Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

I Don't Give A Flying ***



“W-What are you doing here?” I stammered, carefully clambering off of Gerard’s lap and sitting on the branch.

“We um – We, uh – W-Well I could be asking you the same question!” Miss Johnson stuttered, removing Mr Escobar’s hands from her waist and turning to look up at me. Our faces were still flushed and embarrassed.

“Gerard and I were just – Just talking, about our project!” I brushed my hair out of my face and slowly started making my way down towards the ground, my eyes never leaving my teacher’s.

“I-in a tree?” Mr Escobar pointed out, straightening his tie.
“Yes.” I quickly defended; I was now on a low branch, so I hopped off and landed on the ground, staggering a little. Gerard was still in the tree, his arms folded amusingly.
“B-but still, what are you doing here?”
“We’re talking about school things.” Miss Johnson tried to cover up. I knew she was lying.
“In a woods, Miss?”
“Yes.” She blushed.
“I didn’t realise school things involved making out!” Gerard yelled from his high branch. We all turned to stare at him, making him instantly cower.

“W-Well, I could say the same to you, Gerard!” Mr Escobar pointed out.
“So, are you two going out?” Miss Johnson asked me softly as Mr Escobar and Gerard yelled at each other, Gerard laughing as Mr Escobar tried to defend himself.

No! No! Don’t be silly. O-of course we’re not.”
“But you two were kis-“
“That English essay is in for tomorrow, yes?” I interrupted.
“Yes,” She frowned “But I always thought you an Gerard didn’t get along.”
“We don’t.”
“Then why are you-“
“Listen, Miss. If you tell anybody about this, I will...I will tell everybody that I caught you and Sir making out!”
“Elliott Haile, you do not threaten a teacher!”
“We’re not in school; it’s not in school hours.”
“That’s not the point; I am still your teacher!”
“Please, Miss. Just don’t tell anybody. Gerard and I are just...We’re friends but...We just...We can’t tell anyone. So please, Miss.”
“Elliott, I am a teacher, I’m not allowed to gossip about students. Whatever happens to pupils is nothing to do with teachers, well, relationship wise anyway. Of course I won’t tell anybody, Elliott. But in return, I must ask you to please not tell anybody about what you have seen.”
“Thank you, Miss, I appreciate that. That’s why you’re my favourite teacher. And I promise not to tell anybody.”

Miss Johnson blushed and smiled at my compliment. This was such a bizarre and awkward moment. My two favourite teachers had caught Gerard and I together, but what was almost weirder, is that we caught them in return. For a moment it almost felt like they were not my teachers, but instead friends. Miss Johnson and I chatted like two friends who had know each other for ages, and Mr Escobar and Gerard continued to laugh and yell at each other like brothers.

But yet we weren’t friends, these two young teachers were practically strangers to me. Sure I saw them in school on a regular basis, but it wasn’t often that you came into contact with teachers outside of school, and certainly not in this situation.

“So, how was your date, Miss?” I asked cheekily as we watched Gerard finally climb out of his tree.
“D-date? Wha – How did you-“
“Mr Escobar told us,” her mouth dropped open “Well, I forced him to tell us. I knew something was up and pressured him into telling me. Congratulations.” I winked.

“I don’t believe my relationship is anything to do with you, Elliott Haile.” She said bluntly, but as I looked at her she smiled at me. If Miss Johnson wasn’t my teacher, and 7 years older than me, we could be great friends.

“But, yes, it was lovely thank you. And you and Gerard, how was your...” she tried to find the right words. After all this must have come as a shock to her, two students who she thought hated each other she found making out in a tree. It is shocking and embarrassing for her seeing two students in the first place, but two students who are meant to hate each other must be extra crazy.

“It was fine.” I turned my head away to try and avoid any further questions.
“Elliott, as your teacher, can I offer you some advice?” I turned to her, to see her brown eyes staring at me calmly but intensely.

