Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

And The Captain Is Always Right



”Okay, I accept your apology, but if you ever treat me like that again you can forget about our friendship.” Chloe said to Tara and I.

We were currently wandering through the corridors on the way to the lunch hall. All day Tara and I had avoided our friends, mainly because we were scared that they were still mad at us. But, as I had said Chloe had accepted us with open arms. Just so long as we didn’t treat her like shit again.

Tara seemed to be more relieved from this. I could physically see the weight lifting from her shoulders. Her popularity meant the world to her, so she thought. And she also thought that what Chloe said to her was far more important than what anyone else had to say. Mainly because Chloe was the Queen Bee, what she says, goes. And Tara was in no position to challenge that.

“So, now that that’s all behind us, I heard that those fags were like, beating you up yesterday or something.” Chloe strutted past tables until she elegant slid onto our table. Maggie and Angelica were already there, both of them eyeing up other girls around the room and criticising them.

“W-what? Oh you mean behind the gym?” I asked back, my words stuttering.
“Well, duhh. The football team said they found you. I’d sent them to find you guys, I was worried.”
“Worried?” I tried not to scoff.
“Of course I was worried. You guys are my best friends, right? I can’t have my BFF’s running off and causing gossip now, can I? I had to make sure you guys were okay. Lucky thing I sent Cole and the guys to find you, or else those sleazy fuckers might have had their way.”
“Chloe, I can assure you Tara and I were fine. There really was no need for the guys to beat them up.” I tried to act and sound casual as I sipped my Red Bull. Tara was giggling at her Blackberry, texting someone. I’ll give you one guess as to who she was texting...

“So what, you’re sticking up for them emo fags now?” Chloe instantly assumed, her tone going from friendly and cheerful to sudden seriousness.
“No, don’t be stupid, Chloe. Of course not.”
“Are you calling me stupid? I’m stupid now, am I? So first you stick up for them fags and now you’re calling me stupid? God, Elliott, I’m nothing but nice to you and you call me stupid.”
“Chloe, you’re twisting my words. You know what I mean. All I meant was that – Was that –“
“What, you’re friends with that emo? Huh? Do you go and slit your wrists together over your lame art project? Do you get high and cry because nobody loves you?”
“Chloe, stop it. You know I didn’t mean it like that. All I meant was, was that Gerard and Frank weren’t doing anything. There was no need for Cole and the guys to beat them up.” Although I was acting calm, my heart rate was increasing rapidly. If I let slip one wrong word, Chloe could find out everything. Maggie and Angelica’s attention had slowly drifted to our conversation, so that now they were listening intensely.
“Oh, Gerard and Frank, huh? You know them by first names now? God, you’re so fucking weird lately. No wonder Blake dumped you. Besides, those emo freaks knew what was coming. They deserve it. Besides if that Gerard kid would have killed himself properly he wouldn’t be such a bother now.”

Rage built up inside me, but I tried my hardest to hide it. Instead I concentrated on the first thing she said.

“Blake didn’t dump me? I dumped him.” Was my pitiful way of changing the subject.
“Really?” she questioned “Oh, well, whatever.” She shrugged. But my plan seemed to have worked, she wasn’t frustrated or angry anymore.

“Hey, guys, you wanna come over after cheer practice? I’ve got vodka!” she exclaimed happily. Meaning she was definitely over our last conversation. All four of them agreed, but I, again, was busy.

“Sorry guys, I’m doing the art p – I’m going out with my parents.”
“Elliott, you never come out anymore. You’re so lame.” Maggie said, applying another coat of lip-gloss, using her phone as a mirror to cover her lips in the sticky makeup.
“I’m busy.” I repeated.
“Where’re you going tonight then?” Angelica questioned, adjusting her top so that her cleavage was visible.

“Out for dinner.” I replied. Always the same excuse.
“God, you and your parents always go out for dinner. Can your mom like, not cook or something?” Maggie rolled her eyes.
“What can her mom do?” Chloe laughed, the others joining in cruelly. Tara, meanwhile, was still texting, her nose almost touching the screen.

They always made fun of the fact that my mum was a photographer. In their eyes, that wasn’t a proper job. Their mum’s were business women, or teachers, or accountants. They earned real money. They didn’t see how taking pictures of flowers from a different angle could be a job. I’d tried to tell them countless times that photography was much more than that, but of course they wouldn’t listen.

