Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

You've Got Red Hair



The rest of the day went by quickly, and I was home by 5 o’clock. I dragged my many bags into the house, dumping them at the foot of the stairs, and was greeted by my dad.

“Oh, for God’s sake, Elliott.” He laughed and shook his head as he saw the amount of things I had brought. I smiled, slyly kicking the bag of underwear behind the rest.

“What?” I asked innocent, holding my hands behind my back and grinning.
“I don’t even what to know how much money you’ve spent,” he laughed “It’s about time you got a job, isn’t it?”

My eyes went wide at the idea. Although I didn’t want to admit it, I was a spoilt brat.

“N-no, I don’t think so. I think I’ll just continue to steal off of you and mum until I’m thirty.” I patted him on the shoulder before grabbing my bags again and running up the stairs.

I dumped all of the things I had brought on my bed, and started to hang and fold all of them up, placing them in their draws. Once I carefully placed my Batman underwear in my draw I smiled to myself, happy with my purchase.

By the time I was finished it was around 6 o’clock. Putting the last item away, my phone started ringing.

’You make me
Feel like I’m livi-‘
“Hello?” I answered, flopping onto my bed.

“Hey, baby. You busy tonight?” Blake’s voice said to me.
“Um, well n-Not exactly, but I was planni-“
“You should come round. My parents are out again.”
“That sounds lovely bu-“
“Come whenever you’re ready.”
“But Bl-“ I tried to say, but he’d already hung up. Groaning in frustration I grabbed my Pikachu and cuddled him close.

“What am I going to do?” I asked him, his blank eyes staring at me.
“Dump him tonight?”I raised my eyebrows at the yellow mouse “Good idea, Pikachu.”

I put him back on my messy bed, patting his head in between his ears and grabbed an old pair of converse, pulling them onto my feet.

Running down the stairs I yelled to my parents, grabbing my jacket as I made my way to the front door.

“Whoa, whoa, wait! Where are you going?” my mum asked, walking out of the kitchen to meet me.
“I’m just going to Blake’s house.” I smiled my car keys already in my hand.
“Oh?” she raised her eyebrows questioningly.
“Yeah, bye.” I smiled and turned around again, but she called me back.
“Why?” she asked, placing a hand on my shoulder to stop me.
“Well, he called me over. But I think I’m going to dump him. You’re right, I can’t keep leading him on.” I replied honestly.
“Okay,” she took her hand off of my shoulder “Well, make sure you don’t end up at Gerard’s house this time, okay? Dinner will be ready by the time you get back.” She winked. I just nodded in return and flung the front door open.

I sent Blake a quick text to tell him I was on my way before starting my engine.


As I drove I kept thinking about how I could break things off with Blake. I could use the classic ‘it’s not me, it’s you’, or tell him I thought he was better than me, or I could tell him the truth, that he wasn’t my type (and I wanted somebody else)

Before I knew it, I was already parked outside his bland house. Killing the engine I took a few deep breathes before getting out of my car and walking to his front door. Just has he had last time, he flung it open and stood in the doorway, smiling at me as I made my way towards him.

“Hey, baby,” He said, kissing my cheek as I stepped into his house “Come on, let’s go upstairs, I’ve got candles and everything.”

He was already dragging me up the stairs before I could resist, telling me to ‘turn my phone off’ and ‘be prepared for the best night of my life’. Once we were in his room, my eyebrows shot up. His room was still slightly messy, but was a vast improvement to what it was last time. Every flat surface was filled with lit candles, and he’d even covered the bed sheets in rose petals. One side of my brain smiled at how sweet and romantic it was, but the other was disgusted by it. Not even a week we had been ‘dating’ and already he was making over the top gestures like this.

As Blake guided me onto the bed, I finally took in what he was wearing. A suit and tie. A suit and tie? He pushed me onto the bed, but instead of joining me, he stood in front of me, his blonde hair gelled back so that his large features were even more visible.

He went to speak, but instead held up a finger “Hold on.” He ran over to his stereo player, and pressed play.

My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I’m sure
" the soft voice of James Blunt filled the gentle atmosphere.

I winced. Not because I hated the song, but because it was so tacky and cliché. Guilt surrounded me as I saw Blake straighten his tie and stand in front of me again. But then again, I knew this wasn’t the real Blake, this was a false and exaggerated Blake, trying to romance and seduce me.

“Elliott Janice Haile, you’re the most beautiful girl I have even seen,” He started. I lowered my eyes.