“I know High School is hard. Believe me, I had to go through it, and now that I work in one I see these troubles every day. But, stop being pressured by your friends. I know it is not very professional of me to talk like this, but us teachers can’t help but notice these things. You are not happy with your friends, Elliott, I can sense it. I see you walking through those corridors wishing that you were just somewhere else, with someone else. I don’t know what this...This, thing with Gerard is, but all I can say is there is no reason to be afraid of it. Take Jack, sorry, I mean Mr Escobar and I as an example. I didn’t want to admit my feelings for him, because I thought dating another teacher would be too awkward, and students would get in the way of the relationship. I was afraid of the consequences and the negatives that could happen as a result. But then you have to really think about it. In the end, my feelings just ruled out any doubts I had, because at the end of the day, surely it’s best to be happy a have a few troubles along the way, rather than spending your whole life dwelling about what could have happened if you’d have taken the risk?

What I’m trying to say, Elliott, is that if you like Gerard, and want to be friends, or whatever else you want to be, don’t be afraid of it. Don’t rule out what could happen because you’re afraid of people’s reactions, or because you’re scared of people, people like Chloe Brown...Just take that risk, Elliott. Because in the end, even if things don’t work out, you can look back and say that you fought for what you thought was right, rather than choosing the cowardly decision and not taking that opportunity. Do you see what I mean?” she took a deep breath and looked at my dazed face.

“Yeah,” I said. And in true, I totally understood what she said, but as much as I wanted to take her advice, I was too scared to “But everything is so much more complicated than that.”

“How so?”
“I wish I could just not be afraid, but people like Chloe, they’ll ruin your life if they find out things like this. If she even found out I’ve spoken to Gerard, she’ll just destroy me. And it’s not even just Chloe, what about everybody else? What will they think?”

“Well, why should you care? Elliott, I know you’re popular, I know you’re a cheerleader, and I know that you’re meant to be cute, sexy, hot or whatever, but just don’t care. It’s hard, I know, but just don’t. If you do, you’ll look back on your life and just be upset that you cared too much about what everyone thinks. Who cares if Chloe ruins your life, you won’t be on your own will you? Besides, if she were a true friend, or if any of your friends were true friends they’ll accept it.”

“But it’s...But it’s Gerard. Even I can’t accept we’re friends.”
“You’ve got a lot more than friendship from what I saw,” she teased “but seriously, Elliott. How do you think he feels? Gerard is so very shy, I’m sure you didn’t know him a few years ago, but things weren’t exactly bright for him. You’re worried about your popularity and you’re scared of rumours and gossip. That’s nothing compared to Gerard. Gerard is scared of being hurt but not only everyone else around him, but mainly by you. Think about it, regardless of whether you want one or not, you have a reputation. In a way, Gerard almost can’t believe his luck, which is probably why he acts so conscious sometimes, he doesn’t know whether to trust you because you could easily just turn your back on him.”

“Are you saying I have to choose between my popularity and Gerard?” by now we had both began to drift back towards the park, while Gerard and Mr Escobar were engaged in a deep conversation about X-Men, still by the tree.

“In a way, I guess. I guess I just mean you have to stop thinking that you hate the guy. I mean you were making out in a tree, so something must be right between you. Who cares if it’s ‘Gerard Way’. So what he may have a reputation for being a bit...Troubled, and you have your popularity to think of, just embrace the fact that you’ve found each other.”
“It’s not like anyone else has to know.” She turned to look at me.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I don’t have to tell Chloe, do I? Gerard and I can be friends without anyone having to know.”
“That – That wasn’t exactly my point. I – I mean you have to choose what you think is right, not to juggle your popularity and your friendship.”
“Why not?”
“Because things can turn out awfully wrong.”
“But I get the best of both worlds. I get Gerard,” I held up on hand “And I get my other friends too” I held up the other.

“What I meant, Elliott, is you need to think about whether your popularity is really worth it.”

I looked at her, my eyes wide “Miss Johnson, I know you’re trying to be the good person here and teach me wrong from right, but honestly, yes, my popularity means a lot to me.”

She sighed “Well, if you think so, Elliott. But just, consider what I’ve said.”
“I will”

By now we were out of the park and were standing by a set of cars. One being Gerard’s and the other I guess must have been Mr Escobar’s. In the distance we could see Gerard and Mr Escobar walking slowly towards us, still talking, their hand movements dramatic and comical.

