Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

He Hadn't Picked This Song By Accident



It was now 6 o’clock, and you know what that meant? Yepp, it was time to go to Blake’s house, the moment I had been dreading all day.

Like I stated before, I wasn’t scared of being alone with Blake, but I just found him so unattractive and off-putting I just didn’t even want to think about doing anything with him. But no doubt he expected to get lucky tonight, as did everybody else who knew we were spending the night together.

I had spent my afternoon thinking of excuses to not go around that night, but none were good enough, and nothing was worth risking because Chloe would just get angry at me. It was hard to believe that she was almost ordering me to have sex with Blake. It really was quite creepy.

“Bye, mum. I’ll be back at around 10ish.” I yelled, slipping my worn out Ugg boots onto my feet. Before I could make my way towards the door, my mum came running in.

“Elliott, Elliot wait!” she said, I turned to her, confused as to why she had literally ran from her bedroom to me “Please, for God’s sake use a condom!”

My mouth fell open in shock and embarrassment. I haven’t even told her Blake was my boyfriend, how did she know I was going around his house tonight? The woman continues to amaze me.

“W-Wha – How did you know? I don’t even want to – This is awkward.” I spluttered.
“I’m your mom, I know everything. But please just...Be careful, okay? This Blake guy looks like an idiot.”
“How do you know?”
Facebook, other parents, intuition...”
“Right...Well, I can assure you if anything happens, I will be careful. But you don’t have to worry, I don’t even want to – You know...”
“Because he’s clingy! And he’s stalky, and he’s desperate, and he’s slimy!”
“Then why is he your boyfriend?”
“Stop doing what Chloe and Angelica tell you to do. If you don’t like this Blake guy, then just finish it.”
“We’ve only been going out a day though.”
“Even more reason to do it! ‘It’s just not working out, you could do so much better than me’, just say that, always works.”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“Just tell him you’re gay.” My mother shrugged. I went to argue, but instead just nodded in agreement.

“Okay, whatever. I’m not promising I’ll end it though.”
“Elliott, do me a favour, stop caring about what other people think of you. Who gives a shit what Chloe thinks? You care too much, Elliott. Just live your own life, not someone else’s.” She hugged me and opened the door, pushing me out.

“Oh, before I leave, mum. Promise me you won’t tell dad anything!”
“Honey, your father knew you weren’t a virgin before I did!” she laughed. Again, my mouth fell open.
“He’s your father! Men aren’t as stupid as we think they are, well, not all men. I’m pretty sure this Blake kid is pretty dumb.” My mother said.

“Yeah, yeah he is pretty idiotic. Well, I’ll see you later,” I went to walk off, but turned around again “So does dad know about the time I got drunk and ran around in my underwear?”
“What about the time I-“
“Honey, he knows everything. He’s just too shy and awkward to talk about it.” She said with a smirk. My face flushed bright red. Brilliant, so now my parents know everything about me.

I never understood it. Louis and Rosie Haile must be mind readers or something? Or maybe it was just parent intuition...Whatever they had I hoped I inherited it when I had my own children.


I arrived at the address Blake had given me. Turning my cars engine off, I got out of my car and stood in front of Blake’s house. It was plain and boring. Plain grass covered the front lawn, the door was a plain white colour, and the windows were framed with boring curtains. I couldn’t help but think everything about Blake was boring. He couldn’t make me laugh, or smile...He couldn’t even make me angry, he just made me awkward and uncomfortable.

As I walked up to the door in my jeans and hoodie (I didn’t bother to make an effort, it was only Blake after all) the door swung open.

“Hey, baby! I’ve been waiting for like, 20 minutes, come in.” Blake said a wide grin on his face and an excitable look in his eye.

I entered his house. The place was tidy, but so incredibly bland. Slipping my shoes off I followed Blake into what I presumed to be his living room. He turned around and grinned at me again, his overly white teeth glinting in the painfully bright light. He walked up to me and kissed me deeply, but as always, I found it hard to return.

“I’m glad you’re here. I love you so much.” He whispered happily into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me. I froze; did he just drop the L-bomb? After only 24-hours together he dropped the L-bomb?

Zayn and I went out for 6 months and I only ever told him that once! Blake really is quite obsessive and clingy, but he’s harmless.

“Uh – I – um, I like you too.” I mumbled. Blake didn’t seem fazed that I hadn’t returned the loving sentence, probably because he was so stupid he didn’t even realise.

“So you wanna go up to my room?” he started dragging my hand towards the stairs like an excited child.

“Well hang on a minute!” I said desperately as we were halfway up the stairs “Don’t you want to watch a movie or something?”

“I have movie’s upstairs.” He continued to pull me until I was in his bedroom. The place was an absolute mess, his bed seemed to be the only clear spot in the room, and I couldn’t help but think that he’d purposefully left that the only spot available.

