Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

A Fine Line Between Love And Hate



“-And then Angelica ran down the street in her underwear. And then Maggie flashed this really hot dude in his car. And then I downed the rest of the tequila and threw up all over the sidewalk. It’s was so fucking funny, Elliott. You should have been there. It was the best night ever.”

Chloe was informing me about what had happened the other night. She had apparently not suffered from a hang over, but when I caught sight of Maggie I couldn’t help but giggle. Her makeup was thicker than usual, but the bags under her eyes were still managing to peek through her orange foundation.

Chloe strutted up to Maggie and instantly starting gossiping about God knows what, while I just followed them and stayed silent, trying not to laugh at Maggie’s poor makeup attempt. Her cheeks were bright pink, she’d obviously applied too much blusher to make herself look more alive.

“Maggie, it’s been two days, how are you still suffering from a hang over?” I asked out of the blue, interrupting their conversation. Chloe gave me a death glare, her eyes telling me I should have just kept quiet and not interrupted their ‘important conversation’.

“You know, Ellie. I have no idea. I feel like booboo.” I laughed as she took a sip from her water bottle.

Although to be fair, she looked a hell of a lot better than I would. She had still managed to pick a good outfit, and her hair was perfectly straight. Usually when I had a hang over, I lived in hoodies and Ugg boots until I felt better.

Spying Tara a short distance away I waved at her to grab her attention. She noticed me, said goodbye to the boy she was talking too and joined the three of us. Instantly walking in sync with the rest of us as we made our way to the front doors of our wonderful school (sarcasm included)

“So, who was that you were talking to?” I asked out of interest.
“Oh, him? That’s Blake, haven’t you seen him before? He’s been new for like, two weeks, he’s on the football team already.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. Where have you been for the last week? Every girl is talking about him, he’s so hot.”

“Really? I suppose if tanned and blonde is your type,” Tara gave me an odd look “W-Which is definitely my type...Obviously.” I recovered. She relaxed.

The rules between us girls was an odd one. It was okay for Tara to go off with any boy she liked, hence why nobody had questioned the relationship between her and Seth. And Angelica was allowed to make out with anything that moved. But for Maggie, Chloe and I, we had to conform to the rules.

Maggie had Rich, her ‘hunky’ and ‘muscley’ boyfriend (who she cheated on constantly) and Chloe had her eye on Cody King, your classic blonde football player. I, on the other hand, had no one. Sure I had Zayn for a little while, but after the drama with him, I just couldn’t be bothered with a relationship. The type of guys I was allowed to date was limited to one group...Athletes. If they were hot, popular and ripped it was A-Okay.

But they just weren’t who I wanted to date. I wanted someone with a brain at least. But as it was, it was either athlete or nothing, and for the moment I chose nothing.

“Well, I’m glad you say he’s your type, because he thinks you’re pretty cute.” Tara smiled, nudging me a little. Please don’t tell me she is suggesting what I think she is.

“I think you should go for it. He’s been looking at you for like, the entire time he’s been here.” Maggie said out of nowhere. Both hers and Chloe’s attention diverting to the conversation.

“Well, he was looking at me as well, obviously, but whatever. Go for it if you want, Elliott, I heard he’s packing big things.” Chloe said. The other girls laughed and encouraged me more, I just blushed.

Seriously, you thought guys were the only ones sex obsessed? No. If you had a three minute conversation with my friends you’d have to have a cold shower afterwards. They were dirty. It seemed like sex, money and parties were the only thing they cared about.

“Guys, I know nothing about him. I-I dunno.” The truth was, I just didn’t want to go out with him. I didn’t want a boyfriend right now, and I seriously didn’t need my friends trying to set me up with one. But knowing my friends they wouldn’t give up that easily.

“So? Go on a date with him or something! Come on, you guys would look awesome together!” Tara said.

“You still have to dye your hair, Elliott. I mean I think the only reason you haven’t got a boyfriend is because you’re ginger. That and you’re totally high maintenance.” Chloe said, I frowned. Chloe had always tried to change me, but I would never let her.

When I first started High School, sure I ended up looking like a porn star, but after a while I changed back to how I originally was. And of course Chloe hated it, and had tried to change me ever since.

“Anyway, what more do you need to know about him other than he’s rich and got a massive dic-“

“Who’s Elliott banging?” a voice said from behind us. Angelica pushed her way between me and Maggie, so that she was in the centre of us all. All I could do was blush; the last thing I wanted was for rumours to spread around about me and this Blake kid before I’d even spoken to him.

“No one, but we’re trying to get Elliott and that new kid Blake together.” Tara giggled.
“Whoa, that’s fucking awesome. You guys would be great together. He is fucking hot. And he has a massive d-“

“Yes, so I’ve heard.” I said miserably. No matter how hard I tried it seemed the girls wouldn’t quit. They were determined to get myself and this Blake together.

I just didn’t want anything to do with him. Not only because I knew nothing about him, but because I just didn’t want to go out with a guy like him (and also because Gerard was unintentionally at the back of my mind).

I wanted a boyfriend who I actually liked, and who I was happy to be my boyfriend. Not someone who I only dated because they would increase my popularity. I wanted someone who I could treat like a person, and not like an accessory.

“So, what do you say?” Maggie looked at me as we walked down the hallway. The five of us strutted in a line, causing people to move out of the way as we walked. Others stared at us like we were celebrities, but it seemed I was the only one mildly embarrassed by the attention we were getting.

“I-I just don’t know guys. I’ll have to think about it-“
“What is there to think about?” Chloe interrupted.
“I ju-“
“Elliott, just go for it for fuck sake. You’re getting a reputation for being frigid and too hard to get.”

