Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

But At Least I Has His Number Now



It was around 5 o’clock when Blake eventually pulled up outside my house in his black car. Waving to my parents I ran out to him, spying him through his window bobbing his head to his music. Opening the car door I slid in next to him, trying not to wrinkle my nose at the smell of smoke and dirty clothing that filled his car.

“Hey, babe.” He said, daringly kissing my cheek, I just half smiled in response as he pulled away.

“So, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately” he said as he speed down the road, one arm slumped lazily over the back of my seat while the other remained on the wheel.

“Oh yeah?” I said, not turning to face him and instead concentrated on his driving, as he apparently wasn’t.

“Yupp. I noticed you on my first day, and I thought ‘Damn, she is sexy’, and I just knew I had to have yo-“
“Shall we turn the radio on?” I interrupted, not really wanting to carry on the conversation. Regardless of his answer I turned the radio on, and was met with Bruno Mars.

’When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are’

“Oh, God” I whispered to myself when Blake started singing along, completely out of tune, making loving and hungry looks at me while he sang. I almost felt embarrassed for him; did he really think I found this romantic and attractive? Well, I didn’t.

‘And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are’

Luckily we were almost at our destination. We were out of the car before the song ended, meaning that Blake fortunately didn’t get to finish seducing me. I practically ran to the Movie Theatre, trying to cut out any conversation time.

I lead Blake and I through the doors, and the first thing that caught my eye was a mop of black hair. But it couldn’t have been who I thought it was, could it? I attempted to look again, but he was gone. It must have been a trick of the light, of course he wasn’t here. Why would he be?

“So, babe, what movie do you wanna see?” Blake brought me back from my thoughts when his large arm thumped its way across my shoulder.

“Uh, I dunno, what’s on?” I said, trying not to shrug the massive arm off of my delicate shoulder. Its heavy weight was causing my body to actually ache a little.

“Hey look, A Nightmare On Elm Street, that’s a good movie.”
“But it’s a remake.” I said in disgust. The original was one of my favourite movies ever, I didn’t particularly want to see it ruined.

“Oh, come on. No need to be scared, it’s just a movie. You’re such a girl.” He teased. How dare he! I was definitely not scared.

“Fine, whatever.” I crossed my arms as he removed his arm from my shoulder to buy us two tickets.

I scowled and looked around at the other people here. There were some couples, looking so much happier then Blake and I. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw that hair again. Whipping my head around to get a better look, it was once again gone.

For fucks sake, Elliott! Thinking about him is bad enough, and now you keep on imagining him? This was getting out of hand.

“Got them, let’s go.” Blake said, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me towards the door to the screen.

“And I promise you can use my shoulder to hid in the scary parts.” He whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver in repulsion rather than pleasure.

As we entered the movie, the room was surprisingly empty, only a few other couples were there, waiting for the movie to start. Boys chewing their popcorn loudly while their girlfriends stared lovingly into their eyes.

“Come on, let’s get a seat at the back.” He almost growled, trying to pull me up to the corner of the seating area.

“Or we could sit right here.” I smiled, snatching my arm away and placing myself in a seat that was almost directly in the middle. Blake huffed but sat down next to be nevertheless, never taking his eyes off of me until the lights dimmed and the movie finally started.


The movie had only been on for no more than 20 minutes before Blake actually pulled out ‘the move’. He stretched and yawned, extending his arms and lowering them carefully until one was draped around the back of my seat.

I actually had to disguise my laughter with a coughing fit. I couldn’t believe he’d actually done that, but as I looked at Blake’s serious and almost smug expression I knew it really had happened. I thought that only happened in the movies!

I apparently wasn’t the only one who found it funny, as I heard loud laughter coming from a few rows behind me. Carefully I looked behind me, but the boy who had laughed was hidden in the darkness. Maybe he wasn’t laughing at me, maybe he was laughing at the extremely poor attempt at acting on the screen in front of us. Maybe...Or maybe he really had caught Blake’s embarrassing move...I didn’t have a clue.


My shoulders shook slightly as I snickered and smiled at the gory scene in front of me. Most of the females, and some males in the theatre were yelling in disgust, but I found the fake blood incredibly amusing, and almost enjoyable.

But Blake mistook my snickers for whimpers, and used his great arm to pull me into his neck, so all I could smell was his cheap aftershave.

“It’s okay, Ellie. I’ll tell you when it’s over.” Blake’s deep voice said. He was trying to sound hard and protective, but there was a hint of fear and fright in his tone. His strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him if it was possible. I personally found it to be the most unromantic moment of my life, but Blake seemed to be thinking differently.

Finally breaking free slightly from his grasp, I managed to just see a familiar figure running out of the movie theatre. Now this definitely wasn’t my imagination. That son of a bitch.

