Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

To Catch You When You Fall



We arrived at the mall in less than thirty minutes. I looked a mess as I’d had such little time to get ready. My hair was frizzy and I only had time to chuck on a pair of shorts and a baggy Doctor Who T-Shirt. Not exactly attractive, but definitely comfortable.

“They’re over there, I can see them.” Tara said, dragging me over to a coffee shop.

I had little time to react, but my heart was racing. This was the moment. I was going to see the girl that ruined Gerard’s life in the flesh in less than two seconds. I had to control myself. I just had to.

“Hey, girls.” Tara grinned, the four of them turned around.

Maggie, Angelica, Chloe and her. Her blonde hair was loose and deadly straight, her stomach was on show due to her revealing strapless top, and her thin, orange legs were on full view from the extremely short skirt she was wearing, which left little to the imagination.

“Oh, hey, Tara! It’s been so long!” she said. Her voice was high, and annoying. Fake cheerfulness and over exaggerative. It made me sick “And you must be?”

I blinked out of my thoughts once I realised she was talking to me. Her somewhat pretty blue eyes were judging me as she looked me up and down in disgust.

“I’m Elliott.” I said, attempting politeness.
“Oh right! Elliott,” she said, faking a smile so her unnaturally white teeth hurt my eyes “Totally nice to meet you.” She gave me a tight hug, which felt more like a strangle than a cuddle.
“Nice to meet you too.” I lied through gritted teeth.
“So, you guys wanna get coffee then we can hang out?” Angelica asked. We all nodded and followed her into the store.

“Can I get a black coffee please, and...Tara what do you want?”
“I’ll have a mocha, with extra chocolate.” I raised an eyebrow and turned to order, but she quickly added “And with cream and marshmallows! Lots of them!”

I nodded and repeated her order, paid and moved on to collect our drinks.

“A mocha? You hate mochas.”
“Yeah, but they have more calories, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so?”
“Good,” She smiled, grabbing the cardboard cup offered to her and dipping her finger into the cream “I plan on gaining weight.” She said through a mouthful of cream and marshmallows once she noticed my confused stare.

I just laughed and joined the rest of the group. So far I had managed to contain myself. However if Annie said one more word in her shrill voice I was afraid I would end up ripping her hair out. Every time I looked at her, Gerard’s face just flashed into my mind. His sorrowful eyes and the way he nervously bites his lip. Horrid imagines created in my mind of a younger, chubbier and unhappy Gerard sitting in his room, the door locked, as he dragged a knife across his wrist again...

“Elliott, you okay?” I heard Angelica ask. Again, I blinked out of my thoughts and nodded encouragingly.
“Yeah, fine Angie. Just thinkin’”
“About what?” Annie asked nosily.
“J-just stuff. School stuff. Projects and that.” I lied. I cursed to myself for this excuse, it made me sound nerdier and lamer then I already appeared to be.
“School stuff?” she looked at me with disgusted once again.
Oh my God, Annie. Guess who Ellie has as an art partner?” Chloe interrupted.

Oh, shit.

“Gerard Way!” Chloe cackled.
“G-Gerard?” Annie asked, a wicked smile spreading on her face “That little freak I was paired with years ago?” She looked at me with excitement.

“Y-yeah. That one.” I secretly took deep breaths. I wish Chloe hadn’t mentioned this.
Holy fuck!” Annie screamed “That’s so fucking brilliant. That little emo is such a cunt. He was such a freak, remember? Oh, God, I just remember kissing him. It was like, the worst thing ever. He’s such an ugly dick, seriously. He’s a little shit; I wish he’d of stayed fucking dead. He doesn’t deserve to live. Such a shame that website had to be taken down. I’m glad he found it though. Made him realise what a complete dick he is.”

I clamped my tongue between my teeth in a desperate attempt to not scream.

