Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

I Like Kissing You



”Okay, would you rather walk around naked for the rest of your life, or have sex with Mr Haines?” Angelica said, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

“Oh, God! I would so totally walk around naked!” Chloe said, pulling a disgusted face as she painted her toenails bright pink.

“Really? I’d fuck Mr Haines. If you take away the wrinkles and fat, he could actually be pretty hot.” Maggie replied, keeping a straight face so her facemask wouldn’t crack.

We were currently at Maggie’s house, have a generic girly sleepover. We’d been playing this game for about 10 minutes, where we suggested two scenarios, and had to pick which one we would rather do. So far I had stated I would rather lick a tramp then touch Lady Gaga’s boobs, and if I had to drink one drink for the rest of my life, I would pick tea.

“Okay, I have one,” Tara giggled while plating her blonde hair “would you rather have anal with Voldermort, or make out with one of those emo fags in school?”

We all made noises of disgust at the images that popped into our head, but Angelica instantly replied:

“Anal, defo.”
“Yupp, I agree” Chloe said.
“Yepp, definitely anal.” Maggie said, her mask cracking only slightly as she laughed. All of the girls turned to me.

“Uh, uh...W – Well, to be honest I would rather make out with an emo.” I admitted. All of the them, apart from Tara looked at me in disgust, as if making out with an emo was really worse than having anal sex with the darkest wizard of all time...The idea of anal sex made me want to vomit anyway.

“Whoa, really...That’s gross, Elliott.” Maggie said, her whole face now cracking as she frowned at me.
“Better than bum sex in my opinion” I honestly said.
“Nothing is better than anal, trust me.” Angelica said. My mouth, as well as Tara’s fell open. We knew Angelica enjoyed sex, but we seriously didn’t need to know that information.

“I can only agree with her.” Chloe casually agreed, not taking her eyes off of her feet as her steady hand painted her nails.

My mouth opened wider, I was horrified at this revelation. How did I not know this before? Maggie didn’t seem as shocked as Tara and I.

“Stop looking so shocked, Elliott, jeez. You look like a kid.” Angelica laughed. I obediently closed my mouth, and flicked through the pages of the fashion magazine I was holding in my hand, pretending to be interested in its content.

“Anyway, just out of interest, which one would you make out with?” Tara asked, her childish face smiling at me encouragingly.

“Oh, I dunno. Any of them, depends which one was the best kisser.” I shrugged. Secretly of course I would have chosen Gerard; after all I already had kissed him multiple times, but nobody needed to know that.

“Eurgh, that’s disgusting,” Chloe shivered “I would rather kill myself then have to touch one of them.”

“What about you, Tara? You didn’t say.” I questioned.
“Oh, I would totally make out with an emo. That one with the glasses looks so awkward, I would love to get my claws in him and show him a good time.” Tara grinned, laughing at her own words.

I laughed too, but only because I knew what Mikey was like. Mikey would run away screaming if Tara so much as talked to him, God bless his soul.

“It’s still totally gross. They’d probably taste like weed and blood.” Maggie said. I really wanted to interrupt as say that in fact they tasted like cigarettes and mints, but I felt it was best to stay quite.

“It’s fine; I’m use to the taste of weed. I’m pretty sure Seth’s dick even tasted like weed.” Tara said, her mind wondering off as she thought.

“Tara, I really didn’t want to know that.” I said, taking a sip of my drink.
“What does Blake’s taste like?” Tara said, her young voice making the obscene question sound innocent. I choked on my water as the four girls looked at me with interest.

“Uh – Uh...Uh...” I mutterd.
“You did have sex with him last night, didn’t you?” Angelica asked, her eyebrows raised slightly.
“Well yes, kinda...Well, no not really, we nearly did! But...Um, no we didn’t.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed, while Angelica frowned in disappointment.

“Elliott, that’s lame, I was hoping for some gory details!” Angelica pouted.
“Angelica, can you stop saying ‘gory details’, it makes me sound like I’ve murdered someone!” she frowned at me at my sudden outburst.

“Elliott, seriously you’ve got to pull your act together. I knew you haven’t had any action since Zayn, but seriously, you’re acting like a five year old. What are you scared of, huh?” Chloe began.
“I’m not scared of anything, Chloe! It just wasn’t right, okay?”
“What do you mean it wasn’t right?!”
“It didn’t feel right. And unlike you, when something doesn’t feel right I have the ability to stop it!”
What?! You stopped having sex? How can you do that? Especially with Blake, he’s so fucking hot!” Angelica said, but I was concentrating on Chloe, her fuming face hadn’t left mine since I had insulted her.

“Elliott, when was the last time you had sex?” Chloe asked me calmly, even though her eyes were still glaring into mine.