“I’ve uh – Just got to step outside for a moment.” I said, pulling away from him.
“Gore getting too much for you?” Blake questioned. To be honest he looked a bit green himself.
“Uh – Yeah.” I said, getting up from my seat and making my way out of the movie.

Spying the black haired boy walking out of the building, I followed him sneakily, ducking behind a bush when he stopped just outside of the theatre. He pulled out his phone and held it to his ear. I continued to watch him as he began speaking.

“Hey, Frankie, how’s it going?...” He said, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, and then a lighter. He lit his smoke with one hand as he spoke to Frank.

“...Yeah, I’m good. What are you doing later?...”
“...No, I’m busy now...”
“...Yeah, I’m at the movies...”
“...Mikey told you what?!...”
“...No! I am totally not here because of her...”
“...So what? Maybe I just wanted to see a movie...”
“...Yeah she is, but that’s just a coincidence, Frank! I didn’t plan on seeing the same movie!...”
“...No I am not spying on her!!...”
“...No I am not, why the fuck would I spy?!...”
“...No she doesn’t know I am here...”
“...I’m on my own, why?...”
“...Shut up, Frank!...”
“...Look, I’ll talk to you tomorrow...”
“...No! Don’t you dare tell Bob! Don’t you fucking da – Hello? Hello? Frank?” he groaned loudly and shoved his phone back into his pocket before taking a long drag of his cigarette.

All the while I was still crouched behind the bush, listening to his entire conversation. I decided it was time to reveal myself.

“Alright, Gerard?” I said, stand upright, making Gerard jump.
“Shit indeed. What the fuck are you doing here?” I walked around so that I was standing in front of him, my arms crossed.

“Duh, I-I came to see a movie!” his eyes wouldn’t look at mine, telling me that he was of course lying.
“On your own?”
“So you’re not spying on me then?” I smirked, pushing Gerard back into an alleyway so that we were hidden. After all it was only 6 o’clock, anybody could see Gerard and I talking.

“Fuck off, why would I want to spy on you?” he took another drag of his cigarette.
I shrugged my shoulders “Because you’re a weirdo? I mean you were acting pretty mental in class today.”
“What the fuck? Maybe I just wanted to see a movie, Elliott! And maybe it just happened to be the same movie you and your retarded boyfriend saw. That doesn’t instantly make me a fucking stalker!”

“You hate remakes.” I simply stated.
“Why are you really here, Gerard?” my face still held the same smug expression as I looked at his blushing face.

“I-I...I don’t fucking know, alright?! I was bored and thought it would be funny to follow you on your date, or whatever. Okay? I mean you obviously don’t even like this guy. I mean he actually pulled out the move!!” Gerard burst into laughter. Biting my tongue to stop myself from joining him, I just scowled instead.

“You realise how creepy that is, right?” Gerard stopped laughing.
“More creepy than going on a date with somebody you don’t even like?” he shot back.

“You are definitely weirder than me, Gerard. People go on dates with people they don’t like all the time. But I can grantee that none of them people get stalked by emo kids on their dates. Therefore, you are weirder than me.”

“Well I – I – I –“
“Are you jealous?” I finally asked.
What?!” by the look on his face, I could tell my question got to him. “Jealous? Fuck off!”

“You are! You are jealous of Blake, aren’t you?” I burst into laughter when Gerard blushed.
“Why would I be jealous of Blake?”
“I don’t know,” I continued to laugh “But you so totally are! I mean look at your face!!”

He scowled at me “Why the fuck would I be jealous, huh? What could I be jealous of?”

“I don’t know.” I stopped laughing, and leant my back against the alley wall and watched as Gerard blew smoke from his mouth.

“Because now you have fewer excuses to kiss me?” I teased.

“Those kisses meant nothing.” Gerard said darkly, and for some reason his answer got to me. It didn’t make me upset, but it made me angry. Those kisses didn’t mean nothing!

Not to me anyway.

“Oh yeah?” I said, grabbing his cigarette and threw it on the floor.
“What th-“
“Those kisses didn’t mean nothing, Gerard. Because if they didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“If those kisses meant nothing to you, why did you follow me on my date, huh?”
“Why did you follow me out here?”
“So what if I followed you, why did you follow me when I left.”
“Because I-I wanted to – I wanted to –“ but I didn’t have a chance to find an excuse, because Gerard slammed his lips on mine with such force that my back scrapped against the brick wall painfully.

“I told you not to kiss me again.” I growled, grabbing the back of his head and pulling his closer.
“I don’t give a fuck right now.” He attacked my neck, which made me moan in surprise.

Why was this happening again? I could just have blamed it on teenage hormones, but secretly I knew it was so much more. A fine line between love and hate indeed.