But when my dad earns enough money for us to go on a two week vacation to a five star hotel in the Bahamas, then they shut up. But my family and I are far too normal to actually bother to go on a vacation like that. Instead we use the money to buy a weekend’s worth of fast food and Japanese horror movies.

“Anyway, whatever. Elliott, you go for your lame meal, we’ll be having the real party.” Chloe grinned.

Of course I was lying. My evening was to be spent working on the art project, and just that. Lately Gerard and I had found other things to preoccupy ourselves with...But today I had decided, we were going to strictly concentrate on this comic, or else we would never get it finished.

“I wish I could come guys, but my parents mean a lot to me and-“
“Uh huh. Whatever. Anyway, don’t you totally think that those shoes in-“

And that’s when I zoned out, again.


For fuck’s sake, Elliott. Put your phone down and get your ass over here!” I smiled at Gerard’s text before tossing it back in my bag and running over to the rest of the team.

“Sorry guys. It was just...My mum.”
“Whatever, get in position.” Chloe snapped. I did as I was told and stood in position until the music started.

I performed the routine as perfectly as I could, but as always, Chloe picked faults.
“Sloppy,” she said, pointing at Tara “Fat,” she pointed at a black haired cheerleader “Out of time,” she pointed at super-thin Connie “Weak,” she pointed at Maggie, who looked furious “And...” she pointed at me “Well, Elliott, you’re just everything.”

While every other cheer leader lowered their head in shame, I crossed my arms, knowing full well that all of us had performed to perfection. If anything, Chloe was the shit one. But of course, she was the captain. And the captain is always right.

“Okay, we’ll do it one more time. And, Elliott, no fuck ups this time please.”

Why was it always me? She was the one begging me weeks ago to be on the team, and ever since I had joined, all I got was abuse and criticism. It was getting to a point where I would rather shove my pompoms down her throat than perform another hand sprint. But regardless of my feelings, I grinned until my cheeks hurt, and did the routine with such emphasis that my limbs ached.

“Okay guys, that was a good run through. We still need practice, Elliott, work on your sprints. But whatever, we’ll meet on Thursday.” She packed up her things and strutted back to the changing rooms, the rest of us following her.

Not bothering to spend any more time with my friends, I grabbed my bag and jacket and made my way to the car. Just before I left I caught Tara’s eye and winked at her. She was once again on her Blackberry. Her strained face told me she was trying to spell a complicated word, trying to look intelligent, but she smiled back all the same.


As soon as I arrived at Gerard’s house I noticed two things. One, he must have been the only one home as only his car sat in the driveway, and I knew for a fact that Mikey was at work. And two, he’d left a window open. Wide open.

A plan ran through my head. Brilliant, I thought to myself.

I tiptoed over to the window, which was the perfect size for a slim body to fit through, and pushed my bag into it. On the other side I heard it land with a dull thump on the living room carpet. Then, I lifted one leg and slid it through, ducking my head under so that now half of my body was in. And then with complete foolishness, I raised my other leg and with excitement tried to move away too fast. My leg got caught and I found myself tripping so that I fell into the coffee table, with a shockingly loud bang. I panicked.

I grabbed my bag and ran into the kitchen. From upstairs I heard Gerard swear loudly, before his thundering footsteps echoed around the empty house. Crouching down behind a counter I hugged my bag close to me, my breathing was heavy. But I still had a manic and almost insane smile on my face. My plan was to sneak into the house and enter his room silently and scare him. But instead I fell into a coffee table, making him think there was a bugler. But it still had the same outcome, Gerard was scared.

“Who’s there?” Gerard’s strong but obviously worried voice rang out. From the direction of his voice I could tell he was in the living room “I swear to God I will kill you, you motherfucker.”

I had to bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing, only a small snort managed to escape. His voice was now travelling into the kitchen, meaning he was getting closer to me. Slowly I crawled out of my hiding space, trying to make as little noise as possible. From this angle I could see Gerard holding a Lightsaber as a weapon, it was raised, ready to strike.

