Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

I Could Write A ***ing Book On You



”I like you so much better when you’re naked
I like me so much better when you’re naked”

I continued to sing to myself, even after I’d turned the radio off, we were at my house. Gerard seemed so relieved that the music was finally over, but he still seemed annoyed that I was still singing.

Gerard and I exited the car. I began making my way towards my house, still humming the catchy tune, but Gerard stopped me. He stood in front of me, his signature smirk on his face.

Looking at him confused, I tried to walk around him, but he placed his hands on my hips, pushing me backwards so that my knees hit the hood of my car, I laughed, but was still confused. What was he doing? He leaned in closer, so I could see the flecks of green in his eyes, making me blush. His smirk told me that his intention was to make me feel uncomfortable, and by my red cheeks and my increasing heart rate, he knew it was working.

“What are y-“ I began questioning, fully aware that we were still outside, and that anybody could walk past in this moment and see Gerard, with his hands either side of me, trapping me, and me not doing anything to stop his odd behaviour.

“You can’t tell me I can’t kiss you, and then sing that you want me naked the next day.” He whispered into my ear, his husky voice sending shivers (of pleasure?) up my spine. His lips travelled from my ear, towards my lips, hovering dangerously close to mine. I tried to laugh at his (sort of) joke, but it got caught in my throat and I made a noise halfway between a groan and a whimper. Both noises I didn’t exactly want to make in our current position.

I don’t know when Gerard thought it would be appropriate to flirt with and embarrass me like this, but over the last few days, he seemed to be doing it a lot. I was use to the shy and sarcastic Gerard, who wouldn’t even dare talk to me without insulting me, and now he had me trapped between himself and my car, leaving me completely defenceless.

Gerard was a perfect definition of ‘not judging a book by its cover’. I’d never known someone to change their attitude towards someone so quickly. But it was time for me to stop thinking, as Gerard’s playful lips were just inches from mine, and not only was I embarrassed, I was also conscious that somebody might see us. Not that there was anything to hide, there was no relationship to speak of between myself and this strange boy, but it would be a bit hard to explain to someone such as Chloe if they ever caught us in this position.

“Why are you doing this?” I laughed, trying to push him away from me, although I was genuinely confused as to his actions “Are you trying to ruin my life or something?”

I still kept my jokey attitude, but regardless, I didn’t want Gerard to kiss me (not outside in the open anyway)

“Maybe I just want to kiss you.” Gerard muttered into my ear again. We looked at each other, Gerard smirking at me, but also being deadly serious, and for some reason my heart fluttered.

Blushing, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my house, which was already unlocked, but I didn’t notice. If I’d have known the door was already unlocked, maybe I would have realised somebody else was in the house, but I didn’t, instead I pulled Gerard in and slammed him against the wall.

“What are you talking about?” I said, Gerard laughed at my aggressive behaviour, I was gripping his collar while staring at him intensely, demanding an answer.

“You’re so easy!” He laughed, his black hair falling into his face, hiding his eyes so I couldn’t read his real reaction.

“I-I’m easy?”
“You’re so easy to piss off, to make awkward. I thought you were meant to be this super confident bitch, but you’re so not, you’re so awkward.” He continued to chuckle at my reaction, making me blush further, my cheeks a deep shade of red.

“See, you’re blushing.” Gerard pointed out, poking one of my colourful cheeks. It angered me, from Gerard’s smirking face to the fact that he found it easy to wind me up, and to make me feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

“You want to kiss me?” I said all of a sudden, he looked at me.
“Wha-“he went to say, blushing but filled with denial. I don’t care if he said it for a joke; I was getting my own back. How dare he think he can treat me like this? I was Elliott Haile, I was popular! Gerard should be the one stuttering and blushing around my presence. As much as I hated to admit that, it was true, it was how the High School system worked.

Before he could even finish a word I slammed my lips onto his. It shocked him, I felt him tense up, I could tell his eyes had gone wide at my sudden and unpredictable action.

But he kissed me back, smirking against my lips. I could almost taste the confusion between us, but neither of us were giving up, it was a competition; the one to pull out first would be the loser. And I didn’t want Gerard to win, I wasn’t a loser, I wasn’t nervous or awkward or embarrassed. I wouldn’t let someone like Gerard Way get to me; I didn’t want him thinking he could get to me.

For the first time our lips moved together, this wasn’t just a case of lips meeting before swiftly pulling away like the last times, this was a kiss. And a fucking hot kiss at that.

Both of us seemed to get carried away, our emotions raging and flying as Gerard spun me around and slammed me against the wall, his hands attached firmly to my hips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smirked back. If it were possible to smirk while kissing, then it was obvious we both were. The faint taste of cigarettes was present on his lips, which didn’t bother me in the slightest, in fact, it made me want to kiss him more.

Neither of us knew why this was happening. We were not even that close, I knew nothing about Gerard Way. I didn’t know his birthday, I didn’t have his phone number and I didn’t know his favourite colour, yet I still found myself kissing him in the middle of my hallway, so lost in the aggressive kiss that I didn’t hear my mother clear her throat for the first time.