“Miss, have you ever thought of being a counsellor?” I questioned, leaning again Gerard’s car.
“N-no, why?”
“You’re just good with advice, that’s all.” She blushed and smiled.
“Thank you, Elliott,” she sighed loudly again “Today has been a weird day.”
“Tell me about it,” I said “First I skip cheer practice to go out with him, and then we get caught by two teachers.”
“Indeed. But things between us didn’t turn out so awkwardly in the end.” She smiled.
“Yeah, I guess so. I mean Gerard and Sir seem to be getting along.”
“At least Mr Haines didn’t find you” Miss giggled.
“Oh, God! Now that would have been embarrassing.”

By now Gerard and Mr Escobar had reached us, and had stopped talking. All four of us looked at each other, silence filling the air.

“Well, this has been a bizarre, slightly awkward, yet pleasant occurrence,” Mr Escobar broke the silence “But I think we should go now.”

He smiled and took Miss Johnson’s had and lead her to the car. Gerard and I stood with our arms folded while we watched them.

“Oh, and Elliott, don’t forget, I expect that essay to be in tomorrow!” Miss Johnson yelled at me before getting into the car.

They drove off, leaving Gerard and I standing in the warm evening air, the sun beginning to slowly sink.

“So, that was...” I began
“...Weird.” Gerard finished off.
“Less awkward then I thought it would be.” I admitted as I walked around the car to the passenger’s seat.

“Yeah, but let’s just – never do that in a public place again.”
“Mmm. Because next time someone else could find us.” I laughed.
“Yeah like Bob.”
“Or Mr Haines.”
“Or your mom.”
“Or Chloe.”

We both went silent at the suggestions. Both of our brains filling with thoughts about what would have happened if that was Chloe that saw us. My mind couldn’t process the angry that Chloe would have felt.

“So, what were you and Miss Johnson talking about?” Gerard asked, pulling away so he could start the journey back to the school so I could collect my car.

“Oh, nothing, nothing.” I blushed. I didn’t want to admit that we were talking about him, and the strange suggestions that Miss Johnson was making about embracing our friendship.

“It looked pretty intense.”
“It was nothing, alright!”
“Alright, jeez, I was just asking.”
“Well, it was private alright? It was just about...School and stuff.”
“Oh, right. Cool.”

“Gerard, c-can I ask you something?”
“Mmm?” he didn’t take his eyes off of the road.
“What do you think this is?” I motioned between us “I-I mean what do you think will happen?”
“What do you mean?”
“We haven’t got a normal relationship, Gerard, I mean let’s be honest. We spend two years hating every inch of each other, and then we get thrown together and things just...Everything changes. I don’t kiss people unless I mean it-“
“What about Blake?”
“Blake was different. In the space of a few weeks we’ve argued, we’ve kissed, we’ve – We’ve...Do you see what I’m getting at?”

“Yeah, but I don’t understand what you’re trying to ask me.” All the while his eyes never left the road in front of him.
“What is going to happen between us? Things have already gone pretty...Mental. I mean, you’ve stalked me on my date, I ran off from my sleep over to jump on you, I’ve just ditched my cheer practice despite the fact Chloe will kill me just so I can hang out with you. But – but, I just – You – We...All this time we hate each other, but we don’t.”

“Elliott, you’re confusing me.”
“No I’m not, you know perfectly well what I mean, you just don’t know how to answer.”
“Elliott, I don’t know what the fuck is happening between us. I look at you from a distance and think you’re this total fucking fake whore who’s playing me about, but then as soon as I’m with you it’s like...I dunno, I almost like you.”
“So what? You want to be friends?”
“I don’t know, Elliott. You’re this girl who hangs around with the football team and spends her weekends shopping at places I don’t even know the names off while bitching about every fucking person you see, but then you’re this awesome girl who reads comic books and plays video games and who laughs at my jokes. But I know that that awesome girl is who you really are, but you’re just so fucking scared of everything around you.”
“I am not scar-“
“Why haven’t you told Chloe?”
“Because she’d fucking kill me.”
“Well because...Because you’re – You’re –“
“Because I’m not a football player? I’m not popular? I use to be fat and tried to kill myself?”
“And you don’t wanna tell Chloe because you’re scared of what she’ll do, right?”
“Then you’re scared.”
“Well I’m not just thinking of me, Gerard. Imagine what would happen to you if people found out. You’d be fucking slaughtered.”
“Elliott, I’ve been slaughtered before, it don’t mean shit to me.”
“Then why haven’t you told people?”
“Because I – I dunno-“
“Because I’m popular? I’m not your type so people will make fun of you? Because if people found out you’d get bullied even more? And because you’re scared that if people found out we couldn’t be friends anymore?”