“My middle name's Jane.” I muttered, taking a rose petal and slowly ripping it apart.

“From the very moment I saw you, in that cheerleading uniform that showed of your really hot legs, I just knew you were the one for me,” my eyes shot up to meet his “Your red hair and your blue eyes are just so perfect,”

“They’re green.” I muttered again miserably. I didn’t know what Blake was getting at, and it scared me.

“You just walk so amazingly. The way you swing your little arms, and how your Australian accent makes everything sound so poetic,”

“It’s British.”

“I just want to kiss your lips every time I see them. I just want to hold your sexy body so close to me. I want to hold you up to the world so I can say ‘she is my girlfriend, the one I love’. You’re amazing, Elliott. The fact that your favourite band is Wink – 821,”

“Blink – 182.”

“I just love everything about you, Elliott. I just want to be with you forever, I really do,” my heart started beating faster as I saw him go down onto one knee, and produce a small box.

He wasn’t going to do what I thought he was going to do? Was he?

“And I want you to be mine forever,” he produced a ring that was silver, with a bright pink gem in the middle. I didn’t want to sound rude, but it looked fake, and obviously cost about $10 dollars.

“What are you doing?” I asked him quietly, but bluntly.

“I’m not proposing, Ellie. But it’s a promise ring, to promise that you’ll always be mine even if anything happens to us.”

I sighed and looked away from him, gripping the bed sheets with my hands. I felt bad, I felt really bad, but I almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous he was being. Was he being serious? From the candles and the rose petals I guess he was, but it was insane!

“Blake, we haven’t even been dating a week yet!”
“We’ve been dating long enough.” He said, holding the ring up closer to me.
“I just – Blake this is so – I just...” I was lost for words. What could I say? I knew nothing about thsi boy and here he was kneeing in front of me.

“Come on, Elliott. Please?”
“I just don’t kn-“
Fine.” he said, snapping the box shut and standing up straight. I looked at him with shock as he loosened his tie.

“Nothing makes you fucking happy does it, Elliott? I even fucking, like, propose to you and you still don’t want it. I thought maybe you weren’t giving me any action because you were one of these ‘nothing before marriage’ people. I’ve tried to make you happy Elliott, why can’t you make me happy?”

My mouth opened in shock and I crossed my arms “Is that all you think about, Blake? Four days we have been going out, four days. What did you expect me to do? Yell ‘yes’ and jump into your arms so you could do what you please with me? Well I hate to burst your bubble Blake but not everything is like how it is in the movies.”

“Is it because of Aaron, huh? Is it because he did that to you that you don’t want me to touch you? Or did you lead him on as well? Did you flirt with him and then just push him away at the last minute?” my mouth opened even wider, causing my jaw to hurt, my hand balling into a fist as tears stinged my eyes.

Don’t cry, Elliott. Don’t you dare fucking cry.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I yelled, standing up, my fists still clenched “Maybe I didn’t want to fuck you because I have a bit of respect for myself. Because I’m not like a whore like half the school is. You are a fucking jerk. I didn’t even agree to this relationship! You just made it all yourself. You’re just a dick!”

“Look at what I’ve done for you, Elliott. I told you I loved you. Isn’t that what girls want?”
“Oh my God you are delusional. Maybe girls who are stupid fall for acts like that! But I’m not stupid Blake. You picked on the wrong girl. Just because I look and act like a stupid whore doesn’t mean I actually am one!”
“Yeah? You’re right! You’re just a fucking tease, no wonder Aaron tried to do that. You walk around like a little slut, with your short skirts and your swinging hips, but when it actually comes down to it you’re just a frigid little virgin!”
Stop calling me that.” I screamed, and before I could control my actions I punched him, square in the jaw. And I punched him hard, even for little soft hands like mind. He yelled and grabbed his jaw, staring at me in shock.

I am not a frigid little virgin! I’m just not a fucking dumb slut who will let you fuck me senseless every day. If you want that, go and find some other fucking whore, because you’re not fucking bothering me again. Whatever we had is fucking over, Blake. I was willing to give you a fucking chance, even though I didn’t want to date you, but you fucked it up because you are a damn fucking wanker who deserves nothing.” the venom dripped from my words as I yelled at Blake, whose eyes were full of fury as he cupped his bruised jaw.

“You’re a damn whore.” He said simply.
“You wish I was.” I said in disgust, making my way towards the door, but I turned around.