Quickly I crawled on all fours out of the room and into the hallway without being seen, and darted up the stairs. I had never felt more like a ninja. My heart was racing with adrenaline, and my brain was already preparing for Gerard’s reaction. Sneaking into his room I found the perfect place to hide. Sliding under his black duvet I covered myself over, my vision now swamped in darkness. In the confined space all I could heard was my heart beat, and my breathing, both of which were quick and heavy with excitement.

“I know you’re here. I-I have a weapon. And I’m not afraid to use it!” I heard him call out again. In a way I felt sorry for him, but on the other side I was finding it absolutely hilarious.

I heard his feet creaking on the stairs, telling me that he was making his way back up. I tried to calm my breathing, but my brain was almost fizzing from excitement. I heard the door hinges of his bedroom creak as it was pushed open.

“H-hello?” a petrified Gerard called. He’d obviously noticed the oddly shaped lump in his bed that was me, as I heard his audibly gasp, and almost groan with fright. I had to stop my shoulders from shaking with laughter. This was the moment. The covers were pulled back in a flourish and I saw Gerard scream. He raised the Lightsaber and was ready to hit the intruder with it, but stopped once he saw me rolling around on his bed with tears streaming down my eyes.

“That – Was – The best thing – I – Have ever seen.” I cried. Through my water eyes I could see Gerard standing there in a state of shock, the toy still raised threateningly. We felt silent, his eyes not even blinking as he stared at me. Gerard must have accidently pushed a button on the Lightsaber, as its iconic sound effects filled the still air. But neither Gerard nor I made any reaction to the comic noise.

My shoulders were shaking and my lip was quivering. I was expecting Gerard to have a much more violent and exaggerated response. Full of screaming and curse words. But this reaction was much better. After what felt like hours he finally blinked, and his mouth fell open a little. His hands opened, so that the plastic toy hit the floor with a thud.

He stood still for two more seconds, before launching at me.

“I hate you! I hate you! I thought I was going to die! I thought someone was going to rape me and kill me!” Gerard screamed, attacking my hips with his tickling fingers.

No! No! Noooo!” I screamed, tears of laughter continuing to fall as Gerard tickled every inch of me. I tried to batter his hands away, but my weak arms were no match for his.

“You are going to die a slow and painful death, Elliott Haile.” He growled in my ear, which for some reason, sent shivers up my spine.
“It – Was worth it!” I gasped, still struggling in his grip. I managed to get my hands on his shoulders, and pushed him forcefully so that he fell backwards, me now straddling him.

“Why does it always end up like this?” Gerard questioned, flapping his hands about to try and remove me.

“Because I’m clearly the more dominant one in the relationship.” I grinned, my hands resting on his chest. Through his shirt I could feel the bandage, but Gerard didn't seem pained. In fact he didn't seem bothered or irritated by any of his wounds anymore. It made me realise just how many beatings he really had been through.

“You wish.” He replied, pushing me over so that I fell onto my back next to him. However I was far too close to the edge of the bed, and Gerard could only watch as I slowly slipped off, my expression forming into a face of horror before I fell off of the bed and completely onto the floor.

It took Gerard exactly a second to burst into laughter. It was his turn to clutch his stomach at my pain.

“Meany.” I grumbled, rubbing my backside and standing up.
“That’s what you get for trying to kill me.” He smiled back.
“I didn’t try to kill you.”
“You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“...Yeah okay, fair point.”
“Why would somebody even do that? I’ve only known Frank to do something that cruel!”
I shrugged “I thought it would be funny,” I grabbed my bag from the floor and pulled out our work “And you know what? It totally was.”
“Are we really going to do work?” Gerard pouted, still lying on his bed.
“Yupp, come on, move. Get your arse in gear.”
“Say ass again.”
“You’re funny.” He giggled. I rolled my eyes and thumped down onto his spinning chair, using my feet to push me towards his desk. I didn’t see his face become panicked as I began looking through his things in search of a pencil.

“Don’t go in there!” he cried as my hand hovered over a draw.
“Why?” I asked suspiciously, my fingers edging nearer to the handle.
“There are things in there.” He tried desperately.
“Things?” my eyebrows rose.
“Yeah...Guy things!”
“Guy things?” my hand closed around the handle, ready to pull it open and reveal its secrets “What guy things?”
Porn!” he practically screamed “Porn a-and condoms.”

