Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

Drawing The Outline Of A Heart



“So, I assume your date went well?” was the first thing Angelica asked me as soon as I met up with her at school. Hitching my bag onto my shoulder I gave her a look of confusion.

“What do you mean ‘you assume’?” Angelica stared at me like I was stupid.
“Duh, your Facebook page already says you’re in a relationship. You have to tell me everything!”

What?! That motherfucker.” I said to myself rather than to Angelica. One date! We had been on one date and already Blake thinks we’re dating. And now that means I actually have a boyfriend...

...Oh, God. I have a boyfriend...Blake James is my boyfriend...Somebody just kill me now.

“What did you say?”
“Wha – Oh! Nothing, nothing. The date was...Okay, nothing exciting to report.” Angelica frowned in disappointment.

“What? So there’s no gory details to tell me?” she pouted.
“Nope! He kissed me once and that was it.”
“What’s that on your neck then? Fuck me! That hickey is huge.”

I slapped my hand against my neck, hiding the very obvious and very large love bite. I’d tried to conceal it with my hair, but it apparently didn’t work.

Angelica prised my fingers away so she could get a better look at the purple mark. Her brown eyes admired it for a minute or so.

“Whoa! He may have kissed you once, but my God it must have been a good one! Is he a good kisser?”

I blushed, styling my hair so that my neck was covered. Blake didn’t give me that hickey, but I couldn’t tell Angelica that. Because after all, who could have given me a hickey? Blake was the only person technically allowed to kiss me. I’d just have to play along...But fuck knows what I’m going to tell Blake if he sees it, he’ll know he didn’t give me it.

“Yeah, he’s not bad. A bit wet...And forceful...And slimy...But other than that, he’s great!” I lied. Blake was officially the worst kisser to ever walk the planet. Gerard on the other hand...No, stop! You can’t think about Gerard, Elliott!

“Awesome. Well come on or else we’ll be late. Just make sure to tell me every detail the next time you see him alright? I want to know everything, down to the last inch, if you get what I mean.” She winked before strutting into the classroom. Leaving me to swallow the little bit of sick that had rose in my throat at her words, before I followed her in.


Blake found me during our lunch period. I was walking across the grass, on my way to the art room to do some more work when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind.

“Hey, babe.” He growled in my ear. My face lit up in a fake smile as I turned around.
“Oh, hey, Blake!” he lent down and kissed me deeply. To save his embarrassment in front of the other students I kissed him back, but was of course the first one to pull away.

I slyly wiped my mouth when his lips finally left my own. Looking around I saw several people watching us, while a couple of the members of the football team cheered and wolf whistled.

To everybody else we were the ‘hot new couple’. We were the talking point of the whole school; we already had a name, ‘Belliott’. Blake loved it, he thought it sounded ‘awesome’, but I personally thought it sounded like a name for an obese pig (Ellirard was much cuter. Stop it, Elliott!).

“Blake, why have you um – Why have you been telling everybody that we’re together. We’d only been on one date.” I tried to say kindly, but to be honest I was quite pissed off. Blake hadn’t even asked me, he hadn’t made the effort to come to me and suggest we take our relationship to the next level. He just assumed I would say yes and took matters into his own hands.

“Because I thought we were, babe? The date went so well last night, I just couldn’t wait any longer.” He smiled, placing a wet kiss on my lips again. Two girls walked passed giggling and ‘awwwing’ at us. I tried not to roll my eyes at them.

“Didn’t you think it would be a good idea to ask me first?” I said, looking into his bland eyes. His eyes were just brown, they didn’t have flecks of green and blue and yellow in them. They didn’t have a crazy orange glint to them like Chloe’s, and they weren’t almost black and shiny like Angelica’s. They were just brown, plain and simple (just like him)

“Are you upset, Elliott? Because if you are I can just kiss it away.” He smirked (nothing compared to Gerard’s Elliott! Stop thinking!). He lowered his head towards mine but I held my hand up, pushing his face away.

