Status: Updates are a bit slow at the moment as I'm busy. But bare with me, I'll update soon.

Opposites Always Attract.

Nice Star Wars Boxers



Oh my fucking God my head hurts!

It was 10:43am and my head was pounding from the night before. I tried to get out of bed slowly, but ended up slipping off the side of my bed and falling onto the floor with a thump.

"Elliott?" I heard my dad say from outside my door. He walked in, and burst into laughter when he saw me tangled in my duvet on the floor.

"Oh dear Elliott, feeling a little rough this morning are we? What time did you get back last night?" he pulled me up from the floor carefully.
"About 1 o'clock I think" I held my head. Good lord it hurt.
"Awww, poor Ellie. Suffering from a hangover are we?" my dad joked. I swatted him on the arm, unimpressed with his attitude. I’d woken up with hang over’s so often now that my father had stopped taking sympathy on me, and chose to tease me instead. He chuckled at my frowning face, grabbed my legs and threw me over his shoulder and began walking downstairs.

"Dad, if I throw up on you, blame yourself" I said as blood began to rush to my head, doing nothing to help my alcohol induced headache.
"Whose fault is it that they got a hangover in the first place?"
"...Be quite" I muttered as he dropped me onto the sofa. He walked into the kitchen, probably to put the kettle on for a cup of tea. There was nothing better than a cup of tea on a Saturday morning in my opinion. I grabbed the remote and switched over to Cartoon Network. I laughed when The Powerpuff Girls flickered onto my TV. Poor Tara, she would no doubt be suffering from last night. I would have to text her later.

"Elliott, how old are you?" my dad said, presenting to me a cup of tea in a Back to the Future mug.
"...Seven?" I said, in complete seriousness, watching the classic cartoon with intensity. He laughed.
"So, got any plans today, Ginger?" He sat on the other couch, a cup of coffee in his own hand.
"As if I have plans, I plan to sleep all day! Where's mum by the way?" I took a sip of my tea. Ahh, heaven.
"Out shopping, she'll probably be back soon"
"Cool" I returned to my program. Dad got off of the couch, ruffling my hair as he walked past me, and walked into the study.


I'd spent most of the day in my pyjamas, nursing my hangover. Currently I was on Facebook skimming through pictures from last night. laughing at peoples costumes as I did so. I saw Tara was online, and sent her a message.

Elliott Haile: Oh hey!
Tara Day: Hello E!!
Elliott Haile: How ist thou on this fine day?
Tara Day: ...What?
Elliot Haile: How are you?
Tara Day Ohhhh, lol. I'm good. Did you go home in the end?
Elliott Haile: Yupp. Got in at around 1ish. Never wearing them boots again, I tell ya!
Tara Day: XD. I'm never gunna smoke weed again!
Elliott Haile: Pahaha! Bet you will ;)
Tara Day: :) Shhh. Anyway, I have to go now. So I'll ttyl. LOVE YA!
Elliott Haile: :) xx

I shut down my laptop. At least Tara was feeling okay...I don't think I could say the same for Buzz Lightyear though...


By 5 o'clock I was feeling better, so I decided to head out for a walk to clear my head. I took a shower, and changed into a hoodie and jeans. I yelled to my parents as I slipped on my worn out Ugg boots, and went outside.

While I was walking I wasn't paying much attention, and ended up in a street that I wasn't familiar with. I carried on walking, hoping that if I do so, I would end up back home. The houses looked similar to my own, so I knew I wasn't in the necessarily rough side of Belleville (then again all of Belleville is rough) which filled me with a bit of confidence. As I approached a house, I heard loud voices coming from inside. Suddenly two males came bursting out of the front door, taking me by surprise.

"Come on Ray. Take it like a man!" Mikey Way yelled. He was drenched from head to toe, and was holding a bucket full of water.
"Please Mikey, not my hair. Not my ha-" too late.

Ray stood on the drive, water dripping from his hair, a look a shock on his face. As I walked past, Bob ran onto the lawn, and tackled Ray to the ground. He was covered in pink glitter, which sprinkled off of him as he attacked Ray with a heart-shaped cushion.

