All We Will Never Know


In a place like Everwood, absolutely anything is possible. The houses are large, the people are thin, and each car is newer than the last one on the block. Clothes are high fashion, shoes are high-heeled, and the least expected teenagers are getting high. Friends are enemies, enemies are friends, and the people you never speak to are the first to know what’s going on. Neighbors are the competition, everyone striving to be the best. The best lawn, the best pool, the best children. And that’s where the real drama begins. The children are raised to be replicas of their perfect parents, born with silver spoons in those drooling mouths. Yet the majority of the time, these children grow up to be exactly what their parents never would have imagined. The girls date the bad boys even though they are always told to stay away, the boys go after any girl they can even after witnessing their own parents’ relationships fall apart from affair. The daughter of the mayor may be seen on a pole, while the son of a wealthy businessman may end up in jail for murder. Some children strive to raise families in the beautiful neighborhood they grew up in, while others strive to move far away from the place that ruined their lives. But one thing remains the same: all of the children are perfect in at least one person’s eyes. Or are they?

For Will Armstrong, that was almost never the case. He is currently signing papers at Hollywell Penitentiary, only a short seventy-five miles from Everwood, the place where everything began. He is gathering the belongings that he came in with two years ago, gathering what dignity the poor boy has left. He is excited, yet afraid. Because he knows that the minute he arrives back home to his perfect little neighborhood, everyone is going to be prepared to tell him exactly what they think. They are going to yell, protest, accuse him of being the murderer that he may or may not be. He is exiting the jail in which he had been held for twenty-four long months with his mother by his side, only minutes away from climbing into a shiny Range Rover and heading back to Everwood. He is clutching onto his mother’s hand, knowing she is all he has left, knowing she is the only way he is going to make it out of this mess. He is William James Armstrong, a beautiful twenty year old man with a lifetime of bad decisions on his record, most importantly the fact that he was accused of killing his sister only ten months after being put on probation for sexually assaulting his ex-girlfriend. He is the son of Melissa Patterson and the MIA John Armstrong, brother of the late Isabella Armstrong, and he is the epiphany of the unpredicted disasters of children that Everwood has been known to withhold.

He has spent two endless years in a jail cell, serving time for a crime far less severe than the real crime: the one he may or may not have committed. Luckily, the judge had been on his side during the trial for his sister’s murder, and while Will had been questioned, he was never on the stand. It was the events that occurred on the opposite side of the property of Isabella Armstrong’s murder that put Will in jail, not the murder itself. Yet the community of Everwood is still convinced that he is a monster, so he shall be treated as such.

All Will wants is to return home to his peaceful neighborhood, to reconnect with old friends and reunite with family, to continue his life as if his mistakes never occurred. Despite his wishes, Will expects to be ignored, to receive hateful stares from people who still believe he is responsible for drowning his sister, to never be able to go out in public without experiencing at least one criticizing look or comment. What he does not expect is what is coming. In fact, no one expects it. Or do they?

Is someone responsible for the events to follow, is someone behind the mess that Will Armstrong will soon walk into? If so, we may never know. But one thing is for certain: In seventy-five miles, approximately seventy-two minutes, he will be back.

And all Hell is about to break loose.