I plopped myself onto the hard mattress (not like Gerard bed. Shut up!!) and watched as Blake dimmed his lights.

“I – I thought we were gunna watch a movie?” I said helplessly, my heart pounding as he sat next to me, one arm around my waist.

“We can, afterwards.” he smiled, before moving his lips onto mine, but seconds later I pushed him away.

“Blake, Blake, Blake. Don’t you think we’re moving too fast? We’ve been going out a day. I don’t even know anything about you yet!” I said, he looked upset and disappointed. He obviously wasn’t aware that I wasn’t like the rest of my friends.

He didn’t realise I had feelings, and a brain, and self respect. He obviously thought I was going to be the perfect girlfriend, who spent her time either in the kitchen or the bedroom. Well, fuck him.

“Well we’re getting to know each other now.” He said, his brown eyes going wide and his lips pouting. I never fell for the ‘puppy-dog-look’, I don’t care if they look adorable, they’re not having their own way.

“But I mean really knowing each other. Like, what’s your favourite colour? What music do you like? Stuff like that. How can you tell if we’re a good couple if we have nothing to bond about?”

“But that stuff’s boring! We can talk about that stuff later.”
“No, Blake. I don’t want to take this relationship further if we can’t actually talk about stuff like normal couples do!!” I was growing frustrated. What I was really doing was trying to get out of having sex, but I was also angry at the way Blake was treating me. I was a person, not an object.

“We are a normal couple! And normal couples have sex!”
“Yeah! But not straight after meeting them!”
“Come on, Elliott. We look amazing together, let’s not argue.”
“You’re such a boy. All you do is think with your dick.”
“Jesus, Elliott. If I knew you’d be like this I might have thought twice about this relationship.”
What relationship? One date! One date and you think we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. I’m sorry, Blake, but if you think the system is like that then you are stupid!”

“Rich said him and Maggie only dated for about 5 minutes before she had sex with him!”
“Yeah, but that’s Maggie isn’t it? I’m not Maggie!”
“You’re fucking frigid, aren’t you?”
Fuck of, Blake. I am not frigid, I just have a little bit of respect for myself.
“Well respect me!! Respect my needs!!”
“Your needs? Don’t make me laugh! I’m not like my friends, Blake. I’m not easy, okay! When I want a boyfriend, I want a boyfriend. Y’know, someone who I can talk to, and have a laugh with. Not someone who only wants to fuck me!”
“You can talk to me!!”
“Well then why don’t we talk? Hmm? You’re the one who was so bloody up for this relationship, then why don’t you work for it?”

“Why don’t you?”

I was so angry. How could he treat someone like this? I understood that he was a guy, I understood he wanted sex and whatever. But he was so selfish and naive. I was wrong about Blake, he wasn’t stupid and boring, he was just an absolute selfish wanker.

“You’re a wanker, Blake.”
“A-A wanker? What does that even mean?” I stood up, ready to storm out of his house but he pulled me down again.

“Look, I - I’m sorry, okay? I just like you a lot, Elliott. I don’t want to lose you over something stupid like this.”
“You really like me? You don’t know anything about me.”
“So, does that have to matter? When I saw you, Elliott, it was like love at first sight. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and now that I have you I just love you so much.”
“Love at first sight doesn’t exist.”
“It does. How come every time I see you, my heart beats really fast? And all I want to do is kiss you forever?”
I rolled me eyes “Look, Blake. I just don’t know-“

“Please, Elliott? I just don’t want to lose you, ever! You’re so special to me! I’m just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to love him!” he was holding my hands and staring into my eyes desperately.

“Is that from Notting Hill?” I said in amusement. Blake wasn’t charming, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. I didn’t believe a word he said, but at least he was trying.

“M-Maybe...Elliott, please? Please don’t leave me.”

I didn’t say anything, causing Blake to sigh in relief, leaning in to kiss me. I was so tired and fed up with his behaviour, I let him kiss me. If this would get Blake to shut up and stop making a dick of himself, then so be it.

I wasn’t happy about this, not in the slightest. But as Blake laid me down on his bed, I started to kiss him back, finally closing my eyes. And the only reason I did this was because I was concentrating less on the fact it was actually Blake whose lips were moving against my own, and instead thinking about someone else.

It wasn’t Blake’s wet and weak lips on my own; it was his strong lips skilfully making my heart flutter. When Blake’s tongue ran across my bottom lip, I imagined his tongue exploring my mouth and making my brain explode. As I ran my hands through Blake’s thin, fair hair, I imagined it was his thick, soft hair. When Blake’s cold hands ran down my side and started to lift my Superman hoodie off of my body, I imagined it was his hands sending shivers up my spine.

