Destined to Explode

Chapter 37

That’s how I feel.
At home, even though we’re speeding down a highway in a glorified sardine tin towards the city of sin after spending a week in the Golden State and we’d be travelling from there to the majority of the states we’d yet to visit with barely a days break.

It reminds me of being back in the van, everyone squished in together, except this is by choice, everyone gathered in the back lounge, Flyzik and Colussy spilling through into the bunks part but still joined in the activities.
I’m rivalling Jack, Grieco and Alex on the Wii, all of us shouting at the screen after we’d pre-gamed with a few shots of Vodka each and now we were trying to use the ridiculous wheels to drive our karts around on the TV.
Matt’s yelling about my driving skills and Alex has decided that no, the game is much more fun if you try to reverse your way round and see how frustrated the rest of us get when we crash into him trying to win. Apparently drink brought out the competitive side in all of us.

Alex slings are arm around my shoulders as the results flick up, handing his controller down to Evan as he cheers at his dead last placing, Jack flailing his arms about as he beats all of us in second place, and Grieco flinches away, having already been purposely hit on the head by cousin because he didn’t let him win.

I switch places with Flyzik and Ian takes Alex’s place but he makes Colussy move anyway so we can take up the aisle, Alex sitting up against the door frame while I settle between his legs but not leaning on him, instead stooping forward so I can watch the screen, not that that stops Alex from running his fingers over the skin exposed as my t-shirt stretches.

“Alex, stop feeling up my cousin while I’m in the room.” Jack doesn’t even move his eyes from the TV to direct his distaste at Alex but Alex’s only reaction is to slide us both back, I struggling to get away but failing as we tumble backwards and Alex hit’s the button that slides the door across with his foot, plunging us into near darkness.

“Happy now?” I laugh, Alex half squished under me as we just lay in the darkness, neither of us having moved.

“Exceptionally.” The tone of his voice was so sincere despite the alcohol in his system but before I get chance to question him, he’s speaking again, “I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time and I like to think that’s down too you.”

“Oh, the flattery.” I snort, “What’s got you feeling all sappy, Lex?”

“Oh, you know, Vodka.” He laughs, shifting us slowly until I’m flat on my back and he’s leaning over me on his elbow, “You going to nap with me while the boys set up?”

I shake my head gently, letting a hand stroke along his scratchy cheek, smiling as he leans into it, pressing a soft kiss to my palm, “We’ve got less time than usual to sort things so I should be as much help as I can, I promise I won’t over-do it.”

Alex sighs, “Just don’t, don’t do any heavy lifting? Or like, climbing?”

“I promise.”


Set up his hectic, three hours less time than normal, me having to take it slow, and Evan feeling ill, it was all disorganised and with help untrained, by the time it was the boys set everyone was frazzled and waiting for something to go wrong.
Luckily nothing major happens, sure Jack trips over a loose wire that someone didn’t tape down properly but he’s fine in the end and it makes for a good few jokes during the show.
I’ve apparently gained my own ’fans’ since the last show I worked on, as when I’m helping pack up, the boys chatting and signing themselves, at least a dozen people ask for a picture or for me to sign their new Glamour Kills purchase.
With the next two days off again - the last break before we hit Europe - the boys cut the drinking short for the night and decide that they’ll hit the casinos early tomorrow instead, so with a little of our luggage we traipse from the venue and to the close hotel.

There’s no obnoxious shouting or inappropriate comments thrown around, everyone shattered from the early start and late finish to the date, even Travis has his head down as we all shuffle along into the lobby, Matt going to collect the pre-booked keys for our rooms as we hover by the elevators, the hotel unsurprisingly busy, Las Vegas never did sleep and the rowdy, mostly drunk people spilling out from the casino’s on the ground floor were proving that.
We definitely stood out, most of us dressed in sweat pants and hoody’s, hunched over or lent on each other, some having iPods’ already plugged in while everyone else was in cocktails dresses and rumpled suits, celebrating wins as they travel on up to their own rooms or to try their luck somewhere else
Alex is leant on me, chin resting on top of my head, with arms looped around my chest as we wait, he silent as I talk quietly to Ian, Jack butting in with his own sleepy mumbles from his place sat on the floor, leaning against my legs slightly,

Matt returns, handing out key cards, reeling off room numbers and bed amounts as people start to group into the elevators, Alex and I squishing into the second lot, only having to go as far as the fifth floor before we can exit, our room was at the opposite end of the hall, but I was willing to walk a lot further for a comfortable bed.

I throw my bag down into a corner as we enter, not bothering with a light, the illuminations of the city lighting the room enough for me to find the bed, which I throw myself onto once I’m stripped off my shoes and jacket, “Goodnight.”

Alex chuckles from across the room, fatigue lacing his voice, “You should probably change into some PJs, Pops. You’ll regret it if not in the morning, trust me.”

“Too tired.” I mumble into the pillow and it’s immediately followed by a giggle as I feel tugging at the bottom of my sweatpants, swatting my hand in the air to try and get Alex to quit, “Give in you freak.”

“Not until you change, or I strip you, which ever comes first.”

“I’ll change.” I grumble, sliding back off the bed, shoving him with a force that sends him tumbling onto the floor and I step over him with a stifled laugh, searching through his bag for a spare shirt to sleep in.

“You deny me stripping you down, call me a freak, throw me to the floor and still think you can borrow a shirt?” He huffs, watching me from where he’d landed, not having moved an inch.

“Yep.” I pop the last syllable, quickly pulling off the shirt I’d been wearing all day, pants following it into the corner where I’d decided our dirty laundry could sit until we left again, “Get off the floor dork, before you fall asleep there.”

“I was just admiring the view.” He mumbles, eyes now closed as his posture relaxes even though he’s in an awkward looking position sprawled on the floor.

“Shame you’re not facing the window.” I snort, clambering back onto the high bed, “I’ll kick your skinny ass out of the room if you don’t get up here.”

“Yes ma’am.” He laughs, simply shrugging his shirt off and stepping out of his basketball shorts before he shuffles across and under the covers, “Night love.”

“Sweet dreams.”

There’s a few minutes of silence, in which Alex’s breathing deepens against the back of my neck and the grip he has on my hand loosens a little and I can feel my own eyes growing heavy, but the peaceful room is disturbed when a bang on the door adjoining ours to someone else’s is followed by Jack shouting.

“Poppy! Zack is trying to rape me!”

There’s a mumbled reply from the mentioned boy which includes the words ‘bench press’ and then Jack is running screeching into the room, having thrown the door open.

“I swear, he just started groping me!”

I blink at him as Alex just shakes his head and buries it further into my hair, “Why’d you have to be related to the idiot?”

I smirk at Alex’s whisper but keep my eyes trained on Jack who is now sat next to the bed, staring at the two open doors when Zack is leaning, laughing, “I was only trying to prove that I could bench press him.”

“I couldn’t give a single fuck, do what you like, you’ve got my permission as long as you close the door after yourselves and shut up.”

Jack pouts at me but I just point towards the other room and let my eyes close again, shooting a quiet thank you as I hear him leave with a huff, both doors shutting quietly as they both leave again.

Yeah, definitely content.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, this is a load of crap but I've been struggling with this for a while - which is just one of the reasons it's been some time since I updated.

Things have happened though - My laptop broke, my internet went down and now my Mum's ill in hospital so I've been there a lot and yeah :)

But everything's fine, no worries and Chapter 38 should hopefully be a lot better, more upbeat and include more dialogue and with you in a few days :)

Thank you again for the all the gorgeous comments <3