To be honest I didn’t see what was so bad about that, it was better than being known as an easy slut.

“Yeah, Elliott. I think you should go for it, and fill us in on the gory details afterwards.” Angelica winked at me.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I just shrugged them off and walking into my class.

“I’ll think about it.” I called them as they continued walking down the hallway. I slumped down in my seat, and flopped my head onto my desk, not bothering to get my English things out just yet.


“Morning class.” I heard. Lifting my head I saw my teacher, Miss Johnson enter the classroom, dumping a load of books onto her desk.

Asides from Mr Escobar, Miss Johnson was my favourite teacher. She was young, funny and always kind. Not to mention ginger. We gingers just always seem to get along. I quickly got my things out of my bag and sat up. One of the reasons I enjoyed English so much was because I didn’t have it with any of my friends. Although I did have Aaron’s eyes on me almost the entire time.

“So class, today we’re gunna start some Shakespeare.” Most of the class groaned. I was undecided about whether this was a good thing, I could read and understand Shakespeare no problem, I just hated his work.

“We’re gunna be reading Much Ado about Nothing. Anybody know anything about it?” She began handing out a book to each of us. Most of the geeks in the class threw their hands up, one even jumping up and down a little in excitement. Hoping desperately Miss Johnson would pick her.

After a few seconds, I raised my hand gingerly. Chloe and the like usually didn’t contribute in lessons. Instead they twisted their hair around their fingers and chewed their bubblegum nosily, and I could do nothing but join in with them. In English class however, I could actually express the fact I was quiet intelligent.

“Yes, Elliott.” Miss Johnson smiled, returning to the front of class. The girl who was desperate to answer whipped her head around to stare at me. Angry that I was allowed to answer, and also shocked that I had actually volunteered.

“It’s about this girl, Beatrice and this guy, Benedick, and they hate each other. They’re always insulting each other and stuff. And then they like, fall in love randomly,”

“Anything else?” Miss Johnson laughed.

“Yeah, Beatrice’s cousin, Hero falls in love with this Claudio guy, and they’re gunna get married. But then this idiot, Don John gets this other guy to pretend to bang Hero, so that Claudio get’s all angry and stuff. And then all this drama and stuff happens, and then in classic Shakespeare style it all ends happy and whatever.”

I finished my rough explanation, a few people giggling at my words, including Miss Johnson.

“Yes, Elliott. That is basically what it is about. But you described it in a more, shall we say, modern way. I’m don’t think Shakespeare has ever used the word ‘bang’ before.” She laughed again when I shrugged my shoulders.

“But Elliott was right. It centre’s around Beatrice and Benedick, who appear to hate each other. But then they fall in love. Why do you think this happens?”

The girl shot her hand up again, and was making herself so known that Miss Johnson had no choice but to pick her.

“Yes, Penny?” Miss Johnson sighed.
“Because there is a fine line between love and hate?” she said snottily. When Miss told her she was right, Penny turned to smirk at me. I just raised my eyebrows and laughed, twirling my hair around my finger. She blushed and turned away when she realised who she was actually making fun of.

But what Penny had said repeated in my head. Over and over.

A fine line between love and hate. A fine line between love a hate.

Why did it stick in my mind so much? Why did I keep thinking about it? What significance did it have to me.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught an afro. It was of course, Ray. Ray was so polite and quiet in the class that he was easily forgotten. I ended up staring at him, remembering why exactly that fine line was still in my mind.

He caught me staring, and blushed slightly. Once I realised what I was doing, I shot him a quick smile, which he returned, although he was evidently confused as to why I was smiling at him in the first place. But as I said, Ray is so polite and humble he would probably smile at Voldemort.

I turned away just as Miss Johnson directed a question at me.

“Elliott, could you give me a definition of love?”
My mouth opened and closed a little, literally causing my brain to hurt. “Uh – Um – Uh”

Penny was staring at me evilly again. She seemed amused that I couldn’t think an answer.

“N- No. I can’t, sorry.”
“And why not?” I looked at my teacher, but instead of a frown, which is what I expected to see, she was instead smiling at me encouragingly.

“Because...Because love doesn’t have a definition? Love is different to every person? You can’t generalise it?” My face broke into a grin when she nodded at me, a twinkle in her eye.

“She’s right. Love doesn’t have a real definition. Which is why the relationships in this play,” she held up the book “Are so different. That’s probably why all of your relationships are different to one another’s. If you ask your parents how they got together, I can assure you that every story will be different, because the love between them is different.”

I knew she was right. I would have to remember to ask my parents how they got together. If my mother was telling the truth, and they hated each other before they actually dated, it was sure to be a fucking funny story.

Miss Johnson told us to spend the rest of the lesson reading through the play. As after all, how could we talk about a play if we hadn’t read it?

But between you and me, I had to stop myself from comparing Beatrice and Benedick to myself and a certain black haired emo kid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for chapter 32. There wasn't any Gerard in this, I'm sorry. He wasn't really in the last chapter either, but I promise he shall be in the next one!!

But all of this Much Ado about Nothing stuff was on my mind today because I am currently studying it in my english classes. And I thought how this love hate thing was relevant to Gerard and Elliott's relationship.

I made the answers up myself, so I hope they make sense, ahaha. I think they do.

And also, this is what Miss Johnson looks like (Amy Pond for the win!):

Miss Johnson

Awww, wouldn't her and Mr Escobar look cute together?

Anyway, don't forget to comment with your thoughts :)

Oh, and I just brought my 'Sing It For Japan' single from iTunes. It's so cute :')