But what was worse, was that I didn’t even realise I was doing it.


Blake and I had been making out for around 10 minutes when my phone rang from my jeans pocket, which were currently lying on the floor.

“Ignore it.” Blake said in between kisses, but I couldn’t stop dreadful things from running through my mind. I broke the kiss and wiggled my way out from underneath Blake’s body, running to my ringing phone in just my underwear.

I heard Blake sigh in frustration, but I blocked out his disappointed noises, instead concentrating on getting my phone. Unfortunately I managed to get it, but only after it stopped ringing.

“Come on, Elliott. Ignore it, come on.” Blake whined as I checked who had tried to ring me.
“Shut up, Blake. It could be important.” Expecting it to be from my mum or dad, telling me that something horrid had happened, it was instead a missed call from...Gerard?

“Uh, uh – I – It’s from my mum, I’d better call her back.” I lied. Blake once again groaned, lying on his bed in just his boxers. But for now I was just ignoring him, I was more concerned about why Gerard had tried to ring me.

And secretly I was also thankful that he had rang, otherwise I was terrified about what would have happened with Blake and I had he not interrupted.

My phone began dialling his number, my heartbeat increasing with every digit, and after the second ring, he picked up.

“Yeah?” his voice said to me.
“H-Hi, you tried to ring?” I said happily, trying not to blush and stutter. I had to act like I was talking to my mum, and not some strange emo boy (who I had been thinking about when I was kissing Blake)

“Yes I did! I just wanted to see if you had sex with that prick yet? I heard that you were over here I-I mean there. I hope you didn’t you know, because he’s a dick!” a very drunk Gerard slurred to me. He was drunk? Why?

“N-No, not yet, mum!” I said “Actually I’ve got to go now!” I glanced at Blake, who was glaring at me, unimpressed. His tanned six-pack glowing slightly in the dimmed light.

“Mom? it’s Gerard you idiot! B-But, I’m glad. Because I didn’t want you to!! You know why I’m drunk, b – because I didn’t want to think about it! I kept thinking about it, you and him. But I didn’t want to. And when I drink I can forget things!”

There was a pause before he spoke again. All I could hear was his breathing and his footsteps.

“And now I’m lost,” Gerard giggled loudly “I’m fucking lost!” he laughed.
“Oh, oh are you sure? Yeah, I’ll be home as soon as I can, mum. Don’t worry, don’t cry! I’ll be there soon.”
“I’m not crying! And I’m not your mo-“ I hung up on him, before gathering my clothes up from the floor quickly.

“What are you doing?” Blake said, still laying on his bed, in his plain white boxers.
“I-I have to go, something’s happened.” This wasn’t really a lie, Gerard was drunk and lost, but then again he hadn’t exactly asked for my help.

“What the fuck? Come on, Ellie, don’t do this!” Blake said, finally moving to stand in front of me. I shoved my T-Shirt on my head and tried to push my way past him.

“I’m sorry, Blake. Really I am, but I have to go. Now move!” he rolled his eyes, but turned to the side as I’d asked. I ran down the stairs, my phone and my hoodie in my hands, and stepped into my Ugg boots.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I called to him. He was standing at the top of the stairs, looking down on me with a frown on his face.

“Whatever. I love you.” He said. Although he was evidently angry, there was still a hit of desperation in his voice.

“Yepp, thank you.” I called back awkwardly, before running out of his house, stuffing my things into my bag and grabbing my car keys.

As soon as I was sat in the driver’s seat, I slammed my head onto my steering wheel, groaning loudly. The horn sounded until I moved my head, placing it in my hands instead.

I was ashamed of myself. First because I actually let myself get that far with Blake. I was technically leading him on, I didn’t want to date him, I wanted nothing to do with him, but I still kissed him. And secondly, because all the while, I was thinking about him, and I couldn’t even control it. He sneaked into my mind like a fucking ninja, and I don’t even know why.

I don’t know why I always compared every other boy to him. Every other kiss to his. Every other frown, smirk, laugh, smile...That boy had a way of getting into my head like no other person could. How did he do it? What was so special about Gerard? Why did I feel all light headed and weak at the knees every time he kissed me? But not when Blake did, not even when Zayn did? It was ridiculous.

I sent him a quick text, asking him where he was, and this is what I received.


I doijnt knows
A plsace withf a parkj
The oncre where yoiu waere poisnef ivuy
I thunk. Butr i can;tg remember howe to grt hime

A laughed a little at the text, drunken texting is not the best invention in the world, but I understood where Gerard was. The park where I asked him to light my cigarette, which luckily wasn’t too far from here.

To be honest I don’t know why I was helping him. Why I had gone out of my way to actually go and save his drunken arse, but still, I found myself driving towards his location, Michael Jackson blasting through my stereo.