“I’m not scared, Elliott. I’m just...Worried.”
“The fuck are you worried, Gerard! You’re scared. You’re scared exactly like me! High School is an evil place, and people like you and me aren’t meant to be friends. People are bitches. I’m a bitch, you’re a bitch, and we’re selfish. We care too much about what people think of us. And that’s the truth.”
“Whatever. I still don’t get what you’re getting to, Elliott?”
“You can’t just ignore what is happening here, Gerard. Yeah okay we’ve decided not to tell anyone about what is happening with us, but that is my point, what is happening? I don’t want to admit this, Gerard, but I kiss you for a reason. I hate you, I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t mean it. So what is happening?”
“We’re just teenagers, Elliott. That’s what happens.”
“So this doesn’t mean anything to you?”
“Of course it does, Elliott!!”
Then what are you saying? What the fuck is happening?
I don’t know, Elliott, I. Don’t. Know.”
Well help me decided!
Why do we have to? Why can’t we just fucking kiss and let that be it? I don’t kiss for the sake of it either, Elliott, but right now I don’t know what the fuck to make of you. Or of us.”

“That isn’t an answer!!”
“Well what the fuck do you want me to say?”
“I don’t kno-“
“I don’t know if I have fucking feelings for you or what, Elliott. I just know that right now I like what is happening and I don’t give a shit that you’re a cheerleader!
” he closed his mouth instantly at what he had said, and his eyes went wide. My mouth dropped open.

Why is it that every time Gerard and I get into an argument, someone always says something too dramatic.

“Y-you what? Did you just – Did you just say you have feelings for me?” I asked carefully
“Don’t be fucking stupid, of course I don’t.” He replied immediately. He didn’t realise that this made me frown, because he wasn’t thinking.

“Then what do you mean you like what’s happening? That you don’t care that I’m a cheerleader?”
“Just shut up, Elliott.”
“No! Answer me! You can’t just say that and expect me to forget about it. Do you have feelings for me or not?”
“Like I said, don’t be fucking stupid. I don’t even like you.”
“That’s not what you said earlier!”
“Yeah, well I take it back.”
Oh yeah, and what the fuck do you feel, huh? Because you can’t just ignore what’s happening either!
Don’t fucking shout at me!” here we go again “I think I made it quite clear what I think of you!”
“You haven’t said shit!”
“I fucking like you, alright?! I like you, and who gives a shit? I like you, I like your fucking messy hair and the way you fucking dress and your fucking attitude problem. I don’t want to like it but I do. You’re a fucking retard, and I fucking hate you so much because you make me fucking like you!

While I was screaming my word vomit, Gerard had pulled over in the street. Luckily it was empty, and it was almost dark outside. The sun was just dipping below the horizon, leaving a red haze.

You fucking what?” Gerard removed his hands from the wheel and looked at me with such confusion. My eyes were so wide I could feel the strain in my eyelids. I just wanted to run. Run far, far away from that fucking boy right now.

Why had I said that? Was it the truth? Don’t be stupid, Elliott, of course it was the fucking truth. But you just admitted it, you just fucking said it out loud. No, you didn’t say it, you screamed it. Elliott you’re such a fucki – Wait, stop thinking, he’s talking.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” his eyes were narrow as he looked at me.
“I-I-I don’t know, I just g-got angry a-and I yelled and I s-sort of told the true, I think. I’m so confused. W-why are you looking at me like that?” I blinked rapidly as I stuttered over my words, my back pressed against the door as Gerard continued to look at me.

“P-please stop staring at me like that, you’re making me nervous.” I looked away from his gaze, but I could still feel his eyes burning me. But because I was looking away I didn’t see Gerard sneakily undo his seatbelt and move closer to me, so that now he was leaning extremely close to me.

“What are you-“ I began to stammer again, but he interrupted.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Uh – Y-yes. I-I think.”
“You fucking hate me, huh?” his was moving in even close this time, while I shrunk under his presence.