“About a year ago?” I shrugged. I heard Angelica mutter “Damn, too long” in the background.
“And who was the last person you kissed before Blake? Ignoring what happened with Aaron.” Chloe asked again.

“Zayn.” I sighed (and lied). It was Tara’s turn to look shocked this time.
“Right, so the last piece of action you got was about a year ago?”
“Yes?” I asked, confused “What’s your point?”
“My point is you are such a fucking frigid idiot! No wonder you haven’t had a boyfriend in so fucking long!! You come off as this scared little virgin. Now, Elliott. I want you to have sex with Blake by the end of this week, okay? I don’t give a shit if you don’t want to, you will, okay? You’re giving yourself this label, like you’re too hard to get, and you’re this little virgin, and I know you’re not, okay?” Chloe burst out. Every word hit me right in the chest.

“You’re – You’re ordering me to have sex?” I asked, in disbelief.
“Why do you even care? Why is it your problem?”
“Because it is, okay? If you want to be friends with us, Elliott, you have to stick to the rules!”
Rules? What fucking rules?
“Elliott, you can’t become a fucking badass popular hot chick, and then not act on it! You have a reputation to live up to! No wonder guys don’t like you, you don’t get yourself out there, Elliott! The whole idea is that guys want to fuck you, all the time. How are you gunna achieve this if you can’t make them jealous?!”

“I can make boys jealous!” I nearly yelled. Tara was looking back and forth between Chloe and I, fear in her eyes as she watched us argue.

“Oh yeah, who? Who the fuck is jealous? Forget Aaron, Aaron wants to fuck everything that moves. Who the fuck is jealous of you?” when I didn’t reply Chloe gave a satisfied smirk “See, I’m right. Look, Elliott. I know I sound like a bitch, but I’m just looking out for you, okay?”

She smiled at me and patted me on the leg before standing up to grab a DVD. Inside I was still fuming. Angelica and Maggie were just laughing and chatting, basically ignoring what had just happened, while Tara smiled at me weakly.
I grabbed my Blackberry as was surprised to see I had a message.


Hey bitch
Just wanted to say thank you and whatever
For getting me last night.
I seriously would have just slept in that park if
You hadn’t of found me.
Hate you still :)

I smiled a little at his text. It was odd, that Gerard Way had sent me a random text, particularly one saying ‘thank you’, but it had made me smile, which is all I wanted right now.

To: Gerard:

No probs
I would have left you there
But seeing as you’ve saved
My arse a number of times
It was only fair
Hate you too ;)

“Who are you texting?” Maggie asked as she saw me typing away on my phone.
“Huh? Oh, just Blake.” I smiled.
“Oh really? Saying what?” Angelica joined in.
“Just saying we should hang out some time...Alone” I smirked. Secretly the idea made me sick, but I had to pretend for my friends.

They laughed along with me until my phone buzzed in my hand.


Yeah, you seriously owe me
For all that.
Btw, I am glad you didn’t
Fuck Blake.
He’s a motherfucker.
Hate you more

I laughed again at the ongoing ‘hatred’ between us (or rather flirting, but I didn’t want to think of it as that). The girls all turned towards the TV to watch 10 Things I hate About You while I sat and continued to text Gerard.

To: Gerard:

So am I.
He’s a shit kisser
Not that you need to know that
Not that I see why you care anyway
Maybe you’re just jealous ;)
And no
I hate you more

Stop giving me wink faces!
Anyone would think you’re
Flirting with me ;)
And babe you
Know I’m not jealous of
That douche bag.
I’ve kissed you more times than he has
And, I fucking hate you more.

To: Gerard:

You wish I was flirting with
You, Way!
And you are totally jealous
Because I’ve got to fuck Blake by
The end of the week.
I’ve been ordered to >:(
And stop mentioning those kisses
It’s almost like your proud of it!
I fucking hate you

Lol, you’ve been ordered to?
Well maybe I should fuck you
Before he gets his claws into you ;)
Nah, I’m joking.
I wouldn’t touch you
And whose to say I’m not proud?
Have you seen that hickey?

I blushed as touched the bruise on my neck, that was still quite painful, but certainly not as big as it once was.

I couldn’t believe what was happened. Gerard Way and I were evidently flirting with one another, and he’d even joked about having sex with me. Something which we’d both have died of embarrassment of a few weeks ago. Something was certainly up between Gerard and I. How could we be flirting with each other?

To: Gerard:
Yeah, I’ve seen my hickey
It fuckin hurts, I’ve had
To tell everyone that Blake
Gave it to me.
Btw, are you drunk?
Because you’re so totally flirting with me
And you would so totally want to fuck me
Admit it ;)

Was I really writing this? Was I seriously telling Gerard Way that he would love to fuck me? I blushed at the idea, and chuckled to myself. I was obviously just getting flustered and hormonal. Hey, I was only human, and regardless of whether I didn’t find Blake attractive or not, I was an inch away from sex last night, and I couldn’t help but want more...But not with Blake though...With someone else. Although I would rather kill myself than admit it.