This just gets weirder and weirder.

"Elliott, are you stalking us?" I could sense the smirk from the front door. And sure enough, when I turned around, there it was. Gerard was standing in the doorframe, arms crossed. He was covered in what looked like the remains of a once very beautiful cupcake. The pink and blue icing caused his hair to stick up in amusing angles.

I stopped.

"Oh yeah. Of course I am. I'm surprised it took you this long to notice. I mean I've been camping outside your window for the last few nights...Nice Star Wars boxers" I replied with a straight face. I also knew Gerard actually owned said Star Wars underwear. Let’s just say that Gerard didn't tidy his room very well when I was around the other day.

Bob, Ray and Mikey stopped fighting on the ground, and looked up at me, confused as to how I knew this. Gerard simply shrugged.
"It's a good movie"
"Guys! What are you doing?! I wanna beat Ray on Guitar H- Oh hey, Elliott" Frank said casually, walking out onto the lawn. He was covered in soap studs and glitter. And had a set of pink fairy wings attached to his back. On top of his messy hair sat a plastic tiara.

"You know what, I don't even want to know" I mumbled
"What are you doing at Ray's house?" Frank asked. All the boys turned towards me, obviously wondering the same thing.
"I told you, I'm stalking you guys..."
They remained silent.
"...I'm lost"

Gerard grinned in amusement.
"You're lost?! How can you be lost?"
I shrugged "I don't know. I just am."
"...Eurgh, fine. I'll walk her home" Gerard ruffled his hair, causing sponge and icing to fall out, and walked up to me.

"I don't want you to walk me home! I can find my own way if you tell me where I am!"
"You just said you were lost!"
"I am!!"
"Then let me walk you home!"
"I don't want you too!"
"Tough. Shit!"
"Fuck. Off"
"If you get stabbed-"
"I won't get stabbed!"
"You're a girl!"
"And you're a twat"
"You're an easy target"
I went to yell back, however I heard Frank whisper in glee "The sexual tension is riveting"

I rolled my eyes, and tried not to blush. I began walking back the way I came, expecting Gerard to follow. My shoulders hunched in annoyance.

"Where are you going?" Gerard laughed
"I thought you were walking me home?" I said, through gritted teeth, turning around to face him.
"We're going this way" he pointed to the opposite direction. I huffed past him, walking in the right direction. Gerard yelled goodbye at his strange friends, before following me. I was surprised when Gerard led me down a couple of streets, and into my own. Did I really only live this far away? Great, now I feel stupid!

We walked in silence to my house. I mumbled a 'thank you' before turning around and walking towards my door. However Gerard grabbed my elbow and turned me around.

"What did you say?"
"I said 'Thank you'" my teeth still clenched, annoyed that he made me repeat it.
"You're welcome" he smirked (Argh, stupid bloody smirk) I went to turn around again, but he held me in place.
"What?" I snapped
"Do I not get a hug like last night then?" he grinned, leaning in only slightly closer to me, obviously doing it to make me feel awkward. I pushed him away.
"You wish"
"Oh, you're such a tease" he said in fake disappointment.
"Maybe next time" I said, playing his game, as I edged back towards my door, my eyes still on Gerard's.
"Dress as Harley Quinn next time, babe. Yeah?" he winked.
"Why, because she's blonde?" I questioned, a part of me genuinely wondering.
"Nahh, because then the leaves won't get in the way" I blushed, only slightly. Remembering how close we were last night.

"Oh, and uh- Elliott?" Gerard said.
"I still hate you" he smirked, which I returned. He walked back down my drive, as I opened my front door. Before I walked in, I turned my head around, looking back at Gerard. He himself turned his head around; we caught each other’s eyes and quickly looked away.

Well that was awkward.

I walked into my house and shut the door behind me, and smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh, 3 chapters in less than 24 hours. Good times. :)
And by the way. I promise that Gerard and Elliott will stop just having random encounters. Because it appears that they do this every chapter. More stuff will happen. I promise. The story's just getting started.