Destined to Explode

Chapter 23

After waking up ridiculously early for going to bed gone midnight and deciding that neither of us really felt like getting up, Alex had quickly popped into the kitchen, returning with a plate of toasty warm Poptarts, announcing that Rian had just pulled in as he clambered back under covers.
We were about fifteen minutes into the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie when Rian bursts into the room, grinning his hundred watt smile as he surveys the scene.

“Good morning, kids.” He continues to bounce on the balls on his feet, hands held behind his back as he just continues to look at us with his stupid smile, “Oh fuck it! Matt told me not to, but hey! You guys have been outed!”

“Outed?” I raise my eyebrows at the boy, “As in…”

“As in you’re a couple. That girl you met at the restaurant last night? Yeah, she did a whole essay on how you were adorable and nice and, well, I’m surprised you don’t already know. My twitter’s been blowing up so I dread to think what yours are like.”

My phone was still in the confines of my bag, which was hung with my coat in the front hall, and Alex’s was on the bedside table, but as far as I knew he hadn’t even looked in it’s direction since yesterday afternoon.

“Huh, well, it was going to happen anyway, we’re not exactly being discreet.” I feel Alex shrug his shoulders under my head, “At least it was good start.”

“What are the odds that my twitter replies will no longer be mainly about Glamour Kills, but you and the band?” I laugh shaking my head as I manage to heave myself up off my boyfriend’s chest to sit against the headboard, patting the bed in front of me so Rian can come sit down instead of hovering in the middle of the room.

“Well, let’s just say I’m not betting money against it.” Alex pulls himself up to join us, hand seeming to tangle with mine without a second thought, “What are your plans for today, Ri?”

“Pretty much nothing. Cass has gone to do press now so I’m all lonely.”

“Hang with us. It feels like ages since we had a decent day out, bro.” I grin at Rian, nudging knee with my hand.

It really did feel like a long time since I’d seen both him and Zack, despite the fact I was practically living with Alex and Rian now, Zack on the hand just never seemed to be around, I mean, sure he was probably at home but it was common knowledge that everyone was either here or at Jack’s place, so whether he was AWOL on purpose or not, I was clueless too.

“What are you two doing though? I don’t wanna be third wheel or anything.”

“We’re gonna’ go check out some of the old haunts, nothing coupley. Ring Zack, I’ll check if Jack is done being pathetic and crying over a sniffle and we’ll make a day of it. Just the old gang.”


“That’s ridiculous.” Jack shakes his head as we stand and stare at the wall I’d tagged back in high school, my mark still standing bright over the brick, only a few interruptions to my work by other artists, “How did you even get that high up, pip squeak?”

“Ladder.” I shrug, “John used to keep watch for me seeing as you dickheads were to busy to come protect me.”

“You were a sixteen year old girl obsessed with graffiti who had a loyal following of steroid abusers - you did not need protecting.” Alex laughs as he squeezes my hip, “You were to hardcore for even us.”

I scoff, “Please, loyal following? They just thought I was badass and that I’d sleep with them or something. The amount of times John tried it on with me.”

“You do realize that he told everyone he got with you right?” Jack laughs, Rian joining in almost immediately, both apparently completely comfortable with talking about my rumoured sex life before I was even legal.

“He wishes.” Alex scoffs, and I tap him on the chest as I look up at him, warning him silently not to tell the guys that he was my first, because that would piss Jack off further about our past, “Sorry.”

“Reckon they’ll have painted over the one down on 5th?” Zack speaks up, “The huge mural one?”

“The one you did my stencils for? I fucking hope not! It wasn’t even offensive or garish.” I cock my head to the side, “But wasn’t that on the side of some store? I’m pretty sure if it’s changed owners that they’ll have done something about it. Not everyone is as cool as Mrs R used to be.”

Mrs R had run an antiques shop down on 5th when we’d all been in High School and when she caught me spraying paint on the side of the building she earned her living off and lived in, she encouraged me to finish it, instead of turning me in for vandalism, even going as far as giving me a mug of Hot Chocolate one night I’d turned up to add to it.

“Shame. Driving past that and pointing out you’d done it used to be hilarious. June hated you for it.” Jack chortles shaking his head as I frown at him.

“She grounded me for it when you told her, idiot. I got locks on my windows for that!” I lean over and punch his arm, “Ruined my escape route for me.”

Alex’s too.


“When do you guys leave for press again? Tuesday?”

“Tuesday afternoon, yeah.” Rian confirms eyes still trained on the TV, “You coming with?”

I shake my head, “I promised Evan I’d travel out with him on Friday. Plus, couple more days at home would be nice, without you guys sidetracking me.” I flip Alex off as he starts to talk, shaking my head as I smirk, “Shut up before you say anything ridiculous, Lex.”

“Please tell me your not skipping going to Grandma Lolo’s on Sunday?” Jack enquires after re-entering room, finally back from the phone call he’d taken at least an hour ago.

“Why would I miss that?! All she does is ridicule you about all your choices. It makes my year.”

“You’re a horrible person.”

“Well, according to Lolo, you’re the horrible one. With your ridiculous haircut and foul language.” I creasing up as I remember the last visit Jack and I made to see our Gran and how she’d gone on for hours about all the mistakes he was making with his life, and why couldn’t he be more sensible like the rest of us?

“This isn’t funny! My own Gran thinks I’m a low life and yet she loves you. 'Mrs I’m going to swan off to Chicago for three years and work for a clothing label'.”

“Hey! At least I call her once in a while.”

“Jack never remembers to call his own Mom, so Granny has no choice.” Alex laughs, “On another topic, are you staying tonight or do I have to drive you home?”

“Does it matter? It‘s not even six yet.” I glance up, flipping onto my back so I can see Alex properly from where my head is in his lap, “I‘m pretty sure Rian would drive me home if you so despise the thought.”

“I only asked because I want a beer, babe. If you think you’ll wanna head home, I’ll wait”

“I’ll stay.” I grin, “One more night with you and then you’ll have to wait till tour.”

“So no more sleepovers?! Oh how will I ever live without you kicking me in the shins all night with your incessant tossing and turning?”

“I’ll kick you in the balls tonight if you don’t shut up.”

Alex mocks shock as I blink up at him innocently, “I’d argue back but the likelihood of you sharing my bunk is high and you stick to your word.”

“Good boy.”

There’s a moment of Alex sticking his tongue out before he leans down to connect our lips, just small presses of open mouths as his hand supports the back of my head, my own running over his cheek and into his hair, both of us ignoring the groans of protest from the boys in the room until we separate, content smiles on both our faces as we simultaneously tell them to ‘fuck off’ without breaking our gaze.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is so... bleh!

There's no real point to it, except to fill some time between more memorable points of the plot, so I'm sorry for that!

Next chapter should be Poppy and Jack going to see Grandma Lolo, and then it'll skip to something way better ;) If you get my drift...
Comments would be lovely!
Thank you all again for continuing to read!