No I am not drunk!
I could ask you the same thing!
And I’m not flirting with you
I’d rather kill myself than flirt with you.
And I wouldn’t like to fuck you
You’re a fuckin cheerleader!

To: Gerard:

Oh, don’t lie!
Maybe you don’t wanna fuck me
But you love kissing me ;)
You’ve done it enough times


If anything
You are the one flirting with me!
And so what if I like kissing you, I’m a
Btw, seriously, don’t have sex
With Blake.

To: Gerard:

Why? Because you’re jealous? ;)
And that is a totally lame excuse
Just cause you’re a guy don’t mean
You like kissing just anyone.
And I am so not flirting with you!

I found it amazing. The texts we were sending each other were things we would never actually say aloud to one another. But because we couldn’t see each other, and that all of our emotions were being read through words and smiley faces, it gave s the confidence to tease each other. However I was still confused. I had always made fun of the fact that we had kissed so many times for reasons we didn’t know, but now Gerard was telling me that he actually enjoyed them?

As each text was sent I was growing increasingly hot under my collar. My cheeks were beginning to glow and my head was starting to pound. It felt like the first time I really had a crush on a boy...Like the time when you have your first kiss...The first time you have sex...The first time you admit you love someone. I was embarrassed and hot when I realised Gerard was almost turning me on through texts.

At the pit of my stomach I could almost feel a longing for his mouth on mine. I wanted to run my hands through his hair and feel his hands run along my waist. ‘It’s just hormones’ I kept telling myself. ‘It’s just from the intense conversations that you were having earlier’.

But I knew I was wrong. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, in that moment, I wanted Gerard Way. My frustration had built up from Chloe’s words, and now I wanted to prove that I wasn’t frigid. I wanted to prove it to myself, as well as to Chloe, and as well as to Gerard. I wasn’t some bumbling cheerleader who kept secretly kissing an emo kid. I was a hot female!

The more I thought about it, the more my mind wandered. Chloe’s words repeating over and over and over. She told me I was frigid, she told me I acted like a virgin, and that she couldn’t believe I hadn’t had any action for a whole year.

The reason I hadn’t had any ‘action’ was because there was no one I wanted to commit myself to...But now I had someone...And I didn’t mean Blake. My hormones were raging as I waited for Gerard to text back, my heart beat increasing when I realised what I kept thinking to myself. At that moment in time I was a horny teenager. And I wasn’t thinking that in reality I was thinking about Gerard Way in ways I really shouldn’t, but at that moment I didn’t give a damn. I forgot who Gerard Way was to everybody else, and concentrated one who Gerard was to me...He was a flirtatious yet fucked up and angry teenager who was sarcastic and funny. Someone who loved to hate me...But someone who also loved to kiss me.

I shouldn’t be allowed to think, I concluded. Because when I let myself think, things go wrong. Because right now, I wasn’t thinking about my friends, or my boyfriend...I was thinking about Gerard. Finally my phone buzzed.


So what if I am jealous? ;)
Does that make me a bad person?
And I don’t like kissing anyone
I like kissing you.
Oh, and btw, that is not me flirting
Because I still hate you.

My heart thumped in my chest as I sent him a quick text (Are you at home alone?). Throwing my phone into my bag, I got up. Luckily I wasn’t wearing my pyjamas, unlike the other girls. I was wearing skinny jeans and a baggy sweater, and I was also happy that I had a full face of make up on.

“Where are you going?” Chloe asked, almost angrily.
“I – I just remembered I have to go home.” I said as I began stuffing my things into my bag. My head swirling with confusion about what I was planning to do.

“What, why?”
“I just do.”
“Okay, whatever. See you tomorrow.” She turned back towards the TV, the other girls waving at me as I grabbed my car keys and practically ran out of Maggie’s house, yelling a thank you to her parents, and jumped into my car.

Checking my phone for a final time, I saw Gerard had text me back. I thought I was literally going to pass out from anticipation and confusion as I waited for the text to load.


Yeah, everyone else is out

I sighed in relief, and sent him one word back.

To: Gerard


Arriving at Gerard’s house, my heart seemed to have cooled down a little; however my head was still crammed with confused thoughts.

What the fuck are you doing, Elliott?
This is Gerard Way! Are you sure?
You hate this guy, what are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Come on, Elliott. You’re just hormonal, don’t do this!
They were just stupid texts, why are you getting so worked out about them!?

I ran up to his door, and banged on it twice, waiting impatiently for him to answer while my head continued to buzz with thought. In all honesty I really didn’t know what I was doing at Gerard’s house at 10 o’clock at night.

