Destined to Explode

Chapter 16

It must be going on 3am - judging by the slowly depleting crowds in the club - when I examine how drunk I am.
I can’t remember what I drank in the first six venues, but I know here I’ve had two glasses of wine and now I was taking the odd vodka shot whenever Jack passed one over the table to me, him being my drinking buddy for the night, a mistake on my half, because drinking whatever and whenever he was had me drunk in a pretty short amount of time.

“Zic-.” Jack hiccups as he points at me with bleary eyes, “Zicarelli is drunk, ya’ll.”

I scoff, hitting him around the head before I let my head rest of Evan’s shoulder, the kid already way passed intoxicated, his head lulling back against the wall as he continuously complains about feeling sick, but doing nothing to solve it.

“Dude, if you feel so crap, go home already.” Alex laughs as he approaches our table again, having sauntered off ten minutes ago to talk to the other guys, “Or at least go be sick so you can shut up.”

Alex shuffles less than gracefully past me and the younger boy so he can occupy the seat to my left, leaning against me with a puff of air, “Sup’ skank?”

“Wanna take you home already.” He mumbles against the skin on my neck, pressing a few lingering kisses there, “Like old times.”

“Mm, you just wanna fuck me, Alex.” I smirk, pushing his head away, “I wanna go dance. Jack, come on buddy, can’t have you downing Jaeger without me.”

Jack is quick to follow, as is Alex, who decides that I need someone to dance with while Jack grinds with a busty blonde a few metres away, forgetting me quickly in favour of a potential hook up.

“Looks like you’ve been replaced.” Alex says into my ear over the music, as he leans down, hands resting on my hips as mine loop around his neck so we can actually dance, “You sure you don’t wanna come home with me?”

I glance up at him, Alex still being taller despite the huge heels adorning my feet, knowing the alcohol is clouding my judgement, I go with it for once, “Are you sure it’s not a ridiculous idea that you’re going to hate me and yourself for in the morning?”

He strokes my cheek with a soft, more sober smile, “I’d never regret anything with you.”

“I wish I could say the same.”


Alex and I don’t end up together that night.
I make him stay in the club until closing, moving Jack’s buddy responsibilities to him because my cousin disappears after barely five minutes of intense ‘dancing’ with the girl from the dance floor, and who knows whether he knows her name or not, not that either of them care when they stumble out of the club attached at the mouth.
We cab with Evan and Zack back to Alex’s house, Evan passed out in between me and Zack on the back seat while Alex talks quietly to the driver in the front.
Evan gets thrown into the guest room, Zack bitching at me when I say he’s sharing with him because I’m not letting him walk home by himself when he’s this intoxicated, and he doesn’t help his argument when he decides to ‘wet willy’ me every 5 seconds, mumbling about how I’m like his sister and he loves me and he‘s really tired but he can get home just fine.
He finally collapses an hour later, squished in the guest bed with Evan, who’d spread eagle in the time it had taken me to persuade Zack to just stay.
Alex is still in the kitchen, where he’d wandered when we’d got here, sat on the counter, eating Pringles while he stares at the opposite wall.

“I feel like everyone’s mother.” I groan, leaning next to my friend, stealing the next chip he takes from the tube, “Who else is here?”

“Well, Rian and Cass are locked in their room, Jeff, Ian, um, Vinny’s crashed in the hall, pretty sure Matt went down to the basement, so he’s probably tripped and died.” He shrugs, kissing my hair when I lean against his shoulder, “Jack’ll probably end up here too.”

“Joyce will kill him he if turns up home at 5am.” I sigh, squeezing his leg as I stand up straight, taking the bottle of water that he‘d opened, “I’m gonna go crash in your room, just move me if I get in your way.”

“I’m not waiting up any longer. If anybody else is meant to be staying here, they can sleep on the porch or something. They should have gotten cabs when we did.” He jumps down from the surface, shoving the chips back into a cupboard, “Grab Baz while I lock up.”

I scoop the small dog up as he sweeps from the room, patting Peyton on the head as I pass her dog bed, poking my head into the guest room to check on the two boys, finding them passed out and cuddled with each other, before I shuffle into Alex’s room, resting Sebastian on the soft covers.

“I’ve made Vinny move to the couch, but Matt is determined he’s fine curled up at the bottom of the stairs.” He smiles shaking his head, “Baz, floor.”

“He’ll regret it in the morning.” I shrug, “Let me borrow shirt for the night? I only packed clothes for tomorrow.”

“Just get one from the drawers. I need to take a piss.”

I roll my eyes as he leaves the room again, stripping myself of the dress and tights that I‘d adorned for the night, shrugging one of Alex’s t-shirts on before I climb into his way to comfortable bed.

“Tonight did not go as I planned.” Alex groans once he’s closed the door to his room, throwing himself onto the comforter next to me, “I didn’t really want to be looking after anyone else all night.”

“Yeah, you wanted to get into my pants.” I smirk, “Joking, Lex.”

“Ah, everyone knows it’s true. I guess I’ll just have to be patient and wait for you to feel the same way.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is bit non-descript, a lot of dialogue and not much content.

Basically, things will probably get a little better for here, Poppy will start to let her guard down and Alex will up his game, yeah.

Is there anythingy you guys would like to see in this story? New characters, change in plot, specific events or w/e, just let me know :)