“Oh, and don’t you dare fucking talk to me like that again. You don’t know anything that happened with Aaron and me. He tried to rape me, it’s nothing to joke about. And sure, he didn’t and I managed to get away, but don’t you dare tell me I was leading him on.” I started towards the door, but stopped once more.

“Oh, and if you dare tell anyone anything, I will tell everybody that you own a James Blunt CD. So basically, you keep quiet, I keep quiet. Got it?” I sent him a sarcastic smile before strutting out of his room and down the stairs. I heard him yell an aggressive agreement before I slammed his door shut.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I made my way towards the car, a frown fixated upon my face. But despite everything that happened, I couldn’t help but be relieved. It wasn’t exactly how I planned on dumping Blake, but I did it none the less.


There seemed to be a considerable amount of weight lifted off of my shoulders by the time I got home, but I was still frowning. Banging the front door open I marched into the hallway, smelling my mother’s cooking.

“We’re in here honey” my mother called from the dining room. I followed her voice and trudged into the dining room. There, my parents were already eating, a steaming plate of food on a spare seat. I sat down in my seat heavily and stabbed my carrots with my fork, not looking up at my parents.

“Something wrong?” my dad asked me. All I could do was look at him sourly as I chewed my vegetables with a frown.

“Tell us about it.” My mum said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and sprang into an explination about what Blake had just done.

While I was talking, my hands waving around frantically while I told of Blake’s bizarre ‘proposal’, my parents were just staring at me, their mouths twitching every now and again. After I finished, there was silence for a second before both my parents burst into laughter. My father wiped his eyes as tears began streaming, and my mother was gasping for breath at my story.

“It’s not funny guys.” I said, looking at them with disbelief.
“That was the best story I have heard in a long time.” My dad said in between his tears, all the while my mum was cackling with laughter.

“You are the worst parents ever.” I said, biting my food angrily. They just laughed again and carried on with their meal.

“I’m glad that’s over with though darling.” My mum said, and I could only agree with her.


The room around my blurred in front of my eyes as I span around in Gerard’s chair. I’d only been at his house for half an hour, but he had already disappeared to have a cigarette, and because it was raining there was no way I was going outside with him.

I sighed and stopped spinning, the world around slowly coming into focus. I turned to his laptop and opened the internet, and typed in my favourite website, I scanned through the videos on the front page, until I clicked on one that caught my eye. Christian Side Hug. I clicked the link, and watched as a bunch of guys ran onto a stage, and started rapping.

Gimmie that Christian side hug
That Christian side hug
Gimmie that Christian side hug
That Christian side hug

My eyebrows frowned in confusion and my mouth fell open a little as I continued to watch the video. They were rapping about what now? A Christian side hug?

Now uh, don’t use that front hug boy
That makes us awkward
That’s inappropriate
You back up off her ‘cause we
Wanna keep our mind pure

What on earth? The curioustiy got the better of me, so I entered it into Google, and read the first page that came up.

‘The Christian side hug is a satirical term for a display of affection in which a person hugs another by putting one arm around their shoulders, rather than both arms around them, thus minimizing the chance of inadvertent sexual contact.’

I couldn’t help but laugh, it was ridiculous. Just as I finished the last sentence I heard Gerard coming back up the stairs. He came into his room and removed his hood, shaking his hair and pushing it out of his eyes. He started to walk over to me, but I stopped him.

“Wait! Stay there.” I said. I got up and walked over in him, embracing him in a hug. He stood stiff and awkward as I squeezed him, only relaxing when I let go.

“What are you doing?” he asked me in confusion.
“Just seeing if I got sexually aroused from the physical contact.” I replied casually, scanning the rest of the article quickly. Gerard came up behind me and looked at what I was reading.

“Christian side hug?” he asked.
“Yupp. The idea that you hug someone from the side to avoid sexual contact.” I stated, spinning around in the chair to face him.

He laughed “That’s totally lame. I mean I’ve hugged people and never been aroused. I mean I hug Frank all the time.” He shrugged.

“Oh, I dunno, I’ve seen you blush on more than one occasion.” I smiled. He just swatted me on the arm and pointed to the other internet page.

“What’s that?”
“Oh, a rap that this Christian group made up about it.” I pressed play and watched Gerard’s face as he laughed at the song. His surprisingly high giggle made me smile as I admired his face, watching as stray raindrops ran off of the end of his wet bangs. Without warning Gerard tackled me in a hug. I rolled backwards in the chair until I hit the wall, but hugged Gerard back, realising what he was doing.