We weren’t even proper friends. I still knew hardly anything about this boy, but there was just something about him. And right at this moment, I just couldn’t deny it. I didn’t like Gerard Way, I didn’t love him, but boy I found him attractive, even if I did hate his guts. And yesterday, when I nearly had sex, I thought about him...And it left me wanting more...

“Hello? Elliott?! What the fuck are you doing here?” Gerard asked once he realised who was at his door. He was dressed in a plain black T-shirt, and black skinny jeans, his feet dressed only in Pacman socks.

“You know what, Gerard? I honestly don’t have a fuck. But just go with it.” I said breathlessly, and then I slammed my lips onto his.

He kissed me back before the front door was even closed, wrapping his arms around me and guiding me into his house. I could tell he was shocked, and to be honest I was shocked, but I was happy to finally have his mouth on mine.

“You’re fucking crazy.” He growled against my lips before reattaching them onto mine. I kicked my shoes off as he led me into his living room. The house was dark, with only a small lamp lit in the living room which is where Gerard and I were.

Our kiss was becoming more and more aggressive as Gerard tugged my bottom lip with his teeth, causing me to moan in both pain and pleasure. He ran his hands across my waist, using his left to hitch my leg against his hip. I pulled at his hair slightly as we continued to kiss, both of us panting as we became hotter and hotter.

We parted for a split second, Gerard taking the opportunity to pull my sweater off and chuck it carelessly to the other side of the room, and pushed me forcefully onto his couch. His lips found mine again in no time. Now I was lying on my back, my legs wrapped around Gerard as our lips moved together. Gerard smirked before kissing down my jaw line and onto my neck, finding the hickey he had given me only days before. He kissed the spot tenderly while I arched my back, wanting to feel Gerard’s hot lips on my body again.

“This is a fucking weird hatred.” Gerard mumbled against my neck, kissing and nipping it slightly while I tried to catch my breath.

“Just shut the fuck up, Way.” I growled, grabbing his head and attaching our lips again. We both smiled and explored each other’s mouths again. Gerard groaned as I bit his bottom lip playfully, causing me to laugh a little. Finally getting bored of being on the bottom I turned us around, so that now I was straddling his hips, while Gerard ran his hands along my back, pulling my T-Shirt up a little as he did so. My skin erupted into goose bumps every time Gerard’s warm hands made contact with my bare flesh.

My lips were beginning to get sore from the rough and aggressive kissing, but I didn’t want to stop. My mind had finally stopped thinking, and was now just fully enjoying what I realised I had been waiting to do for so long.

Who gives a fuck if I’m not meant to kiss Gerard? Nobody had to know. He was my type, he was exactly my type, and I had to stop denying it. I had to look past my hatred and see that actually Gerard was someone I wanted. And right now I had him...And we were alone.

“I fucking hate you” Gerard said, his words so aggressive it almost sounded believable.
“Yeah?” I laughed “It fucking looks like it”

My life had never had a perfect moment before, and despite how fucked up this current situation was, that is exactly what it felt like...Perfect. So as Gerard’s hands began pulling my T-Shirt up, I let him. And when his lips travelled back down to my neck so that he could bite and tease me, I let him.

But of course all good things have to come to an end.

“Gerard, why is there a car out the fr – Oh my God!

Mikey Way was standing in the living room door before either of us had time to register what was happening.

I was currently lying on top of his big brother in just my bra and jeans, while his brother’s lips were attached to my neck.

Shit! Shit!” Gerard said. I sprang away from Gerard, ending up on the opposite end of the couch, looking at Mikey with fear in my eyes.

Mikey was speechless. He was looking between Gerard and I with terror and confusion in his eyes.

“I really wish I could explain what’s happening, Mikey. But to be honest I don’t have a clue what’s going on.” I admitted. I was so embarrassed I just wanted the ground to swallow me up and take me away forever.

“W – What?” Mikey’s adorably terrified voice questioned, still looking between Gerard and I.

Shit...We had a lot of explaining to do to the poor boy...
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh...I wanted to write another kissing scene...But can you blame me :D

So finally Elliott's decided maybe she likes Gerard a little bit ;)

She doesn't love him, she doesn't have a crush on him...But she finds him damn sexy ;)

So now I can finally start developing a relationship. Seeing as it's so clear that they actually want each other so much XD

And also, poor Mikey. Having to walk in on that, what will happen to his young and innocent mind? Bless him.

Oh, and P.S. the other day, I found a story which really resembled my own, and it really worried me :/ I got really upset in a way, and got pretty angry, as CallusedSilk would know. Hahaha. So yes, just thought I would share that bit of drama with you :)

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and that it makes sense. Please comment with your thoughts :)