Finally I spotted him, staggering around just outside of the park, exactly where he said he was. A bottle of beer was grasped firmly in his hand, while a half finished cigarette hung from his mouth.

I stopped my car and got out, crossing my arms with an amused smirk on my face, leaning against my door until he noticed me.

“Elliott! You found me!” he screamed, running up to me and pulling me into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back. It was freezing cold outside, but my cheeks still managed to glow bright red, making me feel hot.

“Come on, Gerard.” I said, attempting to push him towards my car, but instead he fell to the floor, sitting in the middle of the deserted road cross-legged.

“No!! Sit with me, Elliott!” he slurred happily, a childish grin on his face. I rolled my eyes, but sat next to he, glancing to the side of me to make sure no cars were going to drive by and kill us.

’If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?

Gerard sung. It shocked me, that for such a drunken person, Gerard actually had quite a good singing voice. I’d never heard him sing before, and it wasn’t exactly a talent I expected him to have, but his voice sent shivers up my spine as he sang one of my favourite songs.

Whether he was singing it to me, or just singing it in general, I would never know. But from the drunken glances he kept giving me, I assumed he hadn’t picked this song by accident.

I don’t quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said to much
They’re not enough’

Gerard closed his eyes and swayed from side to side, a lazy smile on his face as he sang, taking a swig from his bottle in between lyrics.

“I love that song.” He said after a while, opening his eyes to look at me.

“Me too.” I smiled.
“I’m glad you didn’t fuck Blake, y’know. It would have ruined my life if you did.”
“Why?” I laughed, as I watched Gerard try to keep his balance, pouting when he realised his cigarette was finished.

“Because he is stupid and you’re far too good for him. He don’t deserve you.” He smiled; every word slurred and stuttered because of the alcohol.

I was sure half of the things he said were just because he was drunk and didn’t realise what he was saying, but there was a certain part of my brain telling me he was being serious. After all they do say that your true feelings come out when you are intoxicated.

“I’m glad I didn’t have sex with him too. I nearly did, but I didn’t.”
I shrugged “Didn’t feel right. And I kept thinking of someone else.” I admitted. I don’t know why I admitted that, particularly to Gerard himself, but I did.

“Oh yeah? Who?” Gerard grinned, drinking the last of his beer.
“Ahh, I’m not telling that,” I giggled “Now, come on. Home time for you Mr Way”

I picked myself up from the floor, and had to stop myself from laughing when Gerard stumbled up, almost tripping over his feet in the process.

We both entered my car, thankful for the warmth inside. Gerard flopped into the passenger seat, staring blanking ahead, like he was thinking about something.

“Oi, Gerard, seatbelt! And do not throw up in my car!” I said as I started the engine.

Gerard did what he was told, and then screamed in enjoyment when ‘The Way you Make me Feel’ played from my stereo. He yelled the lyrics out as I drove him home, for a while I just shook my head in amusement and denial at him, but once the song hit the chorus I joined it.

’The way you make me feel
You really turn me on!
You knock me off of my feet
My lonely days are gone!’

We sang, I laughed at Gerard’s enthusiasm. I never would have thought he liked Michael Jackson, but then again, that boy was full of surprises.


I pulled up outside Gerard’s house, it was now around 10 o’clock, and the memories from earlier that day were now far behind me.

“See you tomorrow, Gerard.” I smiled as he stumbled out of my car, tripping over the seatbelt on his way out so he fell to the floor.

“See you tomorrow, Belliott.” He said as he scrambled to get up, giving the seatbelt evils as he finally stood upright. I gave Gerard a look of fake anger, but he just grinned in return.

“Did I say Belliott? I mean Ellirard, of course!” he giggled. I just sighed and rolled my eyes.
“You wish, Gerard.” I said before he slammed my car door shut.

Driving back to my house I couldn’t help but think of the odd events of that night. First Blake and I nearly have sex, and then I save a drunken Gerard. Somehow I found myself having more fun with Gerard that night, rather than with Blake.

In reality it should be the opposite way round, but I just couldn’t deny it anymore, Gerard was just always in my mind whether I liked it or not. Our love-hate relationship was becoming too much for me, I just wanted to scream at him until I lost my voice, but at the same time I want to kiss him with such hunger until my lips bled.

My feelings were so fucked up, but somehow I was learning to embrace them. All I had to do now was to sort out Blake, I don’t give a fuck if it was ‘love at first sight’, we just weren’t meant to be...And also he was a shit kisser.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the longest chapter I have written so far, 3,960 words :o

When I first started writing this story each chapter was about 1,500 words long, but now the story is getting more exciting I just want to write everything XD

And silly Gerard! Getting drunk and high in the same day. And it's on a school night! Naughty!

I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway, please comment with your thoughts about it :) your comments always help me write better. :)