‹ Prequel: Hello Daddy
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Forgotten Faces

Thank You

Pandora’s pov
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

“What the hell?” I muttered when I saw I was on clouds and everything was white and gold.

A deep chuckle came from behind me, causing me to turn around.

“Didn’t think you’d make it, huh?” The man asked.

“Make it where? Where am I?” I looked around.

He smiled, “You’re in heaven, Dora.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “What? How?”

“Your time was up.” He sent me a sad smile.

I wanted to cry but I couldn’t, I wouldn’t.

“How long have I been dead?” I questioned in a quiet voice.

He sighed and looked down at the watch on his wrist, “About an hour.”

“Oh.” I mumbled thinking about my dad, the guys, and Jimmy most of all.

The man looked up at me and spoke, “If you could go back, would you neglect your life again?”

“No.” I answered truthfully.

“Come closer.” He motioned for me to step in front of him.

I stepped in front of him but before I could say anything he smiled and pushed his hands against my shoulders, shoving me backwards.


I opened my eyes to find that there was a sheet over me. I could hear voices not to far away from me. I felt 100% fine so I shoved the sheet off of me and sat up to see I was alone in the hospital room. I’m alive?

Quickly I got out of the bed and walked out into the hallway where I saw the doctor talking to my dad and the guys (plus Val). Jimmy’s eyes were focused on the floor with reddish eyes just like the others from crying.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor said.

Jimmy looked up at the door where I was standing, “Dora?”

His eyes filled with joy.

Everyone looked up and I smiled softly, “Hi.”

The doctor looked shocked to see me. Everyone bolted over and embraced me in the best group hug of my life. There were tears of joy and so many people talking to me at once. Right as I was about to say something I was pulled into a kiss by Jimmy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. When we pulled apart everyone looked shocked but happy, even my dad.

“So this is the girl you were talking about.” Val laughed.

I smiled and looked over at my dad expecting him to say that this wasn’t okay but he just smiled and spoke, “Your old enough to make your own decisions, I know he’ll take care of you. Just remember that we all love you.”

I hugged him tightly and smiled, “Thank you.”

Then looked up towards the ceiling and whispered, “Thank you.”