“S-stop being so weird, you’re freaking me out.” I almost whispered, as Gerard’s face came closer to mine. My heart beat was racing, I could feel it pounding in my chest.

“Do you fucking hate me?” he said against my lips.
“Y-yes.” My lips trembled. Why was I so scared? Probably because I just screamed at him how much I liked it for reasons I can’t explain.

“...No.” I whispered before he kissed me. The kiss was slow and gentle, but I could feel Gerard’s hunger, and I could taste his smirk. My heart beat was still racing, I sure Gerard could feel it against his own. I knew that Gerard was completely in control as he moved his hand to release my seat belt, allowing his body to lean against mine. His hand moved up my leg, towards my tight before running is up my body settling it on my waist. Every movement he made cause me to shiver with pleasure.

Slowly I lifted my hands up and gently ran them through his hair. My heart was still pounding with fear as Gerard’s lips moved against mine. Gerard put his hand behind my left knee and hitched my leg up against his hip making me grip his hair more. Outside it was getting even darker, even if people were to walk past they wouldn’t be able to see what was happening inside unless they put their head against the window, but that only made Gerard become more adventurous.

His hand wondered back to my hips, lifting up my shirt again so that his hands were now firmly on my bare waist, his thumb stroking my soft skin just under my bra.

“G-Gerard people c-can see.” I mumbled my eyes half closed. But Gerard didn’t listen; he just left butterfly kisses on my jaw and neck before gently biting it. Gasping in shock a little my eyes closed fully in pleasure.

“G-Gera-“ I didn’t even get to finish his name before I gasped again. His hand was now moving up even further, his hand now stroking the fabric of my bra while the other hand was now rubbing the inside of my thigh with his thumb.

I couldn’t help but let a moan escape. This boy was capable of making me feel things that nobody else had made me feel, and he knew it. It was just a shame we couldn’t really take things further, seeing as we were still in his car. I moved his lips from my neck back to my lips, where he kissed me so much more passionately; occasionally he would tug at my lip gently only causing me to moan louder against his mouth.

We knew it was time to stop when the streetlights came on. Gerard took his lips off of mine and rested his forehead against my shoulder while we both caught our breaths. My heart gradually returned to its normal pace and my breathing became calm. Gerard sat up back in his seat, while I straightened up myself. What did this mean? Gerard technically hadn’t replied to what I had said. But he still didn’t say anything; he just switched his engine back on and applied his seatbelt. He gave me a look, telling me to put mine on too before he pulled out again, carrying on the journey back to school so I could get my car.

Finally, after a long while I broke the silence.

“S-so what did you think of what I said?” I decided to ask bluntly, seeing as he was being quiet, a smirk on his face. I hadn’t really planned on telling him I liked him, it was only because I was angry and frustrated, I tend not to think in those situations. My thoughts and feelings just release themselves before I can even process that I am saying them. But as it was, I had told Gerard I liked him, something I didn’t even realise. Sure I had thought about him pretty much every day since we were paired together, sure my heart fluttered every time we kissed, and sure I wanted to spend every second of the day with him, but I didn’t quite realise I liked him. Not that much anyway.

“I think you’re fucking mental,” He finally spoke.
“Is that it?”
“For now.”
“So you’re not gunna say anything else, about what I said?
“B-but – But-“
“But what?”
“I just – I just told you everything. How can you just not say anything now?”
“Because I don’t know what to say.”
“Because you just told me you fucking liked me, and I don’t know what to say!”
“So, what? You still hate me? Is that why you kissed me again? Because to me that sends me mixed signals.”
“Well what do you want me to say, Elliott?”
“What’s going to happen now?”
“I don’t know, you’re the one that fucking said it.”
“I know, but what do we do?”
“What do you want to do?”
“I want to know what you think.”
“Fine, Elliott, fine. I fucking like you, alright? I fucking like you back and I don’t want to admit it because you’re a fucking cheerleader but you’re so fucking awesome at the same time. How can you be so fucking hot and read comic books? It’s not normal. So yes, Elliott, yes I fucking like you. I want to just kiss you and touch you and...Fuck, I don’t know.”