“Feel anything?” I asked a comic tone to my voice.
“Nope, you?” he giggled (lied)
“Nope!” I laughed back (lied)

“Anyway!” I said, pushing Gerard away from me “Art stuff, come on, we have a lot to do.”

I sat crossed legged on his floor, and carried on drawing a frame from the comic. My expert hands creating detail with every stroke. But Gerard just sat next to me and watched.

“Gerard, work.” I said, not taking my eyes off of the page. He didn’t move, or say anything, just continued to watch me. The only sound we could hear was the rain beating against the window. After a while I grew tiresome with Gerard’s constant staring.

“Gerard will yo-“ I turned my head to face him, and was surprised when his lips captured mine. Seconds later he pulled away, smiling cheekily at my flushed cheeks.

“Why did you do that?” I asked gently, my insides fluttering.
He shrugged “Felt like it.”
I just smiled “Get on with your work.”


We’d been working for three hours now, and I can officially say we were half way through out project. I flopped my head onto my notepad, which held a nearly complete picture.

“I’m tired.” Gerard yawned, his eyes half closed as he sketched with his pencil.
“Me too.” I said lazily, my head still on my book.
“Want a coffee?” he offered. My head shot up immediately. I said yes quickly.

He lead me downstairs, past his parents who were watching TV in the living room and into the kitchen. Mikey was in there half heartedly eating a bowl of cereal while reading Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet? Ouch.” I said, looking at the front cover. Mikey just looked at me, blushed, and nodded in agreement.

“I’d rather pull out my own teeth then read any more.” He admitted miserably. Gerard laughed, and continued making three cups of coffee.

“Mikes, it’s like, 3 o’clock, why are you eating cereal?” Gerard questioned, watching as Mikey lifted another bowl of Lucky Charms to his mouth.

“Because I’m hungry and I need sugar.” He said through his mouthful. I laughed and sat next to him. He instantly tensed, but relaxed after a few seconds. Mikey may be incredibly nervous, but I was glad that he was getting use to my presense.

“So, Elliott, what was that underwear I saw yesterday?” Gerard smirked. Both Mikey and I blushed as he placed coffee cups in front of us.

“None of your business, Gerard.” I said, taking a small sip from the cup, thankful for the hot coffee that slid down my throat.

“Oh come on! They looked pretty special. For, Blake?” he asked, grinning at my shamed face.
“Actually, Gerard, I shan’t be seeing Blake again.”
“Oh really?” I couldn’t help but smile at Gerard’s face, which was a mixture between interest and relief.

“Yes, not after he tried to somewhat propose to me yesterday just so he could get into my pants.”

I couldn’t help but smile at Gerard’s laugh, even Mikey chuckled a little.

“He did what?” Gerard spluttered through his coffee.
“He tried to propose to me, but with a ‘promise ring’, he said he loved me from the moment he saw my blue eyes.” I rolled my eyes.
“But your eyes are green?” Mikey pointed out.
“Exactly my point, Mikey.” I smiled, making him laugh again.


“I’d better go.” I yawned. It was now 5 o’clock, and despite the three cups of coffee I had drunk, I was still extremely tired. It was a Sunday after all, Sunday’s are meant to be lazy days.

“Yeah, okay.” Gerard followed me downstairs as I grabbed my coat and slid on my converse. I thanked Donna and Donald, and yelled to Mikey before opening the front door.

“See you later Geebear.” I smiled.
“Geebear? You have a nickname for me now?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Well I thought it was better than dick, or wanker, or twat, or-“
“Yeah, okay I get the point...Red.”
“Yeah, you’ve got red hair. Therefore your nickname shall be red!”
“That’s lame!”
“But cute.” He grinned. I blushed a turned away.
“Bye Geebear,” I said as I walked to my car, however just before I got into the driver’s seat, I yelled “Dickhead

He just laughed and gave me a middle finger as I drove off.

All I could think about when I drove was the very short and innocent kiss Gerard had given me in his bedroom. Not only was it completely out of the blue, but it felt almost right. Things were certainly changing between Gerard and I, ever since that night when Mikey caught us. But even though I was scared and frightened of what was happening, and what potentially could happen, I enjoyed it...A lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
40 chapters :O

I seriously didn't expect my story to reach this long at only this stage of the story. But oh well, that can only be a good thing.

And I want to apologize in advance, because I have a lot of school things going on at the moment, so I may not be able to update as frequently as I have been. So I'm sorry for that :(

But I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway, and I want to thank Callused Silk for the 'Christian Side Hug' idea!!!

Keep those comments coming, they make me happy :) xxx