I laughed at his blushing face and worried expression and moved my hand away. I saw his sigh in relief before spotting a pencil on the floor. I bent down to pick it up, and was met with Gerard’s eyes staring at me. Or rather, at my cleavage.

“Where you staring at my boobs?” I questioned, propping my feet up on his desk so that my lean legs were on show.
“N-no?” he stammered, trying to keep his eyes away from my legs.
“Liar,” I giggled, watching as he blushed again “Anyway, I think we should do some more background research. We’ve done loads of the actual comic now, I guess we could do some more writing.”

I bit the end of the pencil and looked over at Gerard, who had now decided to admire my lips with wide eyes.
“Gerard?” I asked again. He snapped back, blinking rapidly and looking back at my eyes.
“I said, we can write some more stuff?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m just gunna go for a smoke.” I sighed as I watched him stand up and run outside, a cigarette and lighter in hand.

While he was gone the curiously got the better of me. Gerard seemed far too panicked about that draw. I took a quick glance outside of his window to make sure he was still smoking, and yanked the draw open.

He lied.

Inside there was nothing porn related. Inside there were clear bags of something I knew Gerard did, but something I didn’t expect him to have so much of. There must have been around 3 bags of the green drug, but that wasn’t what I was interested in. It was the other one, the one with the white drug in it. With confused eyes I picked it up, the powder inside was clearly what I thought it was. But I mentally sighed when I realised it hadn’t been opened.

But that wasn’t the point. What was Gerard doing with this? Sure, I knew Gerard smoked weed every now and again. But I didn’t realise he actually owned that much. And cocaine? I don’t care if the bag hadn’t been opened, the fact is, he had it. Did the guys know about this? Was this something they all did often? Or was this just something Gerard had got himself?

I didn’t know, and I didn’t feel like it was the right time to ask him. Once I heard the back door slam shut I hurriedly closed the draw, grabbed the pencil and began writing random sentences on the piece of paper. I mustn’t act as thought I know. I thought to myself. I didn’t want Gerard thinking that I couldn’t trust him. After all, I had little to worry about, the bags didn’t look like they’d been touched in a long time. But he has them, my brain kept repeating. He has drugs in his room. Who cares if he’s using them right now? He has them, meaning one day he could do.

“Elliott, you okay?” Gerard asked me, noticing my expression.
“What? Yes, yes, fine. Completely fine. Let’s start this. Zombies, originated from Haiti legends. Right?” I flustered, continuing to write nonsense on the page.
“Yeah, sure. Do we have to do this now?” he questioned, staring at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Yes, or else we’ll never get it finished. Right, first movie. White Zombie directed by Vict-“
“Oh, come on, Elliott. We have ages until this damn thing has to be finished. Please can we do something else. Please?” his bottom lip pouted, his hazel eyes shining innocently. I sighed and chucked the pencil down.

“What do you want to do?” I crossed my arms. He smiled at me.
“Do you wanna dance for me, seeing as you’re in your uniform?”
“Do you wanna play Xbox?”
“Do you wanna watch a movie?”
“Do you wanna have sex-“
“No – Wait, what?” my feet dropped from the desk and I looked at Gerard intensely from his casual question.
“Chill, I was joking,” He grinned, looking at my blushing face “I was just thinking about what Tara said yesterday.”
“Oh, yes. Tara always knows the exact thing to say. She’s so embarrassing.” I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose.
“Hey, it’s cool. At least you’re not a slut like some people.”
“Like you?” I grinned jokingly, staring up at his eyes. He shrugged.
“I’ve had more than you.”
“Bull. Shit.” I said, narrowing my eyes in disbelief.
“You’d be surprised at how many emo girls actually dig this hair.” He pointed at his black mess which he called hair.
“Dirty whore.” I muttered playfully, the drugs I had just seen pushed to the back of my mind.
“Hey, at least I wear clothes that cover my underwear.” he laughed, referring to my cheerleading uniform.
“Be quiet, this isn’t my fault.” I laughed.
“I feel sorry for us guys. You walk around in those outfits, and I’m not gunna lie, it’s pretty sexy, even to me.”
“Again, it’s not my fault.”
“It’s not your fault what? That you’re outfit’s so slutty, or that your pretty?”
I blushed “Wha – You – You think I’m pretty?”
“Well, yeah. You’re like, the prettiest girl I’ve seen. Especially when you’re not wearing all that shit make-up.”
I giggled to myself “Prettier than Chloe?”
I snapped out of my daze suddenly “Gerard Way! You’re just trying to get in my pants, aren’t you?”