Every time Gerard and I kissed it seemed to become more and more aggressive, and so much more passionate. Our first kiss was just a simple peck on the lips, and now Gerard was biting and sucking hungrily at my neck as I hitched my leg around his hip, running my hands through his hair in a dark alleyway...While my date was still in the movie theatre...Oops.

It took all my effort to pull Gerard away, both of us panting as we parted.

“What the fuck?” I said in between breathes, one of my legs still wrapped around his hip.
“Why does this happen all of the time?” Gerard questioned, his hair flopping around his face as he tried to catch his breath.

“I don’t know, but you totally won this time.” I smirked pushing him away so that he stumbled backwards.

“Get back to your date, you whore.” Gerard said, pushing me back in return. I held my middle finger up at him as I ran back to Blake, now with a large and painful bruise on my neck.


“Where have you been?” Blake asked me once I plopped myself back in my seat.
“Sorry I – Uh-“
“You smell like cigarettes. I didn’t know you smoked?”
“Oh, uh, yeah that’s why I was so long. It took me ages to finish my smoke.” I lied.

“Elliott Haile, you’re so fucking hot.” Blake whispered in my ear randomly.
“Thank you?”
“You want to go back to my house after?”


“Uh – Uh, n – No, I’m really sorry, I c-Can’t-“
“Playing hard to get, are we?”
“Uh –“
“It’s cool, Ellie. I’ll get you one day.” His slimy words seemed to repeat themselves in my brain as I concentrated on the movie. Blake wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer as the movie reached its finale.

First Aaron telling me he’ll ‘get me’, and now Blake? Why do all guys act and sound like rapists? Everything was so backwards. Gerard Way, who is the weirdest and rapiest looking person ever is in fact so much more romantic and normal than Blake and Aaron. How is that allowed to happen? Which is made even more weirder considering the fact that I hate Gerard.


“So, Elliott I had a good time tonight.” Blake said once the movie had finished. We were stood outside of the building in the night air, our breaths releasing cold mist with every word.

“Yeah, me too.” I lied. From the poor remake to the creepy gazes Blake kept giving me, it was easily the worst date I had ever been on. Not that I had been on many to compete with this one in the first place...

“We should do it again some time.” Blake leaned in closer to me.
“Um – Y – Yeah, totally?” I couldn’t escape the feeling that somebody was watching us.
“Cool.” He said before attaching his lips to mine.

His wet lips were nothing compared to other kisses I had received recently. They moved against my still ones forcefully, making my stomach churn rather than flutter. My eyes were still wide open, but his were closed, enjoying the awkward kiss for all it was worth.

He pulled away, grinned to himself. All I could do was return it, just to be polite.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.” He slid his arm around my waist as he took me to his car, my eyes wondering around at my environment.

And sure enough, I saw a laughing Gerard looking at me a short distance away. He caught me looking and grinned at me, obviously enjoying my humiliation.

“That little fucker. That Gerard kid is so fucking creepy, who the fuck does he think he is?” Blake said. Once Gerard realised Blake had seen him, he stopped laughing.

“Oh, Gerard Way? Yeah, he’s kinda weird, huh? But just leave it, come on.” I dragged Blake towards the car, my heart beating wildly and I tried to defuse the situation.

At least Blake hadn’t suspected anything. But I still didn’t like that Blake had seen Gerard; it would cause Gerard nothing but trouble.

We clambered into his car, I turned the radio on to break the silence between us.

’I’m bringin’ sexy back
Them motherfuckers don’t know how to act-‘

Blake once again started singing, winking at me as he sung and turning the radio up louder so the bass practically pumped through my veins.

’Dirty babe
You see these shackles? Baby I’m your slave
I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave’

Oh God, this was the most off putting this I have ever witnessed. When would Blake learn that he had no singing skills at all? There were no words to explain how thankful I was when I finally saw my house.


“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, babe.” Blake said, leaning in closer again, puckering up his lips and closing his eyes.

Giving him a quick peck just to satisfy him, I slid myself out of his car. From his frowning face I could tell he wanted so much more, but I just smiled and slammed the car door shut.

That was officially the worst date ever, but as I rubbed the tender spot on my neck, I couldn’t help but be thankful that Gerard did follow me. I couldn’t deny that he was a much better kisser than Blake. In fact, Gerard was just a good kisser, period...But I really shouldn’t be thinking that.

As I made my way to my house, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I rolled my eyes, fully expecting it to be from Blake already, but instead it was from an unknown number:

Unknown number:

Hope your date went well ;)
Looked like a fuckin hot kiss to me
Btw, I still hate you x

That motherfucker. But at least I had his number now...
♠ ♠ ♠
Stalky Gerard is fun to write. There is still so much more stalky and jealous Gerard to come.

Please comment with your thoughts :) xx

P.S. This is also the longest chapter I have written so far :o