“You were the fucking best, Annie. I can’t believe he actually believed that you liked him. Nobody fucking likes him. I bet even his parents hate him. He’s gunna die alone. Nobody can ever love that thing. I seriously don’t know why he doesn’t just kill himself already.” Chloe laughed. The two blondes grinned at each other, remembering the times when they bullied my secret boyfriend.

“He’s still an ugly cunt now,” Angelica said “Thinner maybe, but still a complete emo dick.”
“I’m not surprised,” Annie smiled “Just a shame he lived, you know what I mean?”
“Totally.” Maggie smiled.
“So, what’s it like working with him, Elliott?” Annie asked me “Does he get all emotional and shit? And start telling you his fucking life story? And tell you how much he loves you, and that you’re the only one he cares about. That you’re the only one who gets him?” she started to laugh “Because that’s what he did to me. He’s such a fucking homo, seriously. I wish he would just fucking die a slow and painful de-“

And that’s when I punched her. Hard.

I dropped my coffee, took one step towards her with furious eyes and hit her square in the jaw with my left fist. And I’m not going to lie, Mike Tyson would have been jealous. Annie’s head snapped back and she staggered backwards, grabbing her jaw. Blood had begun to spit from her mouth, staining her teeth. She looked at me with confused and utterly fuming eyes.

What the fuck?!” she screamed. Everybody around us seemed to stop and stare. Chloe, Angelica and Maggie were looking at me with shock, while Tara held my elbow calmly. Secretly, I think she was thrilled at my actions.

“Don’t you fucking dare talk to me about him again.” I said, spitting venom. Angry tears formed in my eyes. I had never been so angry. Not at anybody. Not even Gerard. I could literally fill rage bubbling and rising in my stomach.

“Elliott?” Chloe said in confusion. From the tone of her voice I could tell that she was also angry.

And without another word I spun on my heel and marched away, Tara following. I pushed past people, but everything seemed a blur now. Peoples faces swam in front of my eyes. I’d really done it now. It would be out for all to see.

But really I didn’t care. Because Annie got what she deserved. Or at least she got a slice. Because I wasn’t finished with her. Not just yet.

I managed to get outside before the tears finally fell. Screaming in anger I turned towards Tara.

“I can’t believe I did that!” I yelled, slapping a hand to my forehead and squeezing my eyes shut “I’ve fucked it up now, haven’t I?”
“Elliott,” Tara said carefully “That was, if I’m honest, the most brilliant and epic thing I have ever seen you do.”

“Nobody has stood up to Annie like that, ever. That was fucking brilliant.”
“B-but what about what I just said, and what I just did? I-I punched her in the face! In front of everyone!”
“Right now, Elliott, I don’t give a fuck,” gradually Tara’s face was beginning to smile “You stood up to her!”
“But I did it in front of Chloe! Oh, God. She’s gunna know, she’s gunna find out! Shit, Tara. I’ve ruined it! We’re gunna be tormented for the rest of our lif-“
Elliott, just shut the fuck up, for one second,” she grabbed my shoulders, allowing her shining brown eyes to stare deep into mine “You have bigger things to worry about. Find Gerard, talk to him, and then we can figure this out.”
“But what about Chloe?” I said, wiping my eyes and walking towards my car.
“What about her?”
“She’ll kick us off the cheerleading team, she’ll tell everyone! We’ll be just like everybody else!”
“Why do you care?”
“Why don’t you care?”
“Because Frank made me realise popularity isn’t everything, Elliott. Who cares if Chloe finds out? You’ll have Gerard, and Frank, and me!”
“Elliott, I promise. Trust me. I know I can be stupid, and I know I can be an idiot, and a slut, but trust me on this. If anything happens, we’ll have each other, right?”

“But, Tara. I think I’m scared.”
“Because I’ll lose everything I’ve ever known.”
“So will I. But we’re changing, Elliott. You were never really one of them. You’ve always be a dork. And I’m just a slut because I wanted Chloe to accept me. But now I realised I don’t need her anymore. I just need you, Elliott. You’re my best friend.” She turned to me and smiled, linking her pinky finger with my own.

