Destined to Explode

Chapter 39

There’s another loud cheer as the tiny white ball settles in the numbered slot, the roulette table slowly spinning to a stop as the dealer hands Alex more chips that he can cash in later, Alex greedily stacking them up in small piles as he eyes his next bet - looking at me for a number again after my three strong winning streak.

“Fourteen.” It’s spoken quickly and quietly, barely a whisper as he leans in closer, eying the other people stood around the table with a calculated stare - they had been leaning closer to our little, almost silent conversation to get a tip.

One guy earlier had offered me ten dollars to give him a number off the top of my head, but I’d refused - if I was Lady Luck tonight, then people I knew and loved were reaping the rewards, not some sleazy guy, probably only here to gamble away his money before his wife could divorce him and take it.

The dealer calls no more bets loudly as he drops the ball into the spinning circle, our little group who were supporting Alex holding their breaths as we watch the blur spin until it clinks into a dip and Alex is jumping up and down like a little child, arms tightening around me for a split second before he’s shuffling another ton of chips towards him.

“I think I quit while I’m ahead.” Alex states, looking around the gang and then to me, watching the majority of us nod, “Good.”

He skips off, pockets and hands full with the mostly green and red chips to go find a booth to get real cash in exchange and I trail after Travis to go find more alcohol to put into our systems, putting up no argument when Travis orders us both a glass of whatever red wine they had going from the bar, just grinning when it’s present and Trav hands over a couple of bills.

“Someone’s having a lucky streak tonight.” Travis smiles over the rim of his glass, nudging my arm with his elbow, “I say we go find a Blackjack table and bet away some of my money.”

“Let’s get going, boy-o.”

I finish the rest of my wine, sliding the glass back across the bar and stride after Travis as he searches out a table to sit at, gesturing me over to watch one hand, one poor guy losing $400 before he leaves with a few cuss words about his wife killing him, which makes me chuckle - people shouldn’t bet away money they didn’t have.

Travis exchanges $200 of his hard earned cash into chips, grabbing my hand and placing it on his shoulder, “Emit some of your luck now, Poppy. If I lose this, I’m eating cereal for the next three weeks.”

I squeeze his shoulder for a few seconds, before I let my arm fall back down to my side, eying Travis’ cards carefully once they’re dealt, wincing a little as he asks for another hit, only for a sigh to pass both our lips as his total only tops up to eighteen.

“You want another drink, babe?” Alex’s voice whispers into my ear, a hand slipping around my middle until it’s resting on the opposite hip, the arm constricting and pulling me closer to his own body, “I think you deserve one.”

I turn to look at him, enjoying the happy and care-free smile that’s now somewhat permanent on his face, telling Travis where I’m going without looking away, glad that Rian and Kurily decide to stay with the red head - he needed someone to tell him when to stop.

Alex leads me by the hand back to the bar, asking what I want before he orders, and arm being placed around my shoulders as he takes a seat on the stool next to mine, “Happy to be in the money, Lex?”

He chuckles, glancing over at me for a second before he accepts the drinks and passes the dollars over, “Having that little bit of extra cash in my pockets has definitely brought I smile to my face, no denying.” He laughs, “All thanks to you, of course.”

He leans over quickly, pressing his lips to mine before I can even register what he’s doing. Neither one of us are fans of public affection, in fact, we’d both ripped shreds out of Cass and Rian earlier in the night for a semi-public makeout they’d had in the elevator on their way down to the casino.

It’s when I feel his tongue brush against my bottom lip that I pull back slowly, smirking at the low moan that sounds in the back of his throat.

“Don’t get carried away now.”

“But it’s just so easy.” He whines, “Please?”

“Later.” I smile, jumping up from my bar stool, holding my hand out to him, “Come on, I think we should go find Jack.”

The last time I’d seen the boy he’d been glued to a slot machine, losing more money than he was getting back and blaming Vinny for it as he went. Not that Vinny had any control of Jack’s hand as it repeatedly pulled the lever.


He’s still in the same vicinity, skipping from one empty machine to another - annoying the people who probably came here everyday to satisfy their gambling problem and didn’t want a drunk guitar player disturbing the peace.
Only this time, his suit jacket is gone, the tie he’d had on is now wrapped around his head, his shirt is completely unbuttoned and I was sure his belt has been unbuckled too.
Vinny is still with him, thank god, and Dan from We The Kings, trailing around as my cousin does some form of leprechaun dance when the machine spit’s a small win his way - Vinny looking completely embarrassed as people start to stare while Dan has his fist stuck in his mouth trying to quieten his hilarity.

“You know-.” He stops to gulp down more laughter as Jack falls, “I thought Trav was bad drunk - but we have it easy.”

“Yeah, well Alex isn’t much better when he’s had a few either.” I bite my tongue with a playful grin as Alex complains and bumps his hip with mine, “Kidding.”

Alex was in fact, no more mature when he drank a lot (which apparently Jack had in-between throwing away his money) and when he was with Jack, it only accelerated the stupidity between them.

My train of thought is cut short as Travis comes screeching over, flailing his arms, the majority of the people on tour following him as he shouts about winning and black chips.

Rian translates for us as we stand puzzled, “He just won like, $700 from Blackjack and now he wants to hire a limo to take us too a different casino.”

“Can we?” Travis honestly looks like a small child asking to go to on the swings in the local park as he gazes over us all, the majority of us nodding the rest just looking nonchalant about it all, “Score!”

He zips off again, heading out of the casino instead of back into the madness and we all wait a few seconds before following.

“I have a feeling this is going to end up like The Hangover.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Heeey, look how fast I got this one written and posted ;)
Next chapter isn't written yet... but the one after is?

I get ahead of myself sometimes!

All of you mentioning shows you've been to and are going to.. D: I am jealous! I saw them in March but I don't know when I'll see them next :( Y'all just have fun! And get some stories to tell me ;) I'll use them!

I'm pretty busy for the next 2 weeks, but I'll try to update before I go away to Leeds Fest so keep an eye out!

P.S. for reference - Red chips are $5, Green are $25 and Black = $100 as far as I know.. Correct me if I'm wrong though!