He smirked “Is it working?”
I blushed “Maybe.”


Gerard slammed me against the wall, his lips still attached to mine, the scab on his lip brushing and scratching against my own, but it didn't bother me. Not in the slightest.. I tugged at it as I wrapped my legs around his waist, making him groan, almost with frustration at the fabric that was dividing us. With a quick motion, my top was on the floor, and seconds later, so was his, the bandage I'd applied the day before now on full display. Only ten minutes ago we had be talking, and now things had become hot and heavy. The pencil and paper were left stranded on the desk, a sentence left unfinished due to Gerard being distracting. Gerard’s hands ran across my body, his smooth thumbs sending shivers across my tanned, bare legs. My own fingers were lost in his messy hair, gripping and pulling as we panted.

“I fucking hate you, Way.” I growled, using one hand to scratch his chest playfully, yet cruelly, although I made sure not to touch any gashes on his skin.
“You don’t know what hate is.” He replied before his hot mouth landed on mine again. His hands held my back as he turned us around and threw me onto his unmade bed. My breath quickened as Gerard tugged at my skirt, sliding it down my slim legs and tossing it carelessly to the side of him. Thank God I was wearing good underwear today. Not my Batman undies, but good underwear none the less.

My hands trailed across his pale chest and down towards his jeans. With a smirk I undid his belt buckle, sliding it out of the jeans and tossing it away, joining my cheerleading skirt on the floor. All the while my eyes never left Gerard’s. His hazel eyes were smirking back at mine, but they also held another emotion. Almost like he was impressed. He’d never seen this Elliott. He’d seen angry Elliott, he’d seen bumbling Elliott, he’d seen bitchy Elliott, he’d seen giggly Elliott, he’d seen submissive Elliott, and he’d also seen romantic Elliott. But he had never seen horny Elliott. And it must have been a shock, because boy, I was horny.

Let me put this into perspective for you. It was nearly over a year ago I actually became hot and bothered by a boy. I know you’re questioning about Blake, but Blake was nothing. Blake was an unattractive mess of a human being. So the last time I felt like this, and the last time I found myself in this position was over 365 days ago. And for a teenager, that is a long time. And right now, Gerard could almost tell I felt it was too long.

Gerard smirked at me and travelled his lips across my jaw line and down towards my neck, nipping and sucking at my soft skin, making my back arch in pleasure. My eyes closed and my fingernails dragged gently across Gerard’s back. But he seemed to be taking his time. I dug my fingers in deeper, hoping that he’d notice my impatience. He did. With surprising ease he unclasped my bra and threw it. It landed on top of the notepad, making the pencil roll away and drop to the floor.

I bit my lip and moaned as Gerard’s strong hands continued to work their way around my body, shivers and goose bumps erupted with every touch. Finally I hooked my thumbs around his belt loops and pulled them down, telling him I wanted them off. I could feel him smirk against my neck as he continued to remove them. Eventually, they joined the rest of our screwed up clothes.

“You sure?” he panted in my ear, using a free hand to rummage in a draw (the draw that actually did have the condoms in it).

“Yes, just fucking do it.” I growled. His throaty laugh purred in my ear as he slammed the draw shut.

Minutes later our underwear lay side by side on his black carpet. Discarded and unwanted as Gerard and I finally broke the sexual tension. And I can tell you right now, that yes, it was fucking amazing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Can you tell I have never written a sex scene before? Yeah, awkward. -_-

Apologies about the bad writing in this, I am literally a really awkward writer, and felt too embarrassed to actually write about the actual, ahem, 'act'. So, you're just gunna have to use your imagination ;)

But, anyway, chapter 51 for you. Comment and you'll all receive a virtual hug from yours truly :)

P.S. Right now I'm listening to Justin Bieber. I regret nothing! :)