“Tara, you’re seriously becoming too smart, you know that?” I laughed.
“Too much time with Frank.” She grinned back, before we both got into the car.


I hadn’t heard for the girls for the rest of the day. It was evening now, and I’d been shut in my room thinking over and over about what had happened. But more so about the events that would follow. I punched her in the face! Is all I could keep repeating to myself.

My mum had tried to see me countless times, but every time her head popped around the door I told her to go away. I needed to be on my own. Why had I done that? While I was completely happy that Annie had got what she’d deserved, it was the consciences of my actions which had me worried. What would Annie say now? I could easily make up an excuse, but it would be completely see-through. I could just admit the truth, that Gerard and I were basically an item, but I’m too selfish to cause that pain on both myself and Gerard.

But it’s my own fault for what I did. After spending at least 4 hours sat in my room, I decided I needed to go somewhere. More specifically, the Way household. I’d almost forgotten about what Gerard had done last night, it seemed ages ago. But I know I still had to confront him.

I may have punched Annie in the face, but that didn’t mean I liked Gerard any more.

“I’m going out.” I said as I ran down the stairs. I didn’t even give my mother a chance to reply. It was only when I was halfway through my journey that I noticed I was still in my slippers, and like the fool I was, I’d chosen to walk rather than drive. I needed to clear my head and figure out what I was going to say before I saw him.

What would I say? “Hi Gerard, I know we’re had our disagreements, but I just wanted to tell you that I punched the girl you use to love in the face. But hey, she did ruin your life after all.”

I shook my head in annoyance. Why was I even going to see him? He thought I was furious with him. After last night, how could I not? But I needed to see him, I just had to. Before I knew it, I was standing outside of his house, my hand hovering over the doorbell.

With one quick motion, I pressed it, and waited anxiously for him to answer. Through the doors window I could see his unmistakable silhouette edging towards the door, before he opened it fully, to reveal me with messy hair and furry slippers.

His eyes widened once he saw me “Elliott, I-I’m so sorry about last night. I really am, b-but you have to understand, it’s hard for me,” He sprung into an explanation “I want to quit, but I can’t, I just can’t. I do need help, and you’re right, I do. But I can’t just give it up, it’s so hard, Elliott. It really is. A-and to be fair, coke wasn’t on your list of rules so technically-“
“I punched Annie in the face.”
“I punched Annie in the face.” I said slowly, watching as his face filled with confusion.

He was wondering why I hadn’t begun arguing with him. After all, I was extremely angry with him, and thought I wouldn’t accept his apology. Instead I just interrupted him with little explanation, and ignored what he was attempting to say to me.

“Y-you punched Annie in the face?”
“Yupp.” I said simply. I could only watch as he processed what I had told him.

He was delighted, confused, slightly humoured, and a tiny bit angry. But I relaxed when he smiled.

“You punched her in the face?” he repeated, his face grinning.
“Yes, Gerard. I punched Annie Green straight in the face.”

Gerard let out a short laugh before pulling me into a tight hug. If I’m honest, I was expecting him to be far angrier than this. After all, he did once love her. He shut the door behind us and let go.

“That’s fucking amazing, Elliott. Why did you do that?”
“I was standing with the girls, and she started talking shit about you. I got angry, forgot what I was doing and just...Punched her, in front of everyone.”
“Yupp. Chloe, Maggie...Everyone.”
“Then what happened?”
“I told her ‘don’t you fucking dare talk about him to me’ and then I walked away.”
“So basically-“
“Chloe’s going to find out.”
“...Oh, God,” Gerard groaned and dropped onto the couch, burying his head in his hands “Our lives are going to be over.” He muttered.

“Not necessarily our lives,” I pointed out “Our popularity, certainly, but not our lives.”
“What popularity? I have no popularity. I’ll just get beaten up even more than I did before. Isn’t there some way you can stop this?”
“Well, I could make up an elaborate excuse as to why I punched one of her best friends in the face?”
“Oh yeah? And what would you say?”
“That...I hate your guts so much that I can’t stand anybody mentioning your name?”