“N-No, I’m fine, I’m not angry. No need for kisses” I giggled awkwardly, patting his cheek sweetly.
“Ahh, well that’s good. Hey, are you busy tonight? My parents aren’t home and I thought maybe you could come around?” his arms wrapped themselves around me more, trapping me in his embrace.

“Uh, no not tonight. I – I think I’m doing something with the girls, s-so another time.” My words stumbled out of my mouth, trying to find any excuse. I wasn’t afraid of having sex with him...I just really didn’t want to. I had to be attracted to them before I could even think about touching them.

It was the same with kisses. The only reason I kissed Blake is because he is ‘supposedly’ my boyfriend (and the only reason I am his girlfriend is because I need to hold my popularity). I was not attracted to Blake, I literally had to force myself to kiss him back, and every time my stomach swirled, telling me this just wasn’t right. (But every time I kissed Gerard it always felt right. For fuck’s sake! Stop thinking about him!! Why are you thinking about him?)

“Aww, come on baby. Why not? Ditch your friends, just for one night! I promise it will be worth it.” I had to stop myself from heaving at his words. This boy really didn’t know how to turn me on.

“I’ll think about it, alright? But, ohh, look at the time, I have to go!” I glanced at my wrist, pretending to look at a watch (I wasn’t even wearing one) and pushing myself away from him. My small hands pushing against his muscley torso as I ran away, leaving him standing on his own.

“Okay, well call me later.” He called to me desperately. I just waved to him behind me, telling him I would.

I slowed down my pace once I was away from him, and was now strutting past students who sat on benches, a few girls giggling and whispering when they saw me. I looked at them, but all they did was smile and wave at me, I turned my head around again. Were people really this fascinated with High School relationships? If I was this ‘famous’ in school because of one stupid relationship, I didn’t even want to imagine what it was like for a real celebrity.

As I made my way to the art room, I became lost in thought about the ‘celebrity’ thing. Chuckling to myself I imagined what would happen if someone from Belleville did become famous! It would never happen (so I thought), but I still couldn’t help smiling just thinking about it.

Because I was so lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone, my head lightly colliding with their chest. I really was quite stupid, I seemed to bump into people a lot.

“Oh, I’m sor – Oh, it’s you.” I said, when I saw blue eyes looking down at me.
“Hey, doll. How’s it going? You finally got a boyfriend now I see?” Aaron said.
“Yes, yes I have got a boyfriend. This makes me even more of limits.”
“I don’t care, I’ll still get you one day. Just one night, Elliott, why can’t you give me that?”
“Because you’re a fucking weirdo who tried to rape me because you’re so desperate? Listen Aaron, why are you so obsessed with this? Just go and find some other girl who will willingly fuck you, okay? Because I won’t! Just accept that!”

“But I want you!” he said through his teeth, looking around to see if anybody was watching, luckily no one was.

“Well I don’t want you, okay? I don’t give a shit if you fucked Chloe, and Angelica, and Maggie, and Tara. I don’t even care if you’ve fucked the entire cheerleading team, okay? You are not going to have me. Pleas just learn that, then maybe we can both move on.”

Aaron seemed to calm down at my words. I hoped he finally understood me, he would never get me. The more he tried the more he would go insane, because I would just defeat him every time. Even if he tried to rape me like he did last time, I would get away, and the sooner he learnt that the better.

“Please, Aaron, just move on. Now get out of my way.” I patted him on the shoulder and barged past. If I treated Aaron like any other person he would realise I wasn’t scared of him. Because I wasn’t, Aaron was about as scary as a fluffy kitten.


Finally reaching the art room with no more interruptions, I swung the door open to reveal only one other person inside. And he was typically sat at the back of the room, as he always was.

“The room is completely empty, yet you still choose to sit at the back.” I said as I made my way towards him, but when he looked up, his face was hard and serious, rather than happy.

“What’s up with you?” I said, plonking myself down next to Gerard. Glancing at his work I noticed he was drawing a zombie being cut in half...And the zombie looked suspiciously like me...

