Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

I Simply Called It A Bromance



"So, how was yesterday?" Maggie asked me, taking a bit from her small salad.

"Hmm? Oh you mean Gerard?" I replied. We were once again, seated at our lunch table.
"It w-"
"Did he do anything weird?" Tara interrupted. Angelica snapped her head up, and put the magazine she was reading on the table, curiosity shining in her eyes.
"Did he snort cocaine in your bathroom?"
"Did he go in your underwear draw?"
"Did he try and suck your blood?"
"Did he try and sacrifice you to the devil?!"
"Tara! Stop reading things on the internet. I told you, it's not good for you!"
"...But did he?"
"No, Tara. Gerard did not try and sacrifice me. He was...Fine"
"Fine?" Chloe raised an eyebrow "One word you do not use to describe Gerard Way is 'fine'"
"Well, he was...Normal?" Chloe once again raised her eyebrow. "Look, I'm still alive aren't I? Everything was fine"
"Okay, if you say so" Angelica said "But remember, if he makes one move, you tell me, and I will knock him o-"
"Yes Angelica, I know, I know."


I decided to wait for Gerard in the parking lot. Once again I found it hard to locate him due to all of the students walking in different directions. I did however, spot Mikey, and so I pushed my way through the crowds of people to catch him.

"Hey, Mikey" he turned around, once he saw who was calling him, he blushed.
"Oh. H-hey Elliott"
"Are you waiting for Gerard?"
"Yeah?" Mikey scratched the back of his neck. I was quite surprised that he’d actually gathered up the courage to say something to me, then again, it had to happen eventually.
"You um. Y-you didn't tell anyone, about that...Unicorn thing, did you?"
I giggled, he blushed "No Mikey, I didn't tell anyone"

I have never seen someone look more relieved.
"Um. Yes?"
"Why are you so awkward around me?" I was genuinely concerned as to why this kid was so afraid of me. Mikey cleared his throat, still refusing to make eye contact.
"Because...You're friends, they scare me. They're so-"

Mikey simply nodded, blushing still at the fact that he found girls scary.
"And, you think I'm like that too?" Mikey didn't say anything, but I could tell from his body language, that he did.

"Don't worry Mikey, I'm not like them" I gave him a genuine smile, and was surprised when Mikey gave me one back. For a split second, I registered how attractive Mikey Way actually was. After all I didn’t get to see his face often, as whenever I saw it, it was hidden in embarrassment. When I realized what I was doing, it was my turn to blush and look away.

Mikey and I stood together in silence for a few minutes, which received a few odd looks from people. Mikey looked uncomfortable with all of the glares directed at him, after all, not many people knew who Mikey was. He did tend to disappear into the background. Finally Gerard made an appearance, Frank by his side.

"Oh, you're here?" Gerard sounded almost disappointed to see me. I glared at him.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
He shrugged.
"I'm taking Frank home; he only lives two streets down from me, it won’t take long"
I just nodded, and allowed Gerard to lead me to his car.

I got into the back seat, where Mikey joined me. As soon as Gerard turned on the engine, I was met by the sweet sounds of 'Mr Brightside'.

"Fucking. Epic" Frank said, turning the radio up.


All three of the boys screamed the lyrics. I smiled; as much as I hated them (or thought I hated them) they were amusing. It wasn’t often you saw someone like Mikey or Gerard actually enjoying themselves, they always seemed to be miserable during in school. Frank, on the other hand, he always seemed to be like a small ball of energy.

We drove for 5 minutes before pulling up at an ordinary looking house. I assumed it to be Frank's, as he unbuckled his seat-belt and grabbed his bag from the floor. Before getting out of the car, Frank kissed Gerard on the cheek, and let out a high giggle. Gerard wiped his cheek, and gave Frank a middle finger. Frank jumped out of the car, slammed the car door, and blew Mikey a kiss from outside. He then skipped up to his front door, as Gerard pulled away.