Gerard looked at me sarcastically “Okay, maybe not then.” I said.
“Did she bleed?” Gerard asked through his hands.
“Like a fountain.”
“Good,” Gerard took a deep breath “Because the image of her beaten up face is the only thing that’s going to keep me going once people find out.”
“Hey! Why won’t my image keep you going?”
“Because you didn’t destroy my life.” He said.

I plonked down next to him and lent back “I’m going to die, aren’t I?” I muttered.
“Probably,” Gerard replied honestly “But I’ll be here, to catch you when you fall.” He smiled and patted me on the knee.

“Ahh, how sweet,” I smiled “But I’m still not done with you,” My face turned serious as I straightened up “You realise you’re in deep shit with me because of what you did?”

“You promised me, Gerard! I don’t give a shit if it ‘wasn’t in the rules’, you know what I meant! This stuff will ruin you, Gerard! I don’t want that happening to you. I’ve already had to watch you fall this far, I couldn’t bear to watch you fall further!”
“But it’s so hard, Elliott.”
“I know, but I can help you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Listen, any time you want to do these things to yourself, come and find me. Or give me a call, I’ll help, okay? I promise.”
“But I feel like it’s already too late, Elliott. I’m a mess without that stuff!”
I sighed “It’s never too late, Gerard. Just please try and help yourself. I see Mikey and Frank worrying about you all the time, Gee, and it breaks my heart. It really does, because they’re scared of you! Scared of what you’ll do.”
“I know.” He whispered

“Just, be careful, Gerard. Please, but I’ll help y – Hey, what’s that?” I asked, noticing a piece of paper on the coffee table.”
“N-nothing!” Gerard panicked, attempting to snatch it away from my peering eyes, but it was too late, I’d already grabbed it.

“Is that me?” I smiled, looking at the drawing. I used one hand to hold a struggling Gerard back as I admired the picture.
“N-no! No it’s not!” he stuttered.

The drawing was of me, but as a superhero. My curly red hair flew around my head as my identical green eyes winked on the page. My costume was original, but perfect. I wore a blue and gold top and skirt combination, which looked suspiciously like my cheerleading costume, only tighter and sillier. My apparently long legs were accompanied by blue high heeled boots. I smiled at my blue mask which covered my eyes and at the samurai sword which was clenched tightly in my small left hand. I also giggled at my exaggerated chest size and fierce facial expression. There was no doubt in my mind that this was me, because he’d even included the silver bracelet which I constantly wear around my wrist.

“Give it back!” he whined, attempting to snatch away the paper.
“No! I like it, it’s good.” I looked at Gerard face and saw him blushing, embarrassed.

“Why are you embarrassed?” I grinned, moving the paper away from his reach.
“Because you weren’t meant to see it!”
“Because I didn’t want you to see it!”
“Because I thought you’d freak out.”

I leaned closer to him, smirking, “It’s cute.” I smiled, looking into his shamed eyes.
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“Of course not.”
“Not even about yesterday?” he looked at me in such a frightened way, I couldn’t help but forgive. His hazel eyes sparkled like an innocent child, although he was anything but.

“Maybe a little bit.” I teased.
“Enough to stop me from kissing you?” this time his voice sounded deep and playful.
“Never.” I grinned, before letting him kiss me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so extremely sorry that you've had to go a week without an update. My life is so hetic at the moment, you wouldn't believe.

I have two exams, a driving test, a party to organize, revision and other issues to do all in these two weeks.

And them I'm off to New Zealand for a month at the end of June where I will have very little time, if any at all, to update this story.

So basically, there will be very little updates from now on. But I promise I shall finish this story, I haven't given up on you, it will just take a while. :)

Please comment with your thoughts, and sorry again for the wait.