“Nothing” Gerard said miserably, his hand moving around the paper, creating more details and more gore with every stroke.

“Oh, come on, there is definitely something up, look at your face. And look at your eyes! They’re so red.” I leaned in closer, and sure enough his eyes were red and almost glassy looking.

“Oh my God, are you high?” I questioned seriously, pulling back so I could see him fully.

“No, don’t be stupid.” He said, but the small smile that played on his lips told me another story.

“Oh my God, you are! You’re high! Why’d you do that? What if someone found out, are you stupid or something? Stop laughing at me! Why’d you do it? Look at me!”

Gerard was chuckling lazily at my reaction, not taking his eyes off of his drawing.

“So, you and Blake, huh? Thought you didn’t like him?”
I sighed “Is this why you’re being so weird with me? Look, regardless of whether I like him or not, I kinda have to be with him. You don’t understand, it’s not easy being popular! People expect you to have boyfriends!”

“What, so you have to live up to these expectations?” he finally looked at me, his hazel eyes glancing at me calmly.

“Well, duh! Of course I do! But why did you get high?”

I couldn’t believe what Gerard had done. I knew he smoked weed, because when I’d seen him that night when I asked for a lighter, I could tell both him and Frank were high. But I only thought they smoked it when they were drunk, but obviously Gerard used it as an escape. I couldn’t believe I didn’t know this before.

Gerard just shrugged, twisting his pencil around in his hands.

“I don’t know, Elliott. Maybe because one minute you’re like the best person ever, and then the next you’re just acting like a total bitch.”

What?” I hissed “Are you saying this because I’m with Blake now? Look, he was the one who did this whole ‘relationship’ thing, alright? He didn’t even ask me, he just assumed we were together. I don’t like him, but so what?! It has nothing to do with you.”

“Maybe not, but I still don’t see why you’re with him. He’s such a dick.”
“I know” I sighed.
“And hasn’t he noticed this impressive feature yet?” Gerard giggled, prodding the hickey on my neck. I swatted his hand away.

“Gerard, don’t. It hurts you know.” But this only made Gerard giggle more.

“So your boyfriend is a dickhead and he’s retarded? You’ve got a fucking good one there Elliott.”
“Just shut up, Gerard. I still don’t get why you got high though.”

“I got angry.” He sighed, slumping down a little in his chair.
“Do you always get high when you’re angry?” I tried to question lightly, but I secretly worried.
“No, not always. Sometimes I just get really drunk.” Gerard grinned to himself.

“And then pass out in alleyways so your best friends can’t find you?”
“You are so fucked up.” I ran a hand through my hair, but smiled never the less. In a way I didn’t care that Gerard was so messed up, it just made him more interesting.

“Well, so are you. I’ve never had to fuck someone just for my popularity” he giggled. I blushed but smiled all the same.

“You have no popularity,” I said which made him laugh in agreement “Anyway, what are you doing in here? Shouldn’t you be with Frank and that?”

“I wanted to get away from them. This is the only place they don’t come to look for me.”
“Why’d you wanna get away?”
“Mikey and Ray kept getting angry at me because I smoked that weed.”
“Where’d you get it from anyway?”
“Bob’s friend. Only Frank and I really smoke it though. Mikey hates it, he hates it when I do it.”
“He’s just worried about you probably.”
“They’re all worried about me.” I looked at him, shocked at what he had said. I thought I had finally understood Gerard, but maybe there was so much more to him.

Now that I thought about it, I still didn’t really know much about him.

“Well, now that you’re being all truthful and shit, can you tell me the real reason you hate Blake?”
Gerard grinned and looked at me “You still think I’m jealous of him?”
“Well are you?”
“...Yeah, I think I am you know. Because he’s actually allowed to kiss you, and be friends with you, and laugh with you, and fuck you. I can’t.”

I blushed so bad at what he just said that my entire face was glowing. Did he just admit he wanted to fuck me? No, of course he didn’t, he probably didn’t mean it like that!

