my favourite period because, well, I was good at it. I just loved being creative, whether it be with words or pictures. However, the only thing that spoilt Art for me was Gerard Way.

Gerard Way. How do I even begin to explain that boy? From the moment I stepped foot into Belleville High School in my brand new designer shoes (which I have since thrown out by the way) he had hated me. I was never sure as to why. Maybe it was because the day that I smiled at him, he saw a completely different person to the one that was now strutting down hallways with her new plastic friends. And the more Gerard hated me, the more I hated him back.

It wasn’t particularly hard to bully someone like Gerard, which is perhaps why he got the living shit kicked out of him on a daily basis by my male friends. He was fat, he was dorky, and the minimal amount of friends that he had were just as peculiar as he was. I, myself secretly never knew what was so wrong about him, or why he hated me so much. It was not as if I could approach him and ask him, so instead I allowed myself to be hated by this introverted boy, and he allowed me to hate him back.

I should point out that this happened two years ago. And still nothing has changed. Gerard may not be fat anymore, and he may not be as shy as he once was. But he still hated me, and I still hated him. Our motives for our hatred towards each other have since been tossed out of the window; by now it was almost just a routine to glare at each other whenever we happen to cross paths.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here is another chapter for you!

Last night I stayed up until one in the morning editing the last two chapters, I decided that they just didn't sound right. They were two choppy and didn't really make sense. I've tried to space the story out a little more, instead of trying to rush it. So please tell me if you like it, or if you hate it. Or whatever else you think about it!

Sidenote: I'm updating this story far more frequently then I though I would have, so I'm proud of myself, hah!