“I still hate you.” Gerard groaned against my lips. I let out a short sarcastic laugh before colliding our lips together again. The kiss seemed to have gone from a war to enjoyment. This was fucked up, this should never of happened. Gerard Way was not somebody I should be kissing, Gerard Way should be somebody who I made fun of, who cowered at my presence and did what I said.

Instead Gerard Way was somebody who I found myself unawarely attracted to. It wasn’t supposed to happen. It was suppose to work, but I couldn’t deny or ignore what was happening. I was beginning to like Gerard. I was fascinated with him. Fascinated with the fact that we were so similar, yet so different, and that he was a completely different person to who I thought he was.

(And because I was fascinated by the fact that I felt electricity every time our lips connected)

My mother cleared her throat again, and this time Gerard and I both heard her. We sprung apart so quickly that Gerard nearly tripped over his own feet, and I bashed the back of my head on the wall. We both turned our heads to see my mother with her eyebrows raised and an entertained grin on her face.

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to think of words to say, but my mother broke the silence.

“So, you must be Gerard? I’m Rosie; it’s nice to meet you.” Gerard just nodded, looking frightened and embarrassed, while my mum continued to look happy and eager.

“Elliott, I didn’t realise you and Gerard wher-“
“We’re not!!” I said instantly. I didn’t even know what my mother was going to say, but I knew it was going to be something about what she’d just seen, after all, how could she not ask about what she’d just seen?

“Oh, you’re er - You’re not?” my mother grinned while her eyes twinkled and shined. She found it highly amusing, I could tell, but she was also excited, I’m not quite sure why I came to this conclusion, but she almost seemed happy. Well, as happy as a mother can be when she finds her daughter practically making out with a stranger in her hallway.

“N-No, we’re not. It was a joke, right Gerard? Ha, funny right?” I gave Gerard a look as if to say ‘play along’. There was no way my mother would believe me, but it was worth a try.

“Oh – Oh yeah, yeah. W-We knew you were gunna be home Mrs Haile, we just wanted to uh – Surprise you.” Gerard looked away from my mother’s smiling face, praying that she didn’t question us further.

“Oh, please Gerard, call me Rosie,” he just nodded “And you’re much different to how I thought you would look.”

“Huh?” he said, looking down at himself, straightening his T-Shirt and brushing his jeans, trying to give off a good first impression.

“Elliott spoke about you like you were this disgusting, vile guy and that yo-“
Mum, I think you should be quite now, okay?” I gave her a threatening look, but my mother found it all the more funny.

“No, but seriously Gerard, you’re very good looking. You look a bit like my husband did when I first met him. With the hair and th-“

“Mum, shut up” I hissed, while Gerard just blushed furiously, not sure what to make of this situation. After all, my mother was practically a stranger.

“I can tell I like you already. Better than Zayn, do you know him? What about Chloe? I’m not fond of her at all.”

Mum, just go away, you’re so embarrassing.” I said looking at her while my cheeks flushed.

“What, more embarrassing then being caught making out in my hallway?” my mother raised her eyebrows, laughing as I dragged Gerard upstairs, yelling at her not to bother us.


“Oh, my God. Oh God, shit, fuck, fucking hell. Oh, God!” I mumbled to myself as I paced around my room. Gerard just stood there, looking around my room, admiring the pictures on the wall, and smiling when he saw Pikachu sitting on my made bed.

“What?” Gerard finally asked. I stopped pacing and looked at him. Despite what had just happened, he didn’t seem that concerned. Both with what had happened with my mother, and what had happened just before.

What? WHAT? What do you mean what? Did you not just realise what happened? My mother just caught us kissing! But that’s not even the main problem, the main problem is that we were kissing...Again. What is going on, what was that? What the fuck is happening? I hate you, I hate you so much!!” I rambled, continuing to pace around my bedroom.

All Gerard did was stand, watching me, his eyes moving as he followed my pacing. Not concentrating on where I was going I tripped over a stray handbag and landed on the floor, letting out a squeal of shock when I hit the ground. But instead of getting up, I just laid on the floor, my face hidden in the carpet and I groaned and cried in frustration.

I knew Gerard had sat on the floor next to me, I could feel his presence, he pushed my shoulder so that I rolled onto my back.

“You’re confused?” he said, I just gave him a look as if to say ‘obviously’, “How do you think I feel?”

He didn’t seem angry, if anything he was happy. Confused, but happy.

“What are you talking about?” I turned my head so I was looking up at the ceiling, closing my eyes and sighing as I waited for Gerard to answer.

“I mean, I don’t know why these things happen, but I’m like a different person when I am around you,” I opened my eyes to look at him “When I’m with you, it’s so fucking weird, it’s like I’m not afraid of anything. Before any of this shit happened, I wouldn’t wanna even be in the same room as you, but now I kinda...Like spending time with you.” Gerard picked at his jeans as he told me how he honestly felt.

“But we’re opposites, how does that even work? We know nothing about each other.”
“Speak for yourself” Gerard smirked. My eyebrows furrowed, what was he talking about?

