Destined to Explode

Chapter 40

Thankfully, by the end of the night, everyone is safe and well. No one steals a tiger, no one marries a stripper and no one falls asleep on the roof and ends up seriously sun burnt.
 The only casualties seem to be a few rough hangovers and a lamp in Zack and Jack’s room that had been accidentally knocked off in someone’s sleep, seeing as the two conjoining rooms had been where most people crashed once the limo brought us back across town.

I wake relatively early, organizing in whispers going for a morning jog with Zack to rid myself of the small headache I had, Travis joining us sluggishly when I'd tripped over him trying to leave - all he wanted was to get out of the room filled with shores that sounded like pneumatic drills in his sensitive state.

The hotel had some nice grounds so we lapped around the pool a few times, soaking in the morning sun as we did - talking about what we remembered about last nights events and what ridiculous questions we’d been asked over Twitter about the embarrassing pictures that had been uploaded in some peoples drunken states.

Travis for once, is ashamed in his actions, telling us both to shut up continuously as we mention when he threw up on a poor waitresses feet as she’d brought him yet another drink, Dutch Courage as he’d called it, so he could ask for her number. Not that, that ever happened once he'd had a few too many shots.

“Seriously.” Travis whines, Zack and I still laughing about it even though we're in the elevator now, he leaning against the mirrored walls to soothe the headache he still had, “It’s not that funny!”

“But it really was!” Zack guffaws, “You were all confident about asking her for her number one minute and then you were suddenly bent over in your chair, throwing your guts up.”

“I know what happened! It’s going to haunt me forever.”

Travis is still pouting as we get back to the room, the majority of people still asleep, although there is someone in the shower, but it’s hard to work out who is missing from the mess of people all over the floor. Alex is still sprawled on the bed with Jack at his feet, both still clearly snoring even though Lipshaw has moved to lay across them both, obviously having given up when he’d tried to climb into the space I’d occupied earlier.

“Today is clearly going to be a productive day.” I smirk at Zack, surveying the room, “What time is bus call again?”

“Matt said four thirty? But then again…” He drags off, looking towards the person buried beneath a pile of towels near the bathroom door, who up until now, I’d wondered the identity of.

“Do we wake them up?”

“If we want to get killed, yes. I say we wait until last minute to force people awake.”



We’re all half an hour late back to the buses that have been parked at the venue for the past day. A few more people had woken up before the time Zack and I had set aside, but the rest had slumbered on and then had to be rushed to get up, back to their rooms, showered and out of the rooms by the check out time, which some had run over, only adding to the bill we’d racked up with the damaged lamp and missing stuff from the mini-bars.
Two weeks away from the tour and my bunk - which I did occasionally use to nap in if Alex was still asleep when I got back from setting up - was now overflowing with dirty laundry.

“So, uh, when are we doing laundry?” I eye the bunk, crinkling my nose at some of the articles that are poking out even though the curtain is pulled, “There’s something moving in there, I swear.”

“Yeah…” Colussy moves into the bunk room behind me, rubbing at the back of his neck, “I was meant to do that yesterday.”


I take a quick picture, upload it to Twitter and caption it with barely a thought before I slip into Alex’s bunk for a quick nap, the majority of the other guys having resorted to sleeping again after we’d set off, only a few awake and talking in the front lounge.

Ten minutes is all it takes for Alex to tiptoe in to the bunk room, quietly pulling me into the empty back lounge and telling me to check my Twitter.

“Oh.” It’s all I can say as I scroll through the replies that had been madly coming in since the picture had hit the internet, “So everyone’s assuming I’m the band whore because my bunk is filled with clothes and inhabitable?”

“Apparently.” He chuckles, flicking the TV on, “You gonna reply?”

“I don’t know how? How do you tell a couple hundred girls that no, you are not sleeping with the whole band and crew without looking like you’re flipping out?”

“Are you not flipping out?”

I shrug, “Not really. People send me this kind of thing everyday, it’s nothing new. I just don’t want them to think it’s affecting me when it’s not.”

“Give.” He holds his hand out for my phone, which I hand over with no complaint, watching him tap away at the onscreen keys for a few seconds before he hands it back.

Sleeping with all of them. Best sex I’ve ever had ;)

I scoff at the new tweet he’d written on my behalf. It’s clearly sarcastic and some people will appreciate the joke, but then again, no matter what my reaction was to all this new drama, some of their fans were going to take it the wrong way and just keep going on.

“So, does being your girlfriend get easier with time, or?”

“Not really.” He laughs, throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side a little tighter, “There’s always going to be those who hate you just because you have me, but then there’s the good side, where people adore you because you‘re with me!”

“But why? I don’t think I want that adoration unless I earn it.” I roll my eyes, “It’s not exactly fair, is it?”

“Well, no, it’s not but they are some what irrational sometimes. I love them all to bits but they do get a little crazy when one of us is suddenly off the market with someone they don‘t have complete access too.”

“Is that why Lisa was unpopular?”

It’s still a bit of a touchy subject, his ex, but in conversations like this where she will have talked to him about it too, I feel like I need to see how she coped.

“Well, that was part of it, but she didn’t deal with this kind of thing in a great way. She’d lash out, get personal and yeah, it didn’t go down well.”

“I’ll try to remember that then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, seeing as she's popping up more and more, here's a disclaimer on Lisa..
I don't know her, so I can't say whether I like her or not, but from what I've seen, I think she needs to be a bit more passive sometimes - people say shit to get a rise out of her!

I know for certain I couldn't cope with being a band dude's girlfriend, because things get said and I'd probably end up in tears or angry :P

In other news! I'm considering writing the prequel for this - just so you guys have some more background on Poppy and her relationship with the boys. It'd be set in High School but I'd post on there while writing for this too, so you don't have to worry about it taking away from Destined ;)
What do you think?

Also! The next chapter is already written ;) That will most likely be up Monday, so I have Tuesday free to pack my stuff and then it'll be a week, maybe more before you get another... Sorry!
