Chronology of Me

Lost; Comatose

Today I was forced to let go of something I've been clutching to since I was only 12 years old... and words cannot describe the overwhelming extent of the emptiness which is now stowed within my chest. But at the same time, my lungs are full of thick, syrupy liquid emotions which I can hardly find a small shallow breath through.

Is it a new start? Hardly... now I'm just a disoriented fool who’s found himself awakening on the side alley of tar-caked town. A pathetic little dolt whose lungs are full of liquid and whose brain is full of half acid-eaten memories which are struggling to completely dissolve themselves from my memory.

Where am I going? Who am I? What's my purpose?
I no longer know... but I'll soon be climbing to stand on knobby, drunken knees so that I can find out.

I know not who I am.

Where do I go from here?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but this is my journal... I don't always feel like going on a ten page spill... though at the moment my brain is full of so many uninterrupted emotions which are dying to be translated...

But I need a break for the night, I need to go drown in paralytic sleep and lose myself... comatose is the state that my brain needs to be in for the remainder of the night, and maybe for a while.

During the middle of writing this and the middle of being consumed by this news I was messaged by a friend, all that was said was a single one worded message which was followed by nothing and proceeded nothing, yet it seemed like such a horribly perfect timing... "Lost." That is all that was said, but it seemed so powerful and perfectly out of place at the time...

Time for bitter sleep.

= Shaun