“Well, I wasn’t expecting that reply if I’m honest.”
“Fuck off, you started it.” By now we were back at the school. My silver car was now the only one sat in the deserted parking lot, lit only from the street lamps leaving an eerie glow.

“Fuck you.” I said playfully before grabbing my bag. But before I could make my way out of the car, Gerard took my hand.

“So, so does this mean that we both l-like each other?” his usually hard and sarcastic eyes were now soft and vulnerable. I realised this is how he must have looked when he was with Annie. Completely smitten with love and lust.

“Yes, I believe it does, Way. But don’t think I’ll stop insulting you.” Although I teasing him, my own green eyes stared at him sweetly. This whole situation just got weirder.

“So does that mean you’re not gunna go fucking another footballer?”
“No, I don’t think I could date someone with muscles now that I’ve kissed you. I like being the stronger one.” I winked, making him laugh sarcastically.
“But seriously, Elliott. What now?” I shrugged.
“It’s still a secret, right?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m not telling anybody anything.” He said
“Not even Frank?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Well...Maybe Frank. He won’t tell.”
“Sure, sure. See you later Geebear.”
“Bye, Red,” as I started away, he said something else “Things aren’t gunna be the same again, are they?”

I turned to face him “No, I don’t think they are, Gerard.”
“Do you care?”
“No, I don’t give a shit what happens anymore. My life is already weird enough. As long as people don’t find out, I don’t give a flying fuck.”
“You know what? Me neither.”

I smiled at him before walking to my own car, the now cold wind whipping my legs. I decided I should finally check my phone, after all I had no idea what time it was...It was 8:57! Shit, my parents don’t know where I am!!

I had 6 text messages and 17 missed called. All of the calls were from the cheer squad, and five of the six messages were from my friends, but the other was from my dad.


Hey, Ellie.
I don’t know where you
Are, but be home for
Love you

I decided to ring him. I didn’t know what excuse to use, but it would be better to talk to him now, rather than when I was at home.

“Elliott, where are you?” was the first thing my dad asked me.
“Oh I um, I was out with a friend, and we forgot that my car was still at school so we had to go and get it.”
“Oh right, I see. What friend is this?” the truth or a lie? The truth or a lie?
“H-his name’s Gerard”
“Oh, a – a boy?”
“The one that walked you home that time?”
“Oh, well as long as you’re safe. You’re coming home now, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be home in a few minutes.”
“O-okay. Wh-where did you go with this, Gerard?”
“Only to a park, dad. Don’t get worried, we just hung out and talked for a bit.”
“Oh right. Okay,” his voice sounded relieved “okay, see you when you get home.”

As soon as I hung up I started my car ready to go home. As I was driving I just couldn’t believe it. I tend to think in my car a lot, but holy shit, I just couldn’t process it. My life had gone from being so averagely boring to extremely exciting and risky. When I look back to that first day when Gerard and I drew each other in art class, never did I expect this. I never expected that first, I would end with working with Gerard, second, we would actually end up getting along somehow, third we would end up kissing all of the time for no reason, and fourth, that on a Monday evening I would admit my feelings towards him, even though I didn’t actually realise I had them. And then that he would return them!

Sometimes I have to thank myself for saying before I think. If that didn’t happen to me, I never would have ended up screaming at Gerard that I loved his messy hair and attitude problem. But now that I think, I’m happy. I took Miss Johnsons advice, and decided I didn’t give a shit.

Sure I wouldn’t tell my friends and Gerard and I would keep it a secret. But I wasn’t hiding anymore, not to Gerard anyway. I knew that not all good things can last, and that one day Gerard and I will have to go our separate ways, and that Chloe would probably end up finding out. But for now, I was living in the moment.

I didn’t know whether Gerard and I were calling ourselves a couple, or whether we were just fuck buddies. I just didn’t know, but whatever happened I would just accept, just like I had tonight. The smile would just not come off of my face, even when I walked through my front door my pearly teeth were still on show. Stupid Gerard, making me feel like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is a bit meh :/

But it's lead the story on a little bit, Gerard and Elliott finally admitted it, even if they didn't realize they felt it.

But I'm still not entirely happy with this chapter, I'm not sure if it really...Fits. Hopefully it does though, and it all makes sense and doesn't feel too rushed and out of place.

But please comment with your thoughts, happy reading :D