"I worry about him" Mikey said, with a completely serious face. I simply chuckled to myself.
I never saw this type of friendship myself. The boys I was friends with were so concerned about their appearance and popularity that they won’t dare even hug a boy in case someone thought it was ‘gay’. It was nice to see boys who were actually comfortable with their sexuality, which I admired. That is if I ignored the countless ‘gay’ rumours that surrond Gerard and Frank, but I simply called it a bromance...


Gerard's house was a lot different to what I thought it would be. In other words, it looked normal. The only room in the house that was Gerard-esque, was Gerard's bedroom itself. All of the rest of the house was clean and tidy, with family pictures and bright walls. Gerard's room was black, with only one window, causing the room to be much darker than any other room, there were many band posters stuck around the room, most of which I recognised. His comfortable looking bed was unmade; his black pillow had a Gerard-sized marking in it. The best thing about his room was one wall that was lined with drawing and sketches, which is what I was staring at now.

"These are amazing, Gerard" I said, inspecting a drawing of a red haired man, with a yellow mask on. He held a futuristic yellow gun in one hand.
"I like this one" I said, pointing to it "Who's the guy?"
"Oh. It's just a little character I was working on. He's called 'Party Poison’; I don't really know what I wanna use him for yet"
"He's so good" I traced the detail with my slim fingers.

"So...Do you - Uh. Wanna come and look at these comic books with me?"
I turned around. My eyes widened. Gerard had a bookshelf full of comic books, there must have been a least a hundred in there.
"Where would we start?"
"Flash Gordon?" he said, holding up an issue.
"Because he was the first comic book hero?" I raised my eyebrows, grinning.
"Exactly" he grinned back.


I got home from what I can only describe as an 'interesting' trip at Gerard's house at about 6:30. Gerard and I had managed to somehow, get along. We still made snide comments at each other of course, but we were actually strangely positive. We didn’t get into an argument like yesterday at least. And Tara will be pleased to know that not once did Gerard try to sacrifice me.

As soon as I got in the door, it was time to change. Tonight I was going to a party at Seth's house; however, it was fancy dress, meaning even more effort was required when getting ready. For weeks I had mulled over what costume to wear. And finally I decided, it had me staring me in the face. Poison Ivy.

I had planned my outfit for 3 days, and now it was perfect, I had the leaves and all. By 8 o'clock. I was ready. I felt slightly exposed; my stomach was on show, and the tight, green shorts I was wearing made me feel self-conscious. But I knew once I arrived to the party, I would be considered as 'covered-up' compared to what the rest of the girls were wearing. As, to be fair, half of my legs were hidden by fake leaves stuck on with eyelash glue.

I looked at myself in the mirror one final time. My usual green eyes had been replaced by bright yellow contact lenses, which were framed by long black eyelashes. I tip-toed downstairs and slipped on my dark green leather boots (which I brought specifically for my costume) and my leather jacket. I hitched my bag onto my shoulder and opened the front door quietly. My parents knew I was going out, of course. They just didn't realize I was going out looking like this. I shut the door with silence and walked to the end of my drive. A sports car screeched to a halt in front of me.

"Hey, Ellie" Chloe said to me from the driver’s seat, I smiled and got inside the car. Chloe was dressed as 'Superwoman'. I could tell from the large 'S' she wore across her incredibly short and tight blue t-shirt.

"Ready to go?" she asked. I just smirked as she sped off down the street.

By the time we arrived the house was already full of people. I saw a Batman and Catwoman (who I later learnt to be Angelica) making out as soon as I walked into the door. I giggled, it had to happen at some point.

Chloe lead me towards the kitchen where we found Napoleon Dynamite and Michael Jackson (in his Beat It costume) snorting cocaine. Chloe pushed past them in disgust and grabbed two small bottles of vodka from the fridge. She handed me one.

"Now the weekend really begins" Chloe said, as 'Swing' by Savage began pumping from the speakers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so again I managed to squeeze another chapter in. I would have written the rest of the party scene, however at the moment I am incredibly hungover myself, so to write about a house party would make me feel even more sick :(

So you can look forward to that in the next chapter, as well as some more awkward Gerard/Elliott moments.