“Y-Yeah, I see your point. But, that still hasn’t stopped you from kissing me, has it?”
“Nope. You know, Elliott, sometimes I don’t even know why I kiss you.”
“Neither do I, Gerard” I sighed, slumping down in my seat, so my posture matched his.
“You’re a good kisser you know.” He chuckled, causing me to blush more if it was possible.

“Well, so are you, Gerard, so are you.”
“Yeah, you make me feel different when we kiss. I’ve never felt it before.” He stretched his arms up casually, and put them behind his head, the pencil still in his hand.

“I dunno. You’re just different to everything. You’re different to your friends, you’re different to Annie, you’re different to the other two girls I’ve kissed before. You’re just different. I like it.” He said.

I smiled to myself as I doodled on a sheet of paper, drawing the outline of a heart as I listened to Gerard’s words.

“You’re different too, Gerard.”
“I’m glad I have you sometimes, even if I do hate you.”

I laughed “There’s a fine line between love and hate, you know” I said, remembering my English lesson again.

“Maybe that’s why I wanna kiss you and kill you all at the same time.” Gerard said truthfully, although there was a tone of humour in his words.

“You’d never be able to kill me, Gerard. Let’s face it; I would beat you to a pulp with my muscle.” I laughed, grabbing my bag from the floor once I realised what the time was.

“No, you’re right. But I could kiss you, because you fall for it every time.” Gerard smirked, his glassy eyes staring at me smugly, before they trailed down to the hickey on my neck.

“Whatever, Gerard. See you later.” I began making my way to the door.
“See you later, Belliott!” I whipped around, pointing a finger at him.

“Do not call me that. It’s disgusting!”
“Yeah, I know. Ellirard is so much better, right?” he winked. (Could he read my mind or something?)
“Oh shut up, Gerard. I can taste your ego from here.” I mocked, before walking out of the room and joining the rest of the world.

Why is it every time I am left alone with Gerard something weirder always happens? I touched the mark on my neck, smiling to myself as I walked down the hallway. Catching sight of Blake, I tried to avoid him, but his eagle eyes spotted me before I could escape.

“Hey, Ellie! Have you thought about that offer yet?” he asked, dragging me towards him, my girls and a few of his friends surrounding us. Tara smiled at us as she watched.

“What offer?” Maggie said, taking interest in our conversation.
“I’ve got an empty house tonight, but she says she’s going out with you guys?”
“No, we’ve got nothing planned.” Angelica grinned, winking at me with excitement.
“Yeah, go for it, Elliott.” Tara smiled encouragingly.

“Fine, whatever, I’ll be at yours for 6 o’clock, okay?” I tried not to sound miserable. Blake smirked and planted a kiss on me, before walking off with his friends. They patted him on the back and cheered, congratulating him on the fact he was going to ‘get some’ tonight.

Oh, God...Oh my God. My life has just been ruined forever...

“Right, you so totally have to tell us everything that happens!” Maggie said.
“Yeah!! Fuck me you are so lucky, have you seen those arms? Oh, God, he looks so strong. You’re so fucking lucky.” Angelica cried.

“Oh, and Elliott? Don’t flake out on this, okay? You don’t need a reputation; people already think you’re frigid.” Chloe said before strutting in the classroom.

Brilliant, there was no getting out of this one then. (But I could always pretend that Blake was Gerard. What the fuck are you thinking, Elliott?! Shut the fuck up) But to be honest, it was the only plan I had, seeing as Gerard was the only one that really made my heart flutter...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh, naughty Gerard got high during school. Silly boy, if he carries on like that he's gunna get addicted (ahem)

Anyway, here is another chapter for you. And I have had so many comments about Blake, and how nobody likes him, that's the point ;)

Elliott is basically forced to date him to 'save' her popularity in a way. But yes, he is meant to be a dickhead because when she is with him she can't stop thinking about Gerard

I seriously have to stop giving away spoilers in my Author's Notes...Heh.

Anyway, please comment on your thoughts :D xxx