“Your life isn’t exactly a secret is it? There are so many fucking rumours and shit loads of gossip that goes around about you, I could write a fucking book on you.” He laughed.

I sat up far too quickly, making me feel dizzy.

“What! What have you heard?” I held my head, but looked at Gerard with fear.

“Uh, okay, last year, May time, you disappeared for two weeks because you thought you were pregnant?”

My mouth hung open “Wha – That’s a lie! I – I was in England!! I was not pregnant!!”

Gerard just laughed loudly at me.

“Okay, you dumped Zayn because you wouldn’t have sex with him?”

I blushed “N – No, he uh – He cheated on me.” Gerard raised his eyebrows at me when he noticed how embarrassed I am. One thing I did not want was for Gerard to know about my sex life. Not that I had much of one, but I had at least a piece of dignity.

“Hmm, you ended up in hospital because you jumped out of a window at a party?”

“...That one was true actually,” I lowered my head in shame, but Gerard burst into laughter “It was at Jimmy Wells house, he has a swimming pool in his back yard. I jumped out of his parents’ bedroom window, which was surprisingly high now I think about it, and into the pool, I was so fucking drunk and everyone was cheering me on. I thought it was a good idea at the time, thought I was being a badarse. I mean, I landed in the water and everything, but there were a shit load of bottles and stuff in there, and one cut my head open and another stabbed me like, right here.” I motioned towards my rib cage, just under my left boob.

“That’s pretty crazy.” Gerard said, seeming almost impressed.

“It was hilarious. I mean I knocked myself out doing it, and woke up in hospital the next morning, but it was fucking funny. And I have some impressive scars too.”

“Oh yeah?” Gerard smiled, his eyes sparkling with interest.

“Yupp, look” I pulled my hair back to reveal a scar on my forehead, hidden mostly by my hairline.

“What about the one there?” he pointed to my chest.

“I can’t show you that!”
“Go on, just for a second”

I sighed and lifted my sweater up, and sure enough, just under my bra was a deep, thick scar. I quickly pulled my clothing back down once Gerard had seen it.

“That’s a fucking good scar, I’m surprised I didn’t notice that when we were in the bathroom that time.”

“Well, it’s not like you were looking, right Gerard?” I looked at him threateningly. He promised he wouldn’t look, remember that?

“Of course I wasn’t looking at the half naked girl in my bathroom. Of course not.” He grinned.

That bastard

"I'm actually pretty proud of my scars. I have an awesome one on my leg from when I fell over in that alley."

"You're proud of your scars?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I just thought you would freak out about the tiniest little imperfection on you."

"Well, you're wrong. I'm not that bothered about my appearance. I mean, I still have red hair, right?"

Gerard laughed "I like your red hair, it suits you."

"How do you mean?"
"Everything is just odd about you, you don't fit in with your friends. You're quirky. You're ginger, you're British, you're pale, you're so accident prone and you're actually pretty funny."

"And those are good things?"
"Of course they are. Elliott, I don't usually compliment anybody, not even Mikey sometimes. Just take it before I realise what I'm actually saying."

"I bet you don't usually kiss people randomly, but you've done it five times with me."
"Like I said, you're different."
"But I'm also popular."

"Yeah...I know, sometimes I just like to try and forget about that."
"Because then I can try and treat you like a normal person."
"I am a normal person."
"Not from my perspective."
"Well carry on what you're doing. I like it better this way."
"What way?"
"...I like it when you treat me normal."
"Because I like to feel normal."

We both smiled at each other. This moment was so fucked up, but so perfect at the same time.

Before our conversation could get any deeper, I changed the subject.

“Anyway, let’s do some art stuff, that’s why we’re here right?” I got up from the floor and grabbed the notebook which had all of our research and ideas in them.

“Uh – Yeah, yeah sure. Elliott, I know I hate you and everything, but we don’t – Uh – We don’t have to exactly forget that last kiss happened.” He rubbed the back of his neck. What was he trying to say?

“Uh – Yeah, no sure, we don’t have to forget. Besides, I won.”
“You won?”
“Yeah, you pulled away first.”
“I definitely did not pull away first!!”
I laughed “Oh, you definitely did.”

“Maybe we’ll have a rematch some time.” Gerard smirked, sitting on my bed while I swivelled around on my spinning chair.

“You wish, Gerard, you wish.” I smiled, opening the notebook and flicking through the perfect pages.

It may have been my imagination, but I thought I heard a very faint ‘I do’.

And secretly, I did too.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's a bit of a cheeky chapter for you.

Yay for Elliott and Gerard understanding each other.

And yay for their first hot kiss. There are many more to come

This is just the beginning, just the first page of their relationship ;) They're not even proper friends yet, let alone actually a couple, but they've kissed five times. They're so cheeky :D

Imagine what will happen when things really start heating up

You make me happy with comments :) xx

Oh, and I promise I'm not getting all mushy and lovey-dovey on you. This story is still gunna be funny, and angsty and all that jazz, It was just this particular chapter was a bit...Slushy.