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Jackson's Gone

Pandora’s pov
I wandered around the house for awhile waiting for Jackson. He was supposed to be back half an hour ago and I was starting to get worried. “Okay if he doesn’t come through that door in five minutes I’m going after him.” I mumbled to myself.

Five minutes passed and he wasn’t back yet, so I grabbed my jacket and raced out the front door. I wandered on the beach for awhile trying to spot him but the beach was empty. I searched around town for him, but still couldn’t find him. “Excuse me have you seen a guy with snakebites, greenish blue eyes, brown hair, and he’s about this tall?” I asked a few people that were standing in a group.

One of them nodded, “Yeah he walked in there about an hour ago.” He pointed to an apartment building.

“Thanks.” I nodded before running into the building and asking the man at the front desk.

“Um Jackson Adams?” He asked looking at the visitors list.

I nodded.

The man sighed, “He came in here for a while, then left on the city bus but he left this for Pandora Sanders.”

“I’m her.” I showed him my I.D.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” The man handed me the note then walked away.

What did he mean loss? Was Jackson dead? What was happening?
♠ ♠